The Immortal Player

Chapter 231: Faunia's Return!

Chapter 231: Faunia's Return!

"Hahahaha! Junior Beast, Relax! You just recovered from your injuries! Hahahaha! You don't want to go back and recover with Old D, right? Hahahaha! It's spooky in his domain after all! Hahahaha!" Fate said happily.

"You!" Faunia bit his lips to stop herself from attacking or saying anything bad against Fate. After all, she was still recovering from the injuries she obtained after fighting Demon Pocras. That said, even if she is in her top shape, she won't still be able to win against Fate for several reasons. Well Fate won't even consider helping her recover if he was against her.

Fate simply laughed at Faunia in response. Fortunately, at this moment, Pedro was able to calm himself down and he was even able to take out his Faithpursuer Katana. Then, he glanced to Fate and said, "Uhm L-Lords? C-Can I ask what you want in return for Faunia's recovery? I-I mean You did not help her recover for nothing, right?"

"Hahahaha! Young D! You are so funny! Hahahahaha! Just call me, Senior Fate! Hahahaha! You don't need to call me Lord! I am not part of the worship addict cult after all! Hahahaha!" Fate said with a mocking tone. "Haha And also We are not as kind as you think, young D. So, don't think that we helped Junior Beast out of goodwill"

Before Fate could continue speaking, Faunia interrupted and said, "Don't forget that we are selfish beings, human!"

"Hahahaha!" Fate simply burst into laughter once again. Then, after a few seconds, he calmed down with his face wearing a slight smirk, whilst his all-yellow eyes became filled with a murderous aura and said, "Junior Beast is right! Haha But that does not mean that we are here to bring you any harm. That's what matters, right? Haha."

Pedro could not help but force out a smile in response. He did not dare utter another word and had decided to simply respond to Fate and Old D if he was asked personally. Pedro knew how powerful the three entities in front of him. So, he can't afford to offend them no matter what happens.

Fortunately, Old D broke the tense atmosphere with a deep sigh. Then, the old man caught a glance of the Kingdom Soldiers and Duke Ersiwho seemed like they had headaches, and said, "It's amazing to know that there are humans whose wills are strong enough to resist Varxatos' Authority!"

Afterward, Old D glanced at Clara and Ragas, and said, "There's even a human that shares the same blood with the Aleria Swordmaster It seems like you won't need much help from me yet! Since we don't have much time to talk"

Old lifted his cane and tapped it to the brick floor of the walls before he could even finish what he wanted to say. In an instant, everyone else who was able to remain awake from Pedro's Emperor's Will had suddenly dropped into the ground, unconscious.

On the other hand, Pedro could only stumble as he felt a strong force that opposed the Emperor's Will. He could not help but grit his teeth just to be able to stand on his two feet. At this moment, even Fate and Faunia kept silent.

Fortunately, before the atmosphere became tenser, Old D spoke, saying, "You don't need to worry, young human! I am not bringing them with me to my domain Anyway Since everyone else is fast asleep, I can now tell you a few important things before we leave. First and foremost, you need to know that Young Beast has not yet fully recuperated! So, I suggest that you stay low for a few months until she fully recovers her strength. It's not that I can see a definite future like Young Fate, but It would not hurt to be a tad bit cautious Now As for youbeing my successor, there's a bit of an issue right now! Your eyes are previously owned by Varxatosmaking you inherit his power before you could inherit the power of the God of Death! But worry not That does not mean that you are not eligible to become my successor anymore. You'll know more about it in the future. What's important is that you continuously increase your strength. And if that time comes We'll probably see each other again!"

Pedro did not dare to utter another word in response. Although he was able to barely resist the pressure that Old D was exerting on their surroundings, Pedro did not dare to respond because he did not want to take any risk that may cause his character to die at that moment. He already progressed so far and had achieved so many things just to die because of unnecessary reckless actions.

Of course, Old D and Fate knew that Pedro would not dare speak carelessly this time, like how he did earlier. That said, Fate did not care much about such trivial things. He simply laughed and said, "Don't be so stiff, Young D! At the very least, we are on your side. So, you don't need to be afraid of us! Hahaha! Anyway Before I forgot You have some kind of divine-like power giving paper with you, right?"

Pedro's eyes widened slightly out of astonishment and thought, 'How did he know about the elemental inheritance pages that I obtained from the Japanese Players?'

'He is the God of Fate, human!' Faunia scolded telepathically. 'Did you forget about that? It's only natural that he knows a thing or two about you! Anyway I suggest that you simply be honest with him. He's working with Senior Death, so it won't bring you any harm if you follow what he says.'

Pedro could only sigh deep inside and said to Faunia telepathically, 'I know! I know! You don't need to tell me!'

In the next second, Pedro simply nodded and said, "Yes, Senior Fate. I have several of such paper with me!"

Fate laughed in response and said, "Can I see them? Hahaha"

"All of them?" Pedro asked whilst forcing out a smile.

Fate simply nodded in response and said, "Yes, all of them! Hahahaha! Don't tell me that you want to use them for yourself? Greediness is a sin, Young D! Hahahaha!"

Pedro could only steal a glance towards Faunia before he hopelessly handed over the 'fake elemental inheritance' that he obtained from the Japanese Players. And when Fate received the 'fake elemental inheritances', Old D and Faunia could not help but frown as their gazes were fixated on the mysterious papers.

But before they could utter a word, Fate laughed once again and said, "I was right! Hahahaha! These Demons Hahahaha! They are trying to use humans as weapons, huh? Are they that desperate to start another war? Hahahaha!"

At this moment, Fate had infused a bright golden aura to the 'fake elemental inheritances' in his handsconsequently revealing runic formations into the air that was written in blood-red color. Pedro could not help but be at loss in response. He did not have any idea what were the runic formations displayed in front of them.

Fortunately, Fate laughed and said, "Haha, such ruthless conditions! To make humans kill other beings in exchange for power These Demons are as creative as they are! Hahahaha! Well Let's change the conditions for you, Young D!"

Fate moved his fingersremoving and replacing some characters in the runic formation effortlessly, while saying, "In exchange for the power that is granted by this blessing humans should protect other beings except Demons and their underlings! Hahahahaha!"

Then, Fate grinned and said, "That's better! Hahahahaha! Those annoying Demons would shit on their pants if they learn that I messed up with their toys Hahahahaha!"

At this moment, Old D and Faunia could only shake their head in response and sigh. Afterward, Old D asked Fate, "Are you done, Young Fate?"

Fate returned the 'fake elemental inheritances' to Pedro and simply said, "Yeah! Yeah! Hahaha! I am done! Hahaha! I have nothing else to talk with Young D! Haha But Old D Don't you have something to give Young D before we leave? Hahaha."

Old D could only shake his head in response and said, "Why do you need to spoil everything all the time?!"

Fate burst into laughter in response. On the other hand, Old D tapped his cane once moreconsequently redirecting all the pressure that he released to Pedro.

"Aaaaaarg!" Pedro cried as his whole body seemed like it was about to burst.

And while he was in pain, a notification popped out of his player interface as Old D and Fate walks back to the gooey portal. Old D simply nodded towards Faunia as if he was saying that he was leaving Pedro into her hands. While Fate simply smiled and waved his hands towards them.

"Hahahaha! Have fun in your adventure, Young D! I hope to hear the story of your journey one day! Hahahaha! That's if We'd see each other once again! Hahahahaha!" Fate said as the gooey black liquid disappeared.

At this moment, Clara, Ragas, and everyone else regained their consciousness as Pedro passed out due to extreme pain.

"W-What happened? Young Master!" Ragas was confused about what just happened. But before he could even rub his eyeslike how one does as he wakes up from a good night's sleep, he saw Pedro unconscious and seemingly went into an intense pain before passing out. So, he can't help but rush towards him and glare towards Faunia.

However, after almost a minute, Ragas had somehow recognized Faunia's true identity. He can't help but stare towards Fauniaout of fear, and said, "Y-You're also a Dragon!"

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