Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 350 - Three Hundred And Fifty-one: Theyre Asleep

Chapter 350 - Three Hundred And Fifty-one: They're Asleep

The third point of view:

"What are you doing?" Nadia was startled when that sly old man suddenly grabbed her hand.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Sakuzi asked, intertwining their fingers as they about to enter the car and leave for home. Home? The thought of that sounded warm and cozy.

He had said his final goodbye to Angela and from henceforth, beginning a new chapter of his life. Yes, Valentino was a fool to have been used over and over again just because he was madly in love with her, but he had forgiven all, now, it was time to find his own happiness. Moreover, it wasn't all bad since he got the daughter he always wished for, anyway.

"Can you let go? We're no longer kids," said Nadia trying to release her hand which he only tightened.

"Seriously, can't you be romantic for once? You're so stiff and -" the rest of those words were stuck in his mouth as Nadia without warning, pushed him against the car, overpowering him, and leaned so close their lips were practically brushing each other.

Valentino's heart began to pound against his chest, this was the sexiest thing a woman has ever done to him. A smirk curved his lips, he never knew Nadia was this aggressive which was hot as hell. Sigh, he has been missing out on a lot.

"Is this sexy enough?" Nadia smirked, teasing him with her lips.?At first, she had deemed this act as unnecessary but now she had him beneath her, she suddenly felt this urge to subdue him.

"This is seduction," He grinned at her.

However, that romantic moment was destroyed when two people moved past them saying with disgust, "Eww, what are these old geezers doing?"

Sakuzi's eye suddenly shone red, who was an old geezer? Does he look old? He would show them who was an old geezer here!

Nadia sensed the fight in Sakuzi and was tempted to burst into laughter. Youth nowadays simply had no respect and were partial to older people. They swooned at the sight of beautiful young people showing off affection in public yet gagged at middle-aged people displaying their own romance, wasn't that partial?

Frankly speaking, this was the best age to have a lot of fun with one's partner, the kids were all grown up and they had just themselves to take care of and keep company. Hence they have all the time to love their partner and themselves. Fine, she'd save this ignorant youth just this once.

How would he deal with them? Sakuzi thought. He couldn't kill them since they were out in the public. Moreover, he had promised Reina not to get his hands stained with blood any longer - unless necessary. Maybe he'd kidnap them and give them memorably lashes on the butt? Yea, that should teach them a lesson to respect older people's love life generally.

An evil grin curved his lips, yet the thought of kidnap flew out of his head when he felt a sudden softness press down on his lips. Wait a minute, what was he thinking again? No, he couldn't remember, his brain has been scrambled. Well, whatever that was, it could go to hell, there was a much better priority right now.

Nadia blushed scarlet red as she kissed him. Seriously, she was too old for this and had thought of pulling away when the man wrapped his arm around her waist and pressed her flush against him. Another set of people passed them by - thankfully, these ones were more respectful - but he didn't stop nor give a damn about them. All of his interest rested on this woman in his arms.

A tear slipped down Nadia's cheeks, why now? Why was he so passionate about her now? Even when they had been together as a couple, yes, he had made her heartbeat but not like this. Then, she had been blinded by his beauty and carried away with her youthful unrealistic expectations which he failed to meet in the end. But now, she was realistic, and right now, he was making her pulse beat in a way that she never thought possible.

Sakuzi had been too immersed in the kiss that he literally froze when he felt her tears. He withdrew with lightning speed thinking he had hurt her, but then, he had been gentle with her. What was the matter?

"What is it?" Sakuzi clasped her cheeks and asked with so much concern in his eyes that made her heartbreak further.

"You're so bad!" She screamed at his face, pushed him away, and entered the back seat while he stood stupefied.

What just happened? Sakuzi wondered and blinked twice to ensure he had seen right. What the hell was wrong with women because he couldn't understand them at all? One moment she was being coy, the next she was pressing him against the car and even initiated a kiss with him, and now he responded, she accused him of being what? Bad? What did he even do? Shouldn't he have responded to the kiss or what? He couldn't understand.

The man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He can never comprehend women at all. No wonder even the great Jesus in the Bible had twelve disciples and none were women. Neither did he bother to get married - women's problems were numerous.

"Get in and drive this damn wheeled box home!" She yelled at him from inside the car.

"Yes, your majesty," He said with sarcasm, fighting against the urge to yell back. Was this their official first fight? They hadn't even been together for more than an hour.

As her majesty commanded, Sakuzi got into the car and drove back to his daughter's place. Pulling up into the lawn, he noticed everywhere was calm and cool. Seems like he was right, the kids had been good.

However, before Nadia could get out and go into the house, Sakuzi was faster and grabbed onto her before she could escape.

"I don't want us to fight anymore, especially not in front of the kids - it's not a good example to set for them. So tell me, what's the problem? Have I done anything wrong? Tell me and I'll do something about it, " he wanted to solve this issue once and for all.

"Don't worry, it's nothing," she said to his shock.

"Huh?" Sakuzi was confused.

Nadia scratched her scalp awkwardly, "I guess I was just being emotional for nothing. Signs of menopause and all - I must be getting old," she chuckled, all by myself.

Sakuzi snorted, unbelievable. Throughout the ride, he has been racking his brain for nothing? He kept wondering what he had done to offend this woman, who knew he had been worrying over nothing? The man shivered, women were one strange creature.

"Let's go," She was even the one who grabbed his hand, jerking him from his reverie as she led in the direction of the house.

"I wonder what the kids are up to?" she asked out of curiosity.

"I'm sure the kids are doing something productive. I told you the kids would be fine without us for an…." the rest of the words got stuck in Sakuzi's throat as he came in to see the outcome of the house.

"Of course the kids are fine, but not the house," Nadia sucked in a sharp breath. She thought she had problematic sons but Reina got a handful of them.

"Where are the kids?" Sakuzi asked one of the maids that were clearing the damages from the living room.


"Sleeping?" Anger boiled in his veins. How could they have the nerve to enjoy a good sleep after leaving the living room in this state. As much as he adored his grandkids, he couldn't allow them to turn into scoundrels.

"Wake them up now!" he commanded, furious.

"Urm, sorry sir, but I don't think I can do that," she replied, timidly as she was afraid of being rebuked. Even without being told, she could tell this man was powerful.

"What? Are you defiling my order?!" Sakuzi raged as Nadia tried to calm him.

"Of course not!" The lady was scared and began to explain to Sakuzi so quickly she couldn't catch her breath just so she could save her job.

So it happened that after Isabella was shot by the dart gun and slept. Ailee and Allen, the twins struggled over the weapon, and the female twin got shot in the process but the girl was quick to shoot down her determined brother as well before going into dreamland. However, Neon had no idea how to operate the sophisticated gunshot and shot himself as well. So in one word, they all sent themselves to sleep.

Sakuzi was suddenly weak, where was he going to begin? It was his fault to not have listened to his daughter's warning. It seems to save this house from razing to the ground, he'd have to take these children to his base. There, he would inculcate some manners in them. But first, he'd have to replace every damaged item from the house else Reina has a heart attack when she returns.

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