Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 367 - Three Hundred And Sixty-seven: What Is Wrong With Julie?

Chapter 367 - Three Hundred And Sixty-seven: What Is Wrong With Julie?

"All's fair in love and war,"

It was at that moment that Julie perfectly understood what that expression truly meant. When it comes to gaining something, some people were desperate enough to win.

It happened that just when Anabelle lifted her leg to hit him "there", Israel came to stand in front of him out of nowhere and took the hit.

It all happened so suddenly Julie didn't know what happened until his friend fell to the floor, cradling his "thing" through his pants as he muttered, "Sweet Jesus," that it became clear to him what transpired.

"Oh my God," Anabelle gasped, cupping her mouth. What just happened? She didn't mean to kick him, her legs had risen before she gave them the order.

"God, did you want to disable me?" Israel groaned, still on the floor.

"I'm so sorry," Anabelle was very apologetic.

Without a second word, She pushed the stupefied Julie out of the way and helped injured Israel to his feet. With his hand placed around her neck, Anabelle supported and eased him to the bed where he laid down.

"How do I help you?" Anabelle was desperate to help him. The guilt was gnawing at her heart; she had to pay for her violation.

Israel grabbed her hand and brought it to his chest. He said with a shaky breath like some frail old man on his deathbed, "Stay by my side,"

"Fine," Anabelle quickly nodded, "I'll stay till you recover,"

That was when Julie chimed in, "You can't do that, I just prepared you a meal and it's getting cold…." the boy trailed off when Anabelle gave him a death stare that was capable of turning him into stone.

He did it on purpose, Julie's fist clenched by his sides. Israel had taken the kick so he could have Anabelle's attention to himself.

At that exact moment, his gaze connected with?Israel's and there was a self accomplished smirk on his friend's face. It was as if he was declaring his victory.

With anger, Julie strode out of the room with a huff. The expression on his face was so frightening that all the maids stayed out of his way. No one wanted to be the scapegoat.

"How do you feel?" Anabelle asked, caring for the injured man. She was still scared, what if she injured the source of his future children? Would his family force her to marry him?

No, she can't marry now! She was too young. Anabelle still wanted to enjoy more petting from her father; neither does she want to take after him.

Her father and uncle Niklaus had children very early, she wasn't ready for that - she heard childbirth was very painful. But then, she can't have children with Israel if their family forces them - Seriously, what the hell was she thinking about?

"Urm... Israel?" Anabelle called him nervously.

"What?" He finally opened his eyes. All this while, he has been acting the sick patient - and yes, that kick hurt like a bitch. But in life, you have to sacrifice to gain certain things.

"I…. So…." Anabelle scratched the back of her head, how was she going to put this?

"Yes? You have something to say?" he asked, staring her straight in the eyes. He has heard that women loved men who could look them boldly in the eyes while speaking to them.

"C-can you check your thing is still functioning?" Anabelle asked, red in the face.

"If it's functioning?" his brow raised and a sly smirk crossed his feature as he said, "There's a way we can check if it's still functioning,"

"We?" Anabelle gulped. This was a time she wished Isabella was here. Why did she have to abandon her at a time like this?

"Yes, we," He affirmed.

"H-how?" she was breathless with the way he was staring at her; it was smoldering.

Israel sat up and leaned closer, "It involves two people of different gender coming together. And in the process of the union, If 'it' raises, then it's good to go,"


Anabelle didn't dare to move a muscle as Israel leaned closer and closer till their noses were touching. As if that wasn't enough, his gaze flickered down to her lips.

Anabelle sucked in a sharp breath, was he about to kiss her? Gosh, she wasn't prepared for this.

But to her surprise, he chose to whisper into her ears at the last minute, "I heard Julie prepared a nice meal, we should go down and wolf it down," Israel smirked and withdrew from the frozen Anabelle. She was so damn cute.

To be honest, Israel had intentionally feigned interest in Annabelle so he could matchmake her with Julie - jealousy is a powerful weapon.?Anabelle was a good person and both of them looked good together as a couple plus he had a feeling she would be able to change him. But after spending the night watching over her, Israel had a change of mind.

Julie would never appreciate her. Yes, the boy might be his best friend but that doesn't mean he was scared to point out he was a selfish asshole. Julie would only end up hurting the girl, it was better he -Israel- took up this opportunity - Anabelle was a rare gem.

"Aren't you leaving?" he said to Anabelle who hadn't moved from that spot, "Or do you want to help me check if it is still functioning," He intentionally teased her.

Before he was even through with his words, Anabelle shot up to her feet, "I'm up," and went to his side.

Together, they went to the dining room where they found Julie "sulking" at a corner.

"Wow!" Anabelle's eyes widened as soon as she came to the table, "So much delicious food," she sat down and at the same time, picked up a spoon to have a taste of the feast.

But to her utmost surprise, Julie slapped her wrist away with a warning, "Don't touch it!" he glared at her.

"What do you mean don't touch it? Isn't this foot meant for eating?" Anabelle was still asking when Julie stood abruptly and began to pack the foods, pile after pile.

She and Israel watched in shocked silence as Julie packed his yummilicious foods and dumped them in the sink.

"If you're that hungry, ask him to make you one," Was the only word Julie said to her and left with a scowl.

What the heck was wrong with him?

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