The Immortal Player

Chapter 193: Infiltration... Success!

Chapter 193: Infiltration... Success!

Soon, the bright light covering their vision dissipated, revealing a huge spacious hall with a huge circular runic formation that spans twenty meters in diameter and has ten pillars around it with Magic Crystals on top. The runic formation emits a bluish lightsimilar to the runic formation in one of the rooms in Karakoa.

The hall was closed with concrete, where it's ceiling is curvedresembling the insides of a Cathedral but with equally wide sides. At the same time, the pillars and walls that reinforced the whole building had an intricate design carved on them.

Everyone can't help but gasp in amazement. They were mesmerized by the simple but elegant design of the Tarala Kingdom's teleportation platform. Add up the bluish light emitted by the Magic Crystals and Runic Formation, it was truly a sight to behold.

However, before they could even take as many 'vision shots' as they can, two guards approached themfully equipped with armor, a shield, and a sword made out of steel. Then, they unsheathed their swordsprepared to attack everyone any second, and said, "This is the domain of King Sakazar Tarala! Identify yourselves, else, face the power of the mighty Tarala Kingdom!"

In reaction, Everyone's hands landed on the top of the handles of their swords, and they were ready to draw them any second. Fortunately, at this moment, Pedro raised his left handcommanding everyone else to relax and to stand down. Then, he took out the badge that Meerak Axutar gave him beforehand and raised it with his right hand for the two fully armored guards from the Tarala Kingdom to see.

"We mean no harm brave soldiers!" Pedro said, "I am Aron Death, the Captain of the Karakoa Fleet from the Bearth Human Organization. I personally come to this Kingdom to request an audience to your King! I have some important matters to discuss with him as soon as possible!"

"Bearth Human Organization?" One of the two guards uttered in confusion. Then, he glanced to the other guard, and asked, "Then, why do you have a village chief's badge? And from what village is that badge from?"

Pedro can't help but scratch the back of his head. Then, he forced out a smile and said, "The village chief of Axutar Village is a good friend of mine. So, he gave me his badge after learning that I am heading towards this Kingdom."

"Axutar Village" One of the guards pondered for a few seconds before glancing towards Pedro, saying, "The village on the other side of Baliu Mountain?"

Pedro simply nodded in response. However, the two guards were still not a hundred percent convinced that Pedro was from Bearth Human Organization. Thus, the two guards nodded to each other in response.

One of them went back to the hallway that led to the entrance of the teleportation hall. While one of them remained on guardhindering everyone from going out of the said teleportation hall.

The guard gripped his sword tightly with his perception activated at its maximum limit. This way, he would be able to hold of everyone and stop them from going out of the teleportation hall.

"Forgive me, young sir! But there are rules we need to follow regarding this matter. My brother called our Head to verify your claims. I hope that all of you could wait peacefully until they return." One of the guards of the teleportation hall explained to everyone.

"Okay." Pedro simply nodded with a smirked towards the remaining guard. Then, after a few seconds, his demeanor changed into a calm and cold, and said, "I'll be considerate. I would give you a chance. But If they did not arrive before night falls, then I could only head to the Royal Palace by force."

The guard could not help but force out a smile in response. He knew that he might be stronger than Pedro and everyone else if he was to fight them one by one. However, it would become a different issue if he would go against everyone else at the same time.

Fortunately, before anyone could say another word, two men were running from the entrance of the teleportation hall. Their metal armors made a clashing sound that echoed throughout the enclosed space. At the same time, someone was grumblingseemingly scolding someone, that echoed in that place.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" The voice of a man scolded. "If the King knew about this incident, we would all be punished! Do you understand?!"

"Ehh? Sire Klader, what if those people were just fakes?"

"What the fuck are you saying? Do you badly want to face our ancestors already?! Remember this Sorzon, no personnot even the most cunning humans, would dare claim that they are from the Bearth Human Organization if they were not really part of it! That organization is built with the strongest humans all over the world. And if they wanted to or if they deemed needed to be done, a single fleet from them would be enough to graze our Kingdom to the ground. That is the reason why no one dares to go against them. So We must welcome them as best as we can, and not provoke them at any cost!"

At this moment, two figures of men appeared from the hallway. One of them was the same guard that approached Pedro earlier, while the other man wore no helmexposing his handsome European looking face and his short black hair.

The guardwho was left to keep Pedro and everyone else in the teleportation hall, can't help but force out a smile deep inside his helm as he switched his focus from Pedro to the two other guards approaching them.

Soon, the two men, Klader and Sorzon, arrived at the teleportation hall. However, Klader could not help but glare towards the guard that was left to stop Pedro and everyone else. Teleportation Hall Guard Klader could not help but slap the back of the helm of that guard and said, "What's with the sword, Larent? Do you have a death wish? Sheathe it before the King order's your execution?"

Teleportation Hall Guard Larent was stupefied at first. Fortunately, Teleportation Hall Guard Klader's glare was enough to make him sheathe his sword back to the scabbard on his waist. At this moment, Pedro could not help but force out a smile upon hearing the word 'King'.

'It seems like they still don't know that the King is already dead!' Pedro thought deep inside.

On the other hand, Teleportation Hall Guard Klader felt at ease upon seeing Pedro smile. This meant that Pedro is, at the least, not angry about the actions of his subordinates. That said, he did not dare act as if nothing had happened in front of someone who is from BHO.

"Respected Sirs, please forgive my subordinates for such an unfitting welcome!" He said as he bowed towards Pedro and everyone else. In turn, Teleportation Hall Guards Larent and Sorzon followed his bow.

"Please forgive us!" The two guards said in unison.

Pedro could not help but to rub his forehead before gesturing his hand to the three guards, saying, "It's nothing! Please lift your heads! In fact, I am impressed by the security that the Tarala Kingdom had placed on your teleportation platform."

"Thank you for your understanding, respected sire! It is our honor to be praised by you!" Teleportation Hall Guard Klader said, respectfully. "I am the Teleportation Hall Head Guard, Klader Morphus. I am honored to welcome you, sire, to the Tarala Kingdom!"

"Good! Good!" Pedro nodded in satisfaction. Then, he said, "I am Aron Death. The Captain of Karakoa Fleet from the Bearth Human Organization. It is an honor to meet the three of you."

"Welcome, Sire Aron!" Teleportation Hall Guard Klader bowed slightly before saying, "Perhaps Can I know the purpose of your sudden visit to our Kingdom?"

"Of course, Of course!" Pedro said with a smirk on his face. "I simply wanted to have a talk with the King regarding some important matters. So, can I request you to arrange a meeting with the King as soon as you can? I am quite short of time. My men are currently fighting monsters on the western side of the continent. And I need to visit several more villages and Kingdoms and have a talk with their respected leaders before I return to the battlefield."

"I-Is that so, respected sire?" Teleportation Hall Guard Klader could only force out a smile, and said, "T-Then, please follow me! I would lead you to the Kingdom's Registration hall first, then, I would personally guide you to the Royal Castle!"

"That's great!" Pedro clapped his hands as he started walking. Then, he gestured his hand and said, "Please lead the way!"

Teleportation Hall Guard Klader turned around, together with the other two guards, and said, "Of course, respected sire. This way please!"

With the lead of Teleportation Hall Guard Klader, Pedro--and the rest of the group, was brought to the registration hall and were given a citizen badge each that would enable them to go in and out of the Tarala Kingdom.

Afterward, everyone separated and headed towards their destinations based on their individual tasks. This was easily executed because of the status that Pedro and his group hold.

Hence, Pedro can't help but chuckle deep inside because they were able to execute things smoothly and, at the same time, because they were being guided easily into the Kingdom's Castle.

"Infiltration Success!"

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