Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 368 - Three Hundred And Sixty-eight: Stole His Woman

Chapter 368 - Three Hundred And Sixty-eight: Stole His Woman

The third point of view:



The woman almost jumped out of her skin when that giant touched her on the shoulder out of nowhere. She had been having a pleasant conversation with the kitchen staff when he called her.

"Sorry, did I startle you?" He tried to check up on her but she withdrew from his touch as usual.

"It's okay," Cecil said, giving the both of them a reasonable distance.

"Can we talk?" Emerald added when he saw her companions, "Alone,"

Cecile looked towards the women working in the kitchen she had been having a good conversation with before his arrival.

"I'll be stepping out for a while,"

"Sure," they nodded. It was not as if they could stop her anyway, Emerald would deal with them - everyone feared that brooding giant.

Emerald was tempted to grab Cecil's hand and lead her to a private area but he quickly turned on his heels and went ahead, hands in the pocket of his short. Cecil resented him, he shouldn't do anything careless that would topple their already rocky relationship. If it wasn't because of this case, Emerald was sure as hell that she wouldn't allow him even as much as five feet around her.

"This is alright for a bit of privacy, right?" He asked her, stepping into the terrace.

"Sure," Cecil answered without meeting his gaze. She said to him indifferently, "Tell me, what do you have me brought here for?"

"Fernandez called,"

At the mention of Fernandez, her head snapped up.

"He called you?" There was a trace of surprise mixed with fright on her face.

"He reached for Sakuzi to be specific and wants to meet up with him,"

"What? But why?"

"He knows you're here,"

He watched the color drain her face.

"Sakuzi thinks he'd want to exchange you for money," He revealed to her. Since this greatly concerned her, Cecil had to know of his intention.

"Then what? Are you going to hand me over to him? Didn't you claim you would protect me...." she has on a look of disappointment, "Or have money clouded your -"

"You're faster than your shadow, Cecil " He chided her and stepped closer, enunciating the words slowly as if to make his point clear, "And I don't go back on my promise," there was a fire in his eyes.

Cecil gulped at their closeness, plus the intensity in those eyes of his. If she wasn't mistaken, she could have almost sworn he had feelings for her. But there was no way, he never loved - Emerald just used her.

She looked away, wrapping her arms across her chest, "So what's your plan?"

"I'll be the one to answer to him but then, I just wanted you to know that it might turn out bloody,"

At the mention of bloody, Cecil's eyes widened, "You don't mean you'd -"

"I won't murder him - at least not yet. But to keep him away from you, I might need to scare him a little,"

Cecil bit her lower lips contemplatively, making up her mind afterward, "Fine, do whatever it's necessary but keep him alive. As much as Fernandez is the worst of all scumbag, I would not be responsible for the death of my son's father,"

"Fine, if you say," Emerald said but inwardly, he wasn't satisfied with this. Scaring would not be enough for deviants like Fernandez and Cecil would never understand until reality hits her harshly on the face. Well, that's why he's here; he'd protect her from him.

"Thank you for telling me," Cecil was grateful. The man could have gone ahead with his plans without informing her but he showed her respect by doing this. Maybe he wasn't as bad as she - no, she has to stop this thought.

Emerald was extremely dangerous and the only reason he was helping her was because of Reina and his attempt at atonement. Turn the table around, he wouldn't hesitate to slit her throat if she offended him.

"It's nothing," the man scratched his head awkwardly and for the first time, she saw him being shy, which was kind of cute - just shut up, Cecil.

"Alright, I'll be taking my leave," Emerald couldn't understand why he was suddenly at a loss at what to say. He quickly turned and was about to leave when he heard,

"Be careful!"

He stilled. Then turned around to face the woman who was fidgeting with her fingers nervously. He hated it when she wouldn't look at him.

"I know you're strong and all but Fernandez is a very sly man and I don't want you to get hurt," Cecil said, looking down at the ground.

However, Cecil chided herself mentally, why was she pretending like a middle schooler who just received a love confession for the first time?

"Is this you caring for me?" Emerald asked suddenly.

"Huh?" She glanced up at him, shocked.

"Why don't you want me to get hurt?" he pressed.

Cecil swallowed down saliva. This was why she shouldn't spout rubbish? "Why are you making a big deal out of this?" She gave him a sheepish grin and slapped him playfully on the back - a gesture Emerald gave a long watch.

"A-hem," Cecil cleared her throat awkwardly when the man did nothing but give her heated gazes that made her toes curl. She winced inwardly, why does he keep looking at her like she was the most precious thing in his eyes? Gosh, that look was so misleading. She wasn't even that pretty.

With so many thoughts in her head, Cecil stiffened up when the man reached out and cupped her cheeks, caressing her skin so gently it sent shivers running through her vein.

"Thank you," He said with a tone that stole her breath away.

Emerald didn't have head-turning looks but he was so manly like an alpha werewolf and women couldn't help but be drawn to that innate power in him.

When his gaze finally flickered down to her lips, Cecil almost died from a heart attack. Was it terror or anticipation? She couldn't tell the exact emotion she was feeling or if it was a mix of both.

Ever since that incident with Fernandez and Emerald in the past, she developed a revulsion for men. She never considered any romantic relationship for the eighteen years she had lived with her son, burying down those unnecessary feelings, or should she call it "hormones" that made women do crazy things in the name of love.

Since Cecil felt nothing for the same-sex too, she had practically lived the past years like a monk; she had remained celibate. Hence, right now, the feelings this man was eliciting from her were fresh, warm yet uncomfortable to her. What if this was another ploy?

Emerald sensed her panic and ended up pecking her on the forehead instead, "Stay safe," He told her and left before she knew it.

As much as he wanted something more with her, her experience with him had scarred her. If he wanted her heart, he had to be patient and gentle with her, and who knows, luck might finally shine on him.

Why was she disappointed? Cecile pondered over. She wanted to explore this new feeling but it was as if there was this rope holding her back. Was it fear? Thus, she looked on like a chicken as Emerald took his leave.

"Good luck," She could only whisper.

"Let's go," Emerald ordered his men coming along with him for this meeting. Though Fernandez had chosen the location for this gathering and wouldn't dare to pull any trick since he needed a favor from them, there was still no harm to come prepared considering what he had in mind.

Their "date" was set at an expensive restaurant which was grandly ornated and could only be afforded by individuals who've touched enough money to last their grandchildren.

One thing common at this kind of restaurant was the customers' anonymity and confidentiality. Whatever happens in there, stays there, making the place a hubbub of the rich with questionable characters and politicians.

Fernandez arranged a private room for their dinner which was spacious and decorated with Asian elements and two of Fernandez's men stood as guards. However, Emerald stepped in alone without any of the men he came with.

"You're here," Fernandez stood up to welcome the man that was directed into the room by a waiter. However, his brows furrowed when he saw it wasn't the man he was expecting.

"By the look on your face, I'm guessing you're disappointed already. Do you dare to look down on the man sent by Sakuzi himself?!" Emerald roared.

"Of course not!" Fernandez replied quickly. He cursed his luck, today must not be his day.

"Sakuzi is on vacation so he sent me, his right-hand man instead," Emerald said, taking a seat without being told to.

Sakuzi's right-hand man himself? Fernandez thought. That doesn't seem that bad considering he never thought the man would accept his invitation.

"Fine, what is it you have for my master?" Emerald added, "And you better make it worth my time," there was a threat beneath his words.

Fernandez's brows furrowed together. He was beginning to wonder if it was a mistake getting the Falcon Gang involved in this.

"Ah yes," He quickly answered, "It's about your gang,"

"What about it?" Emerald pretended to be oblivious to what was about to say.

"One of your people stole my woman,"

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