The Immortal Player

Chapter 173: The Black and The Gold Arc's Dance!

Chapter 173: The Black and The Gold Arc's Dance!

Seeing that Aldo and the three other NPCs were still 'adjusting' on their own, Pedro took out and wore adventurer clothes that he was able to loot earlier. Unfortunately, It did not offer any defensive properties or capabilities that would protect its user from any threats or attacks.

Thus, Pedro had no choice but to keep his black scales active. It would serve as his armor, his protection against the attacks of the enemies, especially against sneak attacks. 

That said, in order to hide the black scales protecting his neck and the lower half of his head, he used another shirt as a face mask that would cover the lower half of his head and his neck. Then, he took out a white overcoat with "Contra Almirante" written on its back and wore it.

Lastly, he took out his elegant Faithpursuer Katana as he opened his player interface to check its stats and attributes. 

[Faithpursuer Katana]

Rating: Bronze-rated weapon

Level Requirement: 1

Weapon Level: 32


Attack Damage: +255

Agility: +39

Special Effect:

[Level UP]: Experiences gained by the player can be used to increase the level of the weapon.

[Evolve]: Increase the rating of the weapon by reinforcing the weapon with the required materials.

There is a 50% chance to gain the effect of the absorbed weapon, equipment, and accessory.

[Evolve Bronze-rated to Silver-rated]

0/1 Silver-rated damage type accessory

0/1 Silver-rated warrior equipment

1/1 Silver-rated one-handed sword

1/1 weapon level 20

[This Katana was a blessing of the Ents to the warrior who stood with them against the orcs and trolls who tried to conquer the forest and set it on fire.]

Pedro nodded in satisfaction and said, "Plus Two Hundred Fifty-Five Attack Damage and Plus Thirty Nine Agility? Not bad! Once I hit level sixty, I could start fusing EXP points that I gain to this sword once again."

Then, Pedro tied it's sheath to the left side of his waist so that he would be able to draw it out with his right hand easily. As he was about to check to everyone else, his eyes unintentionally landed on Sabrina whose eyes were fixated on the golden sword attached to his waist. 

He can't help but force out a smile and ask Sabrina, "Is there a problem?" 

Sabrina shifted her gaze from the sword to Pedro's eyes. Then, she shook her head and said, coldly, "Problem? There's nothing wrong with it. It's just... Why are you equipping your sword when your fist and pen-knife is morethan enough?"

Pedro simply smirked and said, "Don't underestimate my sword. It's stronger than you think."

"Okay..." Sabrina said, coldly. 

At this moment, Everyone else could not help but stole a glance at the golden sword on Pedro's waist. That said, Pedro simply shrugged it off and said to Sabrina, "My Dear, why don't you give your knives a rest? Didn't I also give you a Katana? Why don't you use it? It has some cool effects, you know."

Sabrina frowned as she gazes back and forth to Pedro and the golden Katana on his waist. Eventually, she gave up with a deep sigh and grumbled, "Fiiiiine! I'll use it! But I won't keep my pen-knives back into my bag!"

"All up to you! I just find it a waste if you would not use it." Pedro said, "Besides... It would be ideal to keep the pen-knives as a secret weapon, don't you think?"

"I know!" Sabrina grumbled.

Pedro could only force out a smile in response. He knew that Sabrina was somehow already annoyed. Thus, he did not say another word--afraid that Sabrina might get angry. 

And in order to lighten the mood and to change the topic, Pedro took out two silver swords with bronze scabbards each. Then, he handed it over to Aks and Antonio, and said, "These are the best swords that are currently with me. Once I have sufficient coins, I'll buy the two of you a more decent weapon that would suit well to your liking."

"This..." Antonio murmured. He and Aks were hesitant in accepting the swords. 

However, before they could decline on his offer, Pedro released his grip to the swords. Then, he turn around and started walking towards the plains, saying, "Don't think much about it! Remember that our goal is to help and protect other people from harm. It's not that I am underestimating your abilities but... Won't it be better to fight the monsters with a weapon, rather than fight with your bare hands?"

"I'll head out first! Take your time, adjusting and preparing yourselves for a combat. But... Don't lag behind too much. There's a place that we urgently need to visit! I won't hesitate to leave you behind." Pedro said as he drew his Faithpursuer Katana. 

His hands gripped the Katana's handles tight, pointing it forward with the tip of the blade in line to his eye level. He cassualy walked forward at a calm and perfectly intervaled pace, consequently releasing an unforgiving murderous aura that was strong enough to send shivers run down everyone's spine, except Sabrina. 

At that moment, the monsters from the plains had started to rush back to the forest--targeting Pedro and the rest of the Advance Force. That said, Majority of the monsters fell to Pedro and his Katana--reducing the amount of monsters charging after everyone else. 

On the other hand, Sabrina followed behind Pedro as her eyes turned all red. Then, when she drew her black Katana, a smoke bursted out of it, creating a smoke screen that made the wild mountain wolves to retreat. 

Unfortunately, the monsters weren't able to retreat too far as Sabrina was able to catch up to them easily. And with the longer range that the Katana's offer, compared to a knife, she was able to slaughter them immediately, by accurately slicing their feet in a swing and later on, allowing her to slice through their heads. 

Pedro smirked after he stole a glance to his back and see that clouds of smoke were approaching behind him. He could only grip his Katana tightly as he lunged his body slightly forward, allowing him to advance forward at a faster pace. 

That said, Sabrina was able to catch up to Pedro thanks to her demonic eyes. At the same time, the clouds of smoke had covered their surroundings--making the monsters retreat back to the plains. Fortunately, Pedro was familiar with this clouds of smoke, enabling him to match the pace of Sabrina.

Pedro used a technique that he learned from his past life, while Sabrina utilized the abilities of her demonic eyes, making a seemingly perfectly synced 'dance' of Black and Gold Arcs made by their sword as they slaughtered every single monster on their way.

Behind them, Loren, Aldo, Antonio, Aks, and Yuson was forced to wield their weapons and follow behind the two maniacs. 

Loren stood in the middle of the four men, whose maintaining a formation where Aks was at front, Antonio and Aldo was on her sides, and lastly, Yuson was behind them. They took care of the monsters that charged towards them after being able to escape away from Pedro and Sabrina's range. 

Aks was strong to the point that he was able to slice the heads of the monsters vertically into half in one swing. For some reason, he seemed to be a bit uncomfortable in using a sword, thus, he could only kill one monster at a time. 

On the other hand, Yuson had easily held of the monsters attacking from their back. The number of monsters that he needed to take care off was not that many compared to the 'never ending' monsters that they faced at the west. 

As for Aldo and Antonio, they simply stood along side Loren and were the ones to protect her in case a monster would be able to escape from Aks and Yuson's attacks. Fortunately, Yuson and Aks only did a clean up. 

The two maniacs had already wiped the monsters ahead of them. Pedro and Sabrina had even sucked their bloods dry. 

That said, the only disadvantage of Sabrina and Pedro's Black and Gold Arc Dance was that they arrived so fast towards the adventurers and the NPCs who were fighting the monsters to defend the village that they spotted earlier. 

At this moment, the adventurers and the NPCs could not help but point their weapons towards the clouds of smoke that stopped advancing right in front of them--who killed the monsters they were fighting together. 

"Who are you?" A man wearing a helm and an armor cried as he pointed the sword towards the cloud of smoke, even if his hands shook--consequently making his sword also tremble. 

In the next second, Pedro came out of the clouds of smoke with his Katana resting atop of his right shoulder, like a gangster. His eyes glared towards the man with an armor and a helm, whilst emanating a strong murderous aura that was strong enough to make everyone present, be it players or NPCs, to freeze in place. 

Pedro simply walked beside that man, who was trembling whilst frozen in place. Then, Pedro stopped as he placed his hand on top of his shoulders and said, "Relax young man! We're here to help! Else... You would have been already dead!"

He tapped the man's soldier one last time as Sabrina, the red eyed woman, walked out of the clouds of smoke with her black Katana--which already stopped releasing smoke. She simply followed behind Pedro and passed through the adventurers and NPCs as if they were nothing but thin air. 

Pedro started walking towards the village once again, and said, "As for your question... I am... Death!" 

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