The Immortal Player

Chapter 192: Quest: Rescue Merchant Nordan Karva's family!

Chapter 192: Quest: Rescue Merchant Nordan Karva's family!

Pedro gave several silver coins to Aldo that had consequently caught the attention of the people around them. They were adventurers whose eyes went wide open and glared towards the silver coins on Aldo's hands.

Then, in the next second, they averted their gazes as if they were just casually glancing around. That said, everyone from the Advance Force noticed them glance towards the weapons on their waist, from the silver made swords of Aldo, Aks, Lony, Roval, and the three village soldiers from Axutar Village to the Katana of Pedro and Yuson.

Pedro simply ignored them and knelt down to help the small old man, Merchant Nordan Karva, to stand, while saying, "Respected Merchant Karva, please calm yourself. Lead my men to the whereabouts of your son and your granddaughter. I gave them money, enough for you to leave the Kingdom with your family later on."

"T-Thank you, young sir! T-Thank you very much!" Merchant Nordan Karva said, whilst bowing towards Pedro several times.

Pedro simply waved his hand to stop Merchant Nordan Karva from bowing and pointed towards Aldo, while saying, "Please follow closely behind him. He will be the one to assist you."

This made Merchant Nordan Karva express his gratitude towards Aldo. Thus, Aldo can't help but force out a smiletroubled by Merchant Nordan Karva's actions.

At this moment, a notification popped out on Pedro and Aldo's Player Interface. However, they could only read through it for a few seconds since they were short of time.

[Quest: Rescue Merchant Nordan Karva's family!

Rating: B-rated

Mission: Rescue the food merchant's son and granddaughter from the chaos arising at the Tarala Kingdom. 

Because of the unfortunate event, Merchant Nordan Karva got suppressed by greedy nobles to the point of bankruptcy. Thus, his family was forced to reside in the slums of the Tarala Kingdom, where a conflict against the Kingdom's Force was about to rise. 

The Difficulty rating of the quest might change, dependent on the state of the conflict between the Kingdom and the poor people. 

Quest Shared due to Player's overwhelming authority!

Quest Shared to Player Faith!

Reward/s: Merchant Nordan Karva's Service.

Duration: 2 Days]


After scanning through the quest information, Pedro faked a cough that made Aldo return to himself and, at the same time, grab the attention of everyone. Then, Pedro said, "Lony, Roval, and Yuson The three of you would head to the market area upon arrival. As usual Check every single shop and report to me what you see."

"Yes, Captain!" Lony, Roval, and Yuson said and nodded in unison.

Pedro nodded in response and said, "Great! Since we have nothing left to do in this village, let's go to the teleportation platform and head for the Tarala Kingdom immediately."

"What about the village chief, bro?" Aldo asked.

"I'll take care of him after we are done with the Tarala Kingdom," Pedro said, coldly.

"Hehe Can I join you when you meet him?" Aldo asked, smiling. He was barely able to hide the anger he felt inside.

In fact, even Pedro was able to notice it. He did not just bluntly asked Aldo about why he was so angry with the village chief of Baliu Village. Pedro is not that dense to do so.

"Do as you wish!" Pedro simply said in a cold tone. He walked towards the western gate of the Baliu Village and led everyone from the Advance Force.

However, before they could step inside the village, a group of men stood in front of the gateblocking their path into the village. Huge grins were painted on their face as their eyes often glanced towards the weapons of the Advance Force.

They wore adventurer's clothes but their weapons were similar to the ones that the village soldiers were usingmaking them stand out from the rest of the adventurers inside the village. On top of that, they acted like a gangsterpushing anyone who stood in their way as they approached Pedro and his group.

"Is there a problem?" Pedro asked.

"Problem?" A short man leading the group raised his eyebrows before shaking his head, saying, "No, No, No! There is no problem. And There won't be a problem if you would just obediently hand over your money and weapons, kid."

"Bastar" Aldo cursed and was about to draw the sword on his waist. But before he could even grip the handle of his sword nor finish what he said, the neck of the short man was split into twoconsequently making blood burst out of it.

The men who arrogantly walked behind the short man followed the same fate in the next second. Then, their body fell to the ground lifeless.

Everyone can't help but stare at the unfortunate fate of the arrogant men. After a few seconds, several womenwho were able to witness the horrific event, cried out of fear as they ran away from Pedro and his group.

At this moment, Pedro calmly walked towards the dead bodies despite everyone from the Advance Force was still in shock. He took their inventory bags, as well as their weapons while glancing aroundchecking if they have accomplices hiding in the dark.

Seeing that there was no one suspicious around, he glanced towards Aldo and the rest, and said, "I am not in the mood to argue with anyone. Let's go! We got a lot of things to do."

Everyone couldn't help but follow him in response. Some fear him like Neerak Axutar, and the three village soldiers from Axutar Village, some were happy with his actions like Aldo, while some were amazed by either his strength or his decisiveness like Aks, Yuson, Lony, and Roval.

Truth be told, there were different reasons why they didn't say anything about what Pedro just did. However, in the end, the fact still lies the same. Pedro was the strongest being amongst them, and he can do whatever he wanted.

They can argue with him. They can scold him. But They could never stop him kill anyone he wanted to kill.

They were just not simply strong enough to be able to do so. Thus, instead of inciting another conflict, everyone simply decided to remain quiet and act as if nothing has happened.

As for Pedro, it was just his pure anger. These types of players are the ones he hated the most. It was not that he was against such actions of the strong taking advantage of the weak. It was just the law of nature. He can't change anything about it.

In fact, he might even do it, himself, at some point in time. It's just part of the game. But, it was a different case if you are the one being harassed or bullied. Unfortunately for those men, they picked the wrong man to mess with.

Add up the fact that Pedro learned that the players were backstabbing NPCs just to obtain their weapon and equipment, his anger reached its peak in an instant as he remembers the players who caused the destruction of the Kagat Village.

'I'll take care of bastards like these later on!' Pedro cursed deep inside. 'I'll let you live for a few more days. After I take care of the Tarala Kingdom problem, I'll make sure that your happy days are over!'

Soon, they arrived at the centermost area of the village, where the teleportation platform was located. This place was crowded by both players that were newly spawned and by players that were just roaming around the village.

Because there were no village soldiers organizing and managing everyone, it was chaotic everywhere you look. It was as if you are in a mall and there was a price drop event going on.

Pedro and the rest of the Advance Force, simply fought against the wave of peoplewhilst maintaining a hundred percent vigilance on their belongings.

Truth be told, Pedro was tempted to activate his Demonic Eyes and simply put everyone to sleep. Then, he would just simply drag the rest of the Advance Force to the teleportation portal with the help of Aks. This way, they would be able to avoid any other problems like being robbed of an item or two.

However, Pedro chose not to do so because he did not want to risk the chance of alerting a possibly high leveled NPC in that village, which might further delay their arrival to the Tarala Kingdom. Thus, he had no choice but to simply maintain a hundred percent of his perception and detect, not only his but to the rest of the Advance force, any potential threats towards them.

It took them several minutes to reach the teleportation platform. And fortunately, they did not encounter any problem along the way. Since there was no NPC managing the teleportation platform, they did not need to pay in order for them to use it.

Pedro simply glanced towards his comradeswho nodded to him in response, as a bright light envelop themteleporting them to the Tarala Kingdom.

"Let the infiltration begin!"

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