The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 91: selfcreated technique dragon breaks the ranks

Chapter 91: selfcreated technique dragon breaks the ranks

Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! Nobody answered the spectators doubts, as metallic sounds kept reverberating across the arena. The commentator was also gravely silent, as he also didnt understand the situation.

The arena finally cleared up a bit, as the 2 gladiators silhouettes gradually became clear. Their figures moved like phantoms, as they were both already entangled in a bloody melee.

This time around, no shield to control the tempo, as their hand speed completely erupted. Most of the spectators only saw a blur, as realization finally dawned on them. They actually forgot that The Stranded dragon entered the battle, with a spear strapped to his back.

Clark fought fiercely, as his hand speed continuously increased without restraint. Blood blossomed, as they both sustained injuries every second. The spectators cheered and clapped wildly, as they love this kind of fast and bloody battle more.

The spectators slowly started feeling a sense of dj vu, as this was exactly what happened in the last battle, between The Emperor and Jian Wushaung.

Shit, are these 2 going to have a draw, every one watching thought in sync. They were surprised as The Stranded Dragon still fought ferociously, despite his many injuries.

Well, those were the spectators thoughts, but someone disagreed. After drawing with someone previously, he was about to have a second draw. No, this was unacceptable to him. The Emperor steeled his heart, as he prepared to reveal his trump card.

He felt bitter, as he thought he would only reveal this when he fought in the Sea Farers alliance arena. Boom!! He didnt hesitate again as he activated his other battle art, The battle maniac.

The spectators gasped in surprise and excitement, as his offensive increased in ferociousness and momentum exponentially. He quickly started gaining back the initiative, as his strikes now carried more power, and they were executed much more impeccably.

Clark felt helpless, as his injuries slowly accumulated, increasing in an ascending order, without any restraint.

Whoosh!! A stab came from his opponents spear, approaching his head. He turned his head, performing a side flip to dodge, as his spear slashed across horizontally in retaliation.

His opponent dodged his slash, enabling his spear to accurately penetrate him, on the chest. The battle felt like it was paused, as his hands finally grew weak from the pain.

Blood dyed his surroundings in a bright red color, as he slowly gasped for breath. His opponent looked straight at him in the eyes, with a victorious grin planted on his face.

The sight of the grin on his opponents face, irritated him to no end, as he quickly became agitated. Under the tense but excited gaze of the spectators, he gripped his spear tightly as he leapt back, while enduring the pain of the spear being yanked out of him.

They were both bloody, so why was his opponent behaving like he gave him a one-sided beating. He could tolerate being defeated, but he definitely could not stand humiliation.

As he leapt back, his eyes became focused, as his brain cleared of any distractions.

He finally landed, as his legs dug into the metal floor, while his body released a last desperate burst of adrenaline. Veins popped out, all over his face. Moving around his eyes like squirming snakes, as his eyes grew red.

The Emperor naturally followed up to finish his opponent, by stabbing at him with his spear. As he thought of his opponents effort, as a defeated mans last futile struggle before death. He didnt want to leave any room for a comeback.

This time, he was sorely mistaken. Clarks hair waved in the air, without any wind blowing. His muscles tightened to the limit, as his face started reddening from over-exertion. All his veins protruded out, extending from his face to his whole body, as some veins in his legs started snapping.

Boom!! He finally launched himself forward, as dust billowed fiercely behind him. The air parted in trepidation, to herald the passage of this earth-shattering strike. His self-created technique was performed to his very limits, as all his opponent saw was a blur.

The metal floor beneath his path fragmented from the residue force, as Dragon breaks the ranks was executed.

Bam!! Bam!! His opponents outstretched spear, disintegrated into pieces immediately on contact. His spear didnt halt even for a second, as it continued roaring forward in vengeance.

Boom!! The spear finally connected to his opponents chest, as his opponent quickly lost consciousness from the force and pressure of the strike alone. The spectators widened their eyes to the limit in horror and shock, as The Stranded dragons spear streaked forward like a dragon king sentencing his enemy to death.

At the last moment of impact, where the envoy of death was already hovering, waiting for a sacrifice. Ice suddenly materialized in the cage arena, as both gladiators immediately became frozen.

Everybody was shocked and confused, before a message was quickly sent to the commentators implant, directly from the Captain of the fleet.

The commentator immediately understood, as he hurriedly addressed the spectators, trying to get everyones attention. Ladies and gentlemen, there has been some unexpected developments, but the winner of this unprecedented battle is The Stranded Dragon.

The captain will personally give an explanation later, about why they were frozen. The spectators were confused, everything seemed so rushed. Their emotions already went through a huge roller coaster. The ups and downs of this battle, were just too numerous and significant.

But at the end, they were still spectators, who spectated as a form of enjoyment. They didnt really give a damn, as they cheered the winner on, they already forgot about the exceptional performance of the loser.

Magician!! Magician!! Magician!! They chanted loudly, as medical practitioners rushed into the arena with 2 stretchers. The ice quickly melted by itself, the water flowing back into an open hole in the arena.

As soon as the ice melted, Clark fell down, as his legs grew too weak to support him. He was completely drained of all strength, as his vision turned dizzy, disrupting his senses.

Despite this, he slowly grinned, as he heard the faint chanting noise made by the spectators. He finally fainted from exhaustion, as the medical practitioners came to his side.

What made him happy, was that he successfully executed his self-created technique. The strength he wielded, when executing it, was just the cream on top the cherry.

The Emperor became unconscious, even before his opponents spear penetrated his chest. There was no doubt that he would have died, if the strike connected.

No one knew if he was even already dead from the force alone, as fractures, like cracks appeared at the spot in his skin were the tip of his opponents spear pierced.

Clark was sure that the force from the blow, was capable of blasting his opponents chest to pieces. The Roman empire organization recognized this also, that is why they intervened.

They didnt want to lose any of the both of them, as the strength they both displayed was mind blowing. Screw the rules, they created the rules.

The stretchers took them both to the medical bay, as the military doctors immediately became busy.

Emily slumped down on her chair; her whole body was completely soaked with sweat due to the extreme anxiety she was in. She sobbed silently, as she buried her head in her arms. She would have just committed suicide, if Clark died also, shortly after Henry died.

After controlling her emotions, she stood up, dressed up and went out of her room to visit the medical bay. The doctors told her the never changing phrase, you cant see him right now, we are trying our best to help him recover.

The only good thing she picked from the doctors words, was that Clark will likely recover completely in a weeks time. She thanked them, as she went for her personal training. The tournament was over, but she was already used to the everyday training, thanks to this her friend.

Somewhere else in the ship, a group of doctors surrounded a patient, as they controlled different machines to treat him. After over 5 hours of constant focus, treating the patient, they finally heaved a sigh of relief as the patients condition stabilized.

They finally came out, after changing from their surgical uniforms, to meet the Captain of the fleet waiting outside. Good day sir, they all greeted on seeing him.

How is his condition? The Captain didnt greet back, as he directly asked them.

Sir, his condition has stabilized a bit, but him surviving is still in doubt. On hearing this, he kept quiet, as he coolly looked at the lead doctor, indicating for him to continue.

Sir, the shock and force from the blow impacted his brain terribly, despite the intervention. There is a high chance, that he also suffered psychologically. He is now in a coma, if he doesnt wake up in 4 months, I think then he is done for.

Ok, try your best to keep him alive, he finally said with a sigh. After some contemplation, he turned to walk away.

Yeah, the lead doctor is right. The Emperor was enormously impacted psychologically, from the blow. Even if he survived, there is a high chance that he would develop a trauma from this.

The Captain finally went to address the whole ship, as he appeared in all televisions around the fleet. Good day fellow Romans, as youve already known, the Stranded dragon is the winner of the last gladiator battle.

We used a high technology gadget, to quickly freeze them because the outcome of the fight was already decided.

We held this tournament to get the best of the best in the first place, so there was no need of The Emperor dying. You already witnessed his strength, he is the undisputed 2nd best gladiator, among the 2nd rank high-grade soldiers.

Killing themselves here is a waste. The Sea farers alliance headquarters, is the real arena of death. He said other necessary words perfunctorily, before the broadcast stopped.

The next day, daily activities continued, as the fleet continued moving to the headquarters of the Sea farers alliance. The impact of the battle was enormous, but to the Romans, it was just another battle between gladiators.

The gladiator battles continued, as the last 2nd rank gladiators battle was fought that same week. The battle drew little attention, as the previous battle still occupied peoples minds.

After the battle, the last 7 survivors were finally decided. The Stranded dragon was ranked first, The Emperor was ranked second. Jian Wushaung third, the eagle queen was ranked 4th, The flexible master was ranked 5th, the nutzy killer was ranked 6th and Hellboy reincarnated was ranked 7th.

For the next week, the 2 gladiators ranked 6th and 7th respectively fought to decide the last qualifier. Only 5 gladiators were required for the tournament, but a 6th spare gladiator is not frowned upon.

He can act as replacement, if anything happens to any of the 5 main gladiators.

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