Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 349 - Three Hundred And Fifty: Devil In Angels Clothing

Chapter 349 - Three Hundred And Fifty: Devil In Angel's Clothing

The third point of view:

"You are dead meat when I get you," Isabella swore as she called Pedro's number but the phone kept ringing with no answer. Was it some sort of prank or what? Though she feared he had just used her, Isabella still felt inside that something was amiss. Did something happen? she wondered

She turned to supervise her abnormally quiet siblings. What has gotten over them? Since Sakuzi and Nadia were out, weren't they supposed to be wreaking havoc and driving her insane? Gosh, their silence was more irritating than their ravages and this added to her frustration.

With them so silent, how was she supposed to guess what's going on in that mind of theirs? But with them messing the whole place up, she could tell at one glance their plan and stop them at once. Well, shouldn't she be grateful for their silence? Her blood pressure was normal today thanks to that.

However, that was the problem. Was this a new act to make her lower her defenses and then strike when she least expects it or was the whole quiet thing sincere? No, she would rather go with the first one and prepare her heart for the things to come. After all, the devil you see is better than the angel you haven't seen. Those kids were no angels at all.

"Alright, so what's the catch?"

"What?" Ailee blinked with cute innocent eyes.

But Isabella refused to fall for that, "Fuck the act, I need your normal selves back. Being obedient doesn't suit you guys at all,"

" 'Fuck' is not exactly a good language to use around kids. I'll have mom know about that," Allen lectured her and to Isabella's greatest surprise, began to type it down into the tablet in his grasp.

"Exactly," Ailee concurred, "First offense detected. Mom would be so thrilled to hear this," She too began to type into her tablet.

"Me too. Aunty must hear of this," said Neon, the one she thought was on her side, typing the same thing into his tablet likewise.

There was only one word that could describe how Isabella felt at that moment, ' stupefied'


What the hell was going on? When was a surveillance department established in their family? What were they doing? Monitoring crimes? No, bad behaviors?

"Wait a minute," Allen stopped and looked at Ailee, "I was the one who noticed her bad word first. So why are you writing that down?"

"What do you mean writing it down? I'm monitoring bad behavior as well, so why shouldn't I take note of that?" Ailee argued.

"I'm saying that I noticed this first, so I should be the only one who reports it to mom," He claimed. There was no way on earth he was about to share his reward.

"That's uncalled for and selfish, Allen," Neon criticized him.

"What selfish? Aren't you the selfish one by trying to take my glory?" he retorted.

"And while you both are at it, I'm going to write down the fact that you both quarreled," Ailee flaunted her fast wits.

"What? Quarreled!" Neon exclaimed, "Does this look like we're quarreling,"

Allen contributed, "Fine, if you say so, then you should know that you started the whole argument. Hence, you should type down your name too," He pointed out.

"What? No way!" Ailee didn't admit it, "I never started anything in the first place, rather pointed out his delusions of reporting alone," she cried out.

"Three words," Allen told her boldly, "I don't care," He said sarcastically and bam! The three of them began to argue back and front.

Something was strange here, Isabella rubbed her chin contemplatively while watching the kids argue. The trio of them was ordered to keep a watch on her? Or on each other? Isabella's eyes widened as it dawned on her and then a smirk curved her lips.

They say she was the ruthless one in the family but here was Reina, smartly pitting her kids against the other. Isabella would have applauded for smart moves but unfortunately, she was about to destroy that.

"Who even gave you the right to monitor me?" Ailee questioned Allen, her brother.

"Mom gave me that authority," he replied with all manner of conviction.

"That's a lie," Ailee told him, "Mom, made me the monitor here,"

"No," Neon objected, "Aunty personally told me to watch out for you guys,"

"That's a lie, I'm the first,"

"No, I'm the first,"

"Shut up, I'm the one,"

"Alright, you three cut it out!" Isabella boomed and the whole place went dead silent yet the kids glared at each other.

"Alright," Isabella asked "Who did?mom make her eyes here?"


"No, me,"

"No, it's me,"

The kids began to argue once more and it took everything in Isabella not to grab their heads and knock them together if that would bring back their senses. Couldn't they see through their mother's deceit?

"Now, stop it. I thought you all were smart kids but It seems I was wrong after all, you all are dumb, " Isabella sassed.

"Dumb?" Allen scoffed, arms folded across his chest as he gave his elder sister the whole of his attention, " You think we're dumb?"

"Aren't you? If you're as smart as you claimed, you would have figured out your mother approached you trio at the same time," she dropped a hint.

Allen and Ailee's eyes connected, "Mom tricked us," they gasped.

Allen stomped his feet, vexed, "She used me,"

"Us," Ailee corrected

"She made us look like kids,"

"Exactly," Ailee supported

Meanwhile, Neon scratched his scalp awkwardly asking, "Aren't we kids, though?"

The twins glared at him, he gulped and shut up.

"We deserve an explanation!"

"Your mother did that to keep you, kids, in good behavior, simple as that," Isabella explained nonchalantly, eyes still trained on a certain number that wasn't picking.

"No, she used us," Ailee said.

"Aunty would reward us when she returns, remember?" Neon's voice was so tiny when speaking that if they hadn't been close enough, they wouldn't have heard him. After they shunned him, the boy would rather keep his opinion to himself, but then the twins were misunderstanding Aunty's intention.

"Blah blah blah," Allen rolled his eye, "Of course, you would support mommy,"

"Allen knock it off. Your mother did what was necessary. But if you still bear a grudge, you can wait when she's back to resolve that,"

"No, I'm not waiting," Allen said decisively, "Not if I can ask her that myself,"

"No problem, you can call her then," Isabella waved it aside as just a child throwing a tantrum.

"Mom crushed my pride," His hand went to his chest, which Isabella would have seen as dramatic if it wasn't the fact he wasn't smiling at all. "I'll question her face to face,"

"Alright. Wait - what?" Isabella turned back abruptly. Seems things weren't as simple as she thought.

"You heard me right. I'm going to see mom," Allen decided.

Isabella laughed in disbelief; she cackled until tears escaped her ears, "How are you going to do that? Are you flying over there?" her expression changed, "You are really going to fly over there, aren't you?"

"Yes, sister, and please do not be a hindrance to my plan, or I might have no choice but to move you too," Allen told her with a very serious tone.

Isabella laughed, then pointed to her chest, "You'd move me," she stood up, intimidating the little boy with her height, "I would love to see you try," she challenged him.

"Urm, Allen, what are you doing?" Ailee tugged on her brother's clothes. She was now uncomfortable with the tension in the air. What was going on with her brother? He was taking this too seriously or was she about to experience the first fight of the century.

"I'm sorry," Allen suddenly said.

"Sorry for what?" Isabella was now confused. Was he giving up because he couldn't defeat her and had come to his senses?

"I'm sorry for this?" Allen brought out a toy gun.

Isabella burst into laughter, "What are you going to do with that? Ooh, I'm so scared," she taunted him, "I'm sure you - ahhhhh,"

A sustained scream left Isabella's mouth when a dart flew out from the gun and hit her. Isabella couldn't move her body because she suddenly was too weak. Sleep carried her to dreamland.

"That drug in that dart is enough to knock an elephant out," Allen told her with a victorious smirk and turned to his sister, "You can drive a chopper, right. I know where grandfather keeps his,"

"Where did you get that? Was this the surprise you were talking about earlier?" she answered his question with a question. They had once been discussing how to defeat Isabella's laser-eyed robot.

"I had a deal with one of grandpa's men, they snuck this in for me," Allen boasted, stroking the tranquilizer gun that was modified to look like a toy gun, "So would you help me?"

"Of course, grandpa taught me how to drive one but I'm not going to help your childish tantrum!" Ailee said and kicked the gun away from him. However, the durable butt of the gun flew and hit the flat screen television, it cracked.

"Neon! Help me out, we have to stop the enemy!" Ailee screamed as she and Allen struggled with the gun they had grabbed at the same time after it fell.

Neon came over and took hold of the gun but Allen was quick to grab him on the trouser, he tripped. But as Neon was falling, he reached out to the curtain by his side for support, the curtain shredded into two under the weight.

Amanda, the housekeeper, heard the noises coming from the living room and decided to go and check it out. But when she came in and saw the magnitude of destruction, she simply fainted. These kids were devils in angels' clothing!

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