The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 90: clash of titans the emperor vs the stranded dragon

Chapter 90: clash of titans the emperor vs the stranded dragon

The time finally came, for the decisive battle of the pinnacles to start. Clark stood still at the section of the ship, where weapons were stored.

He was deeply conflicted. Despite training for so long on mastering using a spear, he was still more proficient at using a sword. He broke out of his dilemma, as he quickly made a decision. He picked his normal weapon set of a sword and a shield, but he still picked a spear as precaution, strapping it to his back.

Ladies and gentlemen, put on your seat belts, as the most anticipated battle of the year is about to begin. The commentator was sure not to dull, as he started hyping the battle with his carefully prepared words.

Prepare yourselves, as we welcome 2 of the deadliest gladiators of the fleet to the arena, The Emperor and The Stranded Dragon.

A thunderous wave of applause and shouting rose, as the 2 gladiators entered the cage. Bam!! The gates of the cage slammed shut, as Clarks mind quickly transited into battle mode.

He observed his opponent keenly, as all distractions and noise made by the spectators faded into the background, just like fleeting clouds. After over a month of intense training, he was finally in this stage to welcome his strongest opponent till date.

The Emperor reciprocated, as he also observed him keenly. He already made it to this stage, so he was not ready to screw up by underestimating his opponent.

After a 10 second tense moment of observation, he finally broke the equilibrium, as he decisively advanced with his spear pointed forwards. Clark was not ready to cower by slowing the pace of the battle either, he was ready to fight a bloody and fast paced battle with this guy.

He advanced forward also, as they sprinted to meet each other. The spectators blood pressure rose, becoming hot and hyper-active on seeing this. As some people started jumping, chanting their favorites ring names.

Bam!! They quickly met as The Emperor stabbed forward with his spear, the air parted forcefully to herald the coming of the spear. Clark shifted sideways swiftly, as he dodged the stab completely. While he moved his left hand faster, as he bashed at his opponent with his shield.

Clang!! His opponent reacted very fast, as he blocked with his spear. Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! His opponents hands blurred, as he stabbed 3 times consecutively at him. He blocked the first 3 stabs with his shield, but his opponent improvised as he ended the combo with a horizontal sweep of his spear.

He reacted fast by jumping, as he suspended himself in the air. Clang!! His sword was used for the first time in this battle, as he swung it down at his opponent forcefully. The Emperor was as fast as always, as he parried with his spear but the momentum from the blow pushed him back.

Boom!! Clark was not someone to waste opportunities, as his shield bashed again at his stumbling opponent. His opponent leapt back quickly, but his sword was already stabbing forward swiftly. His opponent dodged, as he moved his head sideways, he turned his stab into a slash as his sword streaked sideways in reply.

The Emperors instinct was just too inhuman, as he did a sideways flip, dodging completely. While still creating an opportunity for himself to counter-attack, by stabbing back twice which his opponent calmly blocked with his shield.

The spectators erupted in cheers and applause, as they admired the exchange of blows going on between the 2 gladiators.

Especially the Emperors side flip at the last moment to dodge the slash from his opponent, it was simply a classic. The finesse displayed by these 2 pinnacle gladiators, was simply head turning. The amount of control in display by the both of them, was something else.

Despite how fast paced the battle was, they both displayed their strength and skill as neither of them sustained an injury, from this short flawless exchange. The Emperor clearly did not like the status quo, as he elevated the level of the battle another rank through his next action.

He decisively started executing his battle art, The Battle Emperor. The spectators cheered wildly, as this man only activated his battle art, when he fought against Jian Wushaung.

Boom!! The air boomed in protest, as he advanced again ferociously to greet his opponent. Clark didnt feel the need to be polite also, as he quickly activated his battle art, The Frenzied maneuver while rushing to engage him also.

The battle emperor is a battle art, just like the frenzied maneuver. But its of a higher quality, as its boosts are more impressive and comprehensive especially the strength boost.

This battle art revealed this guys identity, as it is a specialty of one of the countries with high-grade military strength, Wonderland.

The country is also widely known as Fairytopia, because their elite army focuses on arial battles more, as their forte and strength. Their R&D teams focus mainly on developing gadgets, that can help them fight better in the air.

During this short moment, the battle did not stop as The Emperors spear raged at his opponent, like an Emperors scepter of authority. Clang!! Clang!! Clang!! They exchanged blows, back and forth as dust started billowing from where they could not pinpoint at the moment.

As they fought, he could not help but become more and more astonished, as the battle raged on. Despite his huge improvement the last few months, he would never have believed that his opponents improvement, was even more outrageous than his own.

He quickly grew angry and irritated, as he started executing his self-created technique without any fanfare, An Emperors decree. Unlike Clarks one-hit self-created technique, most peoples techniques involve striking at your opponent, not once, but many times to slowly build momentum.

His self-created technique falls into the latter category, as he lunged forward. His lunge seemed reckless, but his brain was calculating rapidly.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! Whoosh!! His hands blurred, as he stabbed forward 4 times consecutively, ending the combo with an upwards slash. His opponent blocked steadily with his shield, but the upward slash was unexpected, as the great force behind the blow flung the shield from his hands.

He took hold of this opportunity, as his hand speed erupted in full force. Whoosh!! Whoosh!! Clang!! Sounds of slashes and clanging noises reverberated around, as he gave his all without holding back, in this short window of opportunity.

Blood finally flowed in this battle, as his spear finally cut his opponents elbow, giving him a deep wound. Clark ignored the pain, as he tried to keep up with his opponents rapid tempo. He was using a shield; did not mean he was helpless when using only a sword.

His opponents self-created technique, is a technique that requires very rapid movement and hand speed. He tried to emulate Jian Wushaungs strategy of reducing the pace of the battle, but it didnt work, as his opponent firmly held the initiative.

From the moment when his opponent executed his self-created technique, till now. It was only a little over 4 seconds, so his shield was still in mid-air as it started falling, after gravity finally exerted its dominance on it.

Clang!! His hands vibrated, as his fingers became numb from the impact of his opponents blow. His opponent was pushing to end the battle quickly, but he was no push-over either.

Whoosh!! He received another injury to his abdomen, as he gasped in pain. Despite this, he raised his left hand, as his shield finally fell back into his hands.

Boom!! He quickly did a flip to the front, as his shield loomed above all, descending with the force of a mountain. Clang!! His opponent reacted fast, as he blocked with his spear. But having fast reactions, is not the end of the world, as his legs caved in from the force behind the shield.

Veins sprouted all over The Emperors legs, like they were struggling to escape captivity, as he quickly made a decision. The force from the shield blow pushed him down, but he refused to fall, as he rolled twice on the ground to negate the downward force.

Boom!! His legs dug into the metal floor, as he dived forward again ferociously. Clark was trying to adjust his tempo, but his opponents reckless dive disrupted his plans again. As he steadied himself in a defensive position, while placing his shield forward.

Pu! Pu! Pu! Pu! His eyes quickly widened in horror and shock, as after 5 consecutive stabs. His shield broke, its parts scattering all over. He saw his opponents spear coming again for a 6th hit, to perhaps finish him off. His gaze hardened, as his sword was already flying over in retaliation.

Clang!! His sword hit his opponents spear, slightly changing its trajectory. But such a hasty slash could not possibly negate this spears complete advance, so he just quickly slashed at his opponent also.

Ahh!! He screamed in pain, as the part of his abdomen, where his left rib was located was cut through, without it putting up any form of resistance. His opponents blood was drawn also for the first time in this battle, as his sword cut across his opponents chest.

The pain from his ribs felt unbearable, as he tried to retreat, but his opponent clung to him like a leach. Boom!! His opponent slashed towards him ferociously again, as he raised up his sword to block.

Boom!! His sword also disappointed him, as it shattered into fragments from the blow. The residue force from the blow, carried his opponents spear as it also cut freely across his chest. He was now practically defenseless.

Kill him!! Behead him!! The spectators yelled this in excitement on seeing the situation, as this battle already completely riled them up. This was the true, best and unadulterated finale of the tournament to them.

The Emperor did not disappoint, as his spear struck forward. He decisively aimed at his opponents neck. His intentions were clear, beheading his opponent was his goal.

Clang!! As expectations rose, a glaring metallic sound rang, reverberating across the arena. Dust billowed fiercely, as the spectators could no longer see clearly through the dust.

What happened? They questioned in doubt and puzzlement.

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