The Immortal Player

Chapter 232: The Price of an Aron Burner!

Chapter 232: The Price of an Aron Burner!

"Huh??? A Dragon? What are saying lowly wyvern?!" Faunia asked with a frown on her face. She resembled a little brat who has a tantrum.

On the other hand, Ragas could only force out a smile and step back in astonishment. Unlike Pedrowho was kind and understanding when they first met, Faunia was arrogant and a tad bit hot-headed, which was the typical characteristic of someone from the Dragon-kin.

Thus, out of fear, Ragas immediately bowed down towards Faunia and said, "F-Forgive this lowly wyvern, oh great ancestor! I was disrespectful at your presence due to shock I hope that you could spare this lowly wyvern's life!"

Faunia simply sighed in response as she grabbed Pedro by his head and took him from Ragas. Then, she raised Pedrojust enough to keep him in a standing position despite being unconscious.

In a blink of an eye, Faunia releases his grip from Pedro's headconsequently making Pedro fall towards her, as she follows up with a punch aimed towards Pedro's stomach.

"Wake up, weak ass human!" She grumbled.

Faunia's punch landed on Pedro's stomach that was strong enough to make the wind blew past everyone else. Consequently, Pedro coughed out blood as he somehow got back to his senses. Ragas and Clara could not help but be worried towards Pedro. That said, they did not dare to even move a muscle out of fear towards Faunia.

As for Duke Ersi and the Kingdom Soldiers, if Clara and Ragas would not dare act against Faunia, they would not even dare go against the little girl by themselves since Clara and Ragas were several leagues above them in terms of strength. They could only watch from behind and see what happens to Pedro.

At this moment, Pedro was coughing frantically, resembling someone who got rescued after almost drowning in the water. On the other hand, Faunia glared towards Ragas and asked, "What matters do you have with this weak ass human?"

"I I am" Ragas stuttered out of fear in response. However, before he could finish his words, Pedro interjected by raising his handsseemingly wanting to tell Faunia to stop.

"He's He's with us!" Pedro said whilst coughing out several times.

Ragas simply nodded in response that consequently made Faunia talk with Pedro through their minds.

'What is this wyvern saying? A servant? Since when were you able to tame a wyvern, human?' Faunia asked casually deep inside.

Pedro simply forced out a smile in response and said, 'I did not tame him He seemed to have noticed the presence of a Dragon's Blood inside my body. So, he decided to follow me after meeting him in the Kingdom's Auction Den. Rest assured, they are not here to hurt me!'

'If that's the case' Faunia sighed out of relief. But in the next second, her face wore a frown once again as she stared towards Pedro while saying deep inside, 'What are you doing, acting like you are still injured? You only got shocked by the sudden transfer of whatever Senior D gave to you! Other than losing your consciousness, there's nothing else that needed to be concerned about! So... Hurry up and get us out of this situation! I don't like getting stared at! Else You want me to take care of these pests'

Pedro could only scratch the back of his head and said deep inside, 'Fine! Fine! I know what to do! Just sit back and relax! You're still in recovery after all! It would be a lot more troublesome if Senior Fate and Senior Death return just because of you!'

Faunia could only smile in response and said telepathically, 'Don't say that, human! It would be a disaster if that happens!'

Pedro could not help but to force out a smile and simply agree to what Faunia said. At this moment, Pedro was able to stand casually as if nothing had happened. Then, he used his left arm to wipe the blood on his mouth and said, "Anyway I am alright! It just happened that I got an extreme headache for some reason! Fortunately, I only some punch to wake me up So, you guys don't need to worry about me!"

Then, Pedro glanced at Faunia and said, "This little girl is Faunia! She is like our fleet's little sister! Unfortunately, she got injured after fighting some incredibly strong monsters! Thus, the two men earlierwhich were our seniors, took action by themselves and helped in the recovery of Faunia. They must have a special task That's probably why they needed to drop Faunia to me as soon as possible!"

Faunia simply nodded in agreement as Pedro glanced towards Duke Ersi and said, "That said I hope that you can simply ignore what had just happened, and I would like to proceed to discuss something with youDuke Ersi, regarding the weapon that I was able to make!"

At this moment, Duke Ersi was still trying to process everything that happened. But because of Pedro mentioning his name, he could only shake his head to calm himself and said, "O-Of course! It would be a great help to the Kingdom if we can use such weapon!"

"Then, I would be troubling youDuke Ersi, to spare a bit more of your time! Please lead the way to a room, where we can talk privately!" Pedro said as another wave of monsters started to charge towards them after Old D and Fate left.

"O-Of course, Sir Aron!" Duke Ersi forced out a smile in response as his attention was unconsciously averted towards the Kingdom Soldierswho just seemingly woke up and were just a hundred meters away from the new wave of monsters.

On the other hand, Pedro understood Duke Ersi as if he had read his mind. So, Pedro simply clapped his hands and said, "Aron says Stay hot!"

In the next second, the 'Aron Burner' activated and the monsters who enter its range get burned into ashes. With nothing to hold Duke Ersi back from leaving that area, Pedro can't help but to smirk and say, "Shall we go now?"

Duke Ersi could only nod in response as he and two more Kingdom Soldiers with him lead the way to a nearby building that was being used by the military as a command center for the northern gate's troops. Together with Fauniawho was seating beside Pedro and was 'happily' eating food, Clarawho stood on Pedro's right, and Ragaswho stood on Pedro's left, Pedro had a conversation with Duke Ersi about the 'Aron Burner'.

Of course Their meeting went as planned by Pedro. Duke Ersi stated his desire to obtain a few more of the 'Aron Burner'. However, Pedro did not agree immediately to Duke Ersi after receiving some offers worth hundreds of gold coins.

It was not because Pedro wanted to gain more gold coins and he simply changes his mind to put the 'Aron Burner' into the auction, but It was because he wanted to use this chance to take advantage of Duke Ersi's connections and obtain as many magic crystals as he can. Whether it would come from the Tarala Kingdom or other strongholds, Pedro could not care less.

And considering the good relationship Pedro was able to build with Duke Ersi and Duke Albert, he simply settled with 200 Gold coins paired with 20 Magic Crystalswhich would cost around 2 Gold Coins each, as payment for a single 'Aron Burner'.

With the additional request from Pedro to Duke Ersiregarding the patent of his creation, Duke Ersi had personally agreed to Pedro's conditions and placed three additional orders of 'Aron Burner' other than the one currently operating near them.

Unfortunately, Duke Ersi would need to leave and go back to the main command center of the Kingdom's Military to prepare the Payment that Pedro required. That said, out of goodwill, Pedro kept the first 'Aron Burner' active. This way, Pedro would look, not only like a weapon trader, but also a good man who's simply trying to help another human and was just charging only necessary expenses needed to be able to craft the said life-saving weapon.

Of course, Duke Ersi immediately left after their deal was settled. So that he could prepare the payment that Pedro required and, at the same time, took care of Pedro's requests/conditions, including the patent or 'the right to manufacture' of the 'Aron Burner' magic weapon.

On the other hand, Pedro and the rest were left at the Northern Command Center of the Tarala Kingdom Military Department as Faunia satisfies her hunger. After all It's been days since she was able to eat food. In fact, even Pedro needed to borrow the kitchen to avoid cleaning the food storage of that Command Center.

After all, there was a shortage of food in the Kingdom due to the monster wave. And the food stored within that command center was allocated and designed to feed the Soldiers who were risking their lives to protect the Kingdom from monsters.

Out of respect to those soldiers, and not wanting to cause trouble to Duke Ersi, Pedro used his resources and simply cooked Faunia some food out of the Flocoloso Bird.

At this moment, Pedro could not help but smile as he glanced towards the 'satisfied' Faunia after cooking food for her non-stop. He murmured to himself, "I even needed to take over and cook her food! Well That is alright! What's important is that she's alive!"

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