The Immortal Player

Chapter 172: Stepping into the Eastern Side!

Chapter 172: Stepping into the Eastern Side!

"What a view!" Loren said.

She can't help but gasp in amazement whilst watching the Ball of Fire rise in front of them. Her arms were raised in the air, enjoying the fresh and cool breeze of wind blowing past them. 

This made Sabrina glance towards her and said, "I know, right? It's even more peaceful here."

Before Loren could express her agreement to Sabrina, Pedro rose again to the sky--right in front of them. They can't help but watch Pedro and the reaction of the four men riding on his back. 

"Aaaaaaaaaah! Heeeeeeeelp!" Aldo cried on top of his lungs as he and the three NPCs were having one hell of a roller coaster ride of their life. Their faces were already pale as if they were sick, while their hands had tightly gripped on Pedro's spikey scales on his back. 

On the other hand, Loren and Sabrina caught Pedro's glance at the four men and smirk before gliding downwards once again. The Bestfriends could not help but force out a smile as they try their best to hold their laughter that is directed towards Aldo--who was screaming ever since they started their journey. 

"Well... It's peaceful if Classmate Aldo is not screaming." Loren chuckled.

Sabrina simply smirked and said, "It's better this way! His screams keep us entertained--I mean, awake!"

Loren burst into laughter in response. This, in turn, also made Sabrina laugh as Aldo kept screaming for his dear life. 

Truth be told, Loren was also anxious when they departed a few hours ago. She trembled out of fear, whilst hugging tightly at Sabrina's back. She even had her eyes closed at the first few minutes of her first flight behind Sabrina. 

That said, she was able to slowly conquer her fear, thanks to her trust towards Sabrina and the hilarious screams of Aldo and Yuson at the start. And over time, she became accustomed to it to the point that she would raise her hand in the enjoyment of the fresh and cold breeze of wind. 

At the same time, She had casual talks with Sabrina from time to time. She used this as her distraction from her worries and fears deep inside. Well... Aldo's cries were also their source of 'entertainment'.

Fortunately, they were flying at a stable pace high up in the sky. It was just akin to ridding an air balloon in the sky.

On the other hand, Pedro flew up and down like a roller coaster in the sky. It was not because he wanted to do so, in the first place. It just happened that he find it efficient and less taxing to 'casually' fly up, and use the height to glide down at a safe altitude before flying up once again. 

The time that Pedro glided downwards gives him time to relax his wings and avoid his muscles from cramping up. It was something better than constantly flapping his wings all of the time.

As for Aldo and the NPCs, It was understandable that they would cry out of fear. They were not wearing any safety equipment and, at the same time, Pedro flew as if he wanted to shake them off from his back. 

Well... Ridding a 'roller coaster' that was hundreds of meters high in the sky without any safety belts. Who would not scream out of fear from that?

As for the reason why Sabrina could fly at a more stable pace than Pedro, it all lies in their body built and weight. 

Sabrina's eagle form had a wingspan that was as long as Pedro's wingspan on his dragon form. That said, Sabrina's eagle form was technically smaller and lighter compared to Pedro. With huge wings, but a small and light body, Sabrina flew smoothly because she only needed to flap her wings for only a few times.

Unlike Pedro, his huge and heavy body had put a strain on his flying ability, requiring him to flap it more often than Sabrina needed to. Thus, his flight was more unstable and taxing than Sabrina's. 

Add up the weight of the four men behind him, Pedro had no choice but to fly in such a manner, to utilize his strength efficiently, and to be able to fly to the east as far as he can. 

That said, Sabrina did not daze as if she was on vacation. She would often glance to the ground--marking every single target that she could for her pen-knives to pierce. After all, Pedro gave the 'double exp' amulet to her. It would be such a waste not to capitalize using it, especially that she had nothing much to do while flying. 

Hundreds of monsters died into her pen-knives per minute, most of which are wild mountain wolves. This, in turn, transformed the plains, forest, or mountains that they passed through into a graveyard of blood dried corpse. 

Fortunately, her pen-knives absorbs the blood, else, the fresh breeze of wind would become metallic and the soil would become muddy from the mixture of soil and blood. 

That said, the experience that she gains from killing the low leveled monsters starts to become small to the point that it was almost negligible. If not for the double exp amulet, she won't be able to notice the increase in her experience points. 

Well... Thanks to the Continental Quest and the unlimited monsters that her experience had continued to rise. As for Pedro, he did not dove down to incinerate monsters and farm his way up. 

First of all, he really did not want to burn the trees --in the forest and in the mountains, and consequently create a forest fire that would destroy the nature and the resources that they might be able to harvest on it later on. 

If it was not for the urgency to attack because of the previous war, he would have not burned any part of the western forest.

Another reason why he did not dive down too low was that he did not want to encounter troubles along the way that will slow their travel towards the Tarala Kingdom. He did not want to provoke or create unnecessary conflicts against random high leveled NPCs.

That is why they were flying hundreds of meters up in the sky. They wanted to avoid their detection as much as possible. 

On top of that, that was also the reason why Sabrina did not attack other monsters except the wild boars, the orcs, and the wild mountain wolves. She did not want to cause trouble by unnecessarily provoking strong monsters or NPCs along the way. 

Soon, They have crossed the borders and had entered the east side of the Aquari Continent. At this moment, Aldo was already quiet and seemed like he already lost his voice from screaming for several hours.

Fortunately, at this point, Pedro and Sabrina had spotted the wooden walls of a village in the plains of the easter part of the Aquari Continent, that met with the furthest edge of the Great Western Forest. 

'We would attract unnecessary attention from the NPCs if we continue flying in our transformation forms. It's best for us to continue traveling on land instead. Besides... The Tarala Kingdom is just half a day of travel from here. If we'd be able to encounter merchants with carriage in that village... our travel to the Tarala Kingdom would be a lot more easier.' Pedro thought as he glanced towards Sabrina and Loren--who glance back at him in response. Then, he roared softly, only enough for Sabrina and Loren to hear.

"Let's circle back to the edge of the forest and land there," Pedro said that only Loren was able to understand. Thus, Sabrina could only glance towards her waiting for her 'translation'. 

On the other hand, Loren was at loss for words for a few seconds before she got back to herself and asked, "Land? Even the two of us?"

"Yes." Pedro said, "We'll travel by land from here on. Kindly tell everyone else my message." 

Loren simply nodded in response and said, "Okay!"

Then, she shifted her glance towards Sabrina and said, "Classmate Pedro said that we should circle around to the edge of the forest and land there. He said that we'll travel by land from now on." 

Sabrina stole a glance towards Pedro before asking Loren, "Okay, Sis. Hang on tight, it would be a little bumpy on the way down."

Loren could only force a smile in response as she reactively hugged tightly towards Sabrina's back as if her life was on the line. Then, in the next second, Pedro and Sabrina circled back to the edge of the Great Western Forest, whilst slowly descending from the sky.

Soon, the two giant creatures crashed into the forest--smashing the trees into the ground. Then, the figures of the two giant creatures that towered higher than the trees had suddenly vanished into thin air. 

Fortunately, there were still some trees covering the Advance Force--hindering the people from the nearby village from seeing Loren, Aldo, Antonio, Aks, and Yuson from hoping down Pedro and Sabrina's backs, and at the same time, hindering them from seeing Pedro and Sabrina revert back to their human form. 

Since Loren, Aldo, and the three NPCs were yet to 'adjust' after their extraordinary flights, Pedro did not pressure them to cope up immediately. Instead, he used this time to also take a rest. After all, Flying was more tiring than just ridding.

Consequently, this made the people who witnessed the descent of the two giant creatures to gather themselves and simply ignore what they saw--thinking that they were just still hallucinating after a good night's sleep. 

That said, Sabrina had clearly seen the ones who had noticed them, and, at the same time, she had already marked them as her targets--waiting for her pen-knives to be slaughtered if Pedro ordered so. 

"Just give me the go signal... I'll eliminate the observers, without leaving any trace!" Sabrina said that made Pedro smirk.

He simply gestured 'stop' to Sabrina and said, "There's no need for that. Just let them be... We are too strong for them to mess with."

Pedro smirked as he and Sabrina emanated a murderous aura that was strong enough to send shivers to run down Yuson and Aks' spine.

"It's time for us to check the East!" He said.

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