Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 333 - Three Hundred And Thirty-four: His Promise

Chapter 333 - Three Hundred And Thirty-four: His Promise

The third point of view:

Where was she? Was the first question in Cecil's mind when she awoke to see herself in an unfamiliar room. The last thing she remembered was she trying to pull Pedro into the house.

"That bastard!" her fists clenched by her side unknowingly, great anger pulsing through her, having remembered the events that occurred now.

Cecil had put up a tough fight when Fernandez's men tried to seize Pedro. She had grabbed the floor vase by her side and jabbed it on the head of the first man, blood trickled down the victim's head. The second one who came was kicked in the place where the sun never shines and that was when Fernandez realized she was dead serious; no one was touching her son.

"Fine, you should come along too. I'll have great use for you," He said nonchalantly as if she were some sort of object and not a human being with rights.

This time they overpowered her, nor was her strength a match enough for the men while Fernandez left in his expensive car, a self-pleased smirk on his face. She and Pedro were tossed into the van like some criminal.

She couldn't understand something, if Pedro was that important to Fernandez, why didn't he come for him all these years? Unless something happened - that she could tell.

However, she couldn't be deprived of her right to her son. Cecil recollected praying for help from any divine entity that could interfere at that moment - she couldn't lose her son like this.

At that moment, the next thing she felt was a bang and her body felt weightless for a split second. She probably hit her head somewhere evidenced by the splitting headache she had felt then and that was the last she remembered.

However, Cecil recalled there was a sensation of being carried - someone had saved her. But the problem was who? It wasn't Reina's people because she had told her it would take them about fifteen minutes to get to her. If they weren't the one, who? Cecil hoped she hadn't gone from frying pan to fire. By the way, where was her son Pedro? Oh no.

A knock on the door startled her. Her body tensed up, could it be her enemy? No, she had to do something; she refuses to be a damsel in distress. Looking around for a weapon, her eyes fell on the fireplace and the fire poker beside it. Thank God.

The knock continued and she knew any seconds from now, whosoever was at the door would open it, so she went and picked the poker, hiding beside the door.

As foreseen, it wasn't long before a click was heard and the door was opened. Since she had the element of surprise on her side, Cecil stayed put and waited for the man to enter further into the room while the door shielded her.

"Where is she?" the man muttered, eyes darting around the bed as she silently stepped out. She lifted the poker back and was about to bring it down on the man's head when it was suddenly snatched from her grasp from behind.

Startled, Cecil spun around quickly to see who had snatched her weapon only to receive the shock of her life.

Oh no.

Dumbfounded from shock, Cecil tried to take a step back but stumbled in the process and almost fell and the huge man caught her. Though he saved her ungrateful ass, that arm around her waist felt as if it was scalding her and she jerked out of it immediately.

"Urm, thank you?" She wasn't sure about that one.

"If you were that grateful, you wouldn't have attempted to hit him with the poker," Emerald tossed the poker away while Andrew had a huge look of surprise - women were scary.

"You're saying I shouldn't defend yourself," Cecil was vexed. Her whole situation was frustrating her, she was taking it out on them.

"Not from the people who saved your pretty ass," He retorted

"It's not like the people who saved my pretty ass had a good tag - wait a minute, pretty ass?" her brows raised questioningly.

Emerald coughed awkwardly, he had not meant to say that; it was a slip of his tongue.

"How did you find us?" Cecil decided to change the topic since it was becoming awkward.

"Reina sent us,"

"Y-you," She couldn't believe her ears, "You work for Reina?"

"Her father to be specific," was his answer.

"Then, how did you find us so easily? Reina had said it would take time"

"He was already searching for -"

"We were in the area by chance," he interrupted Andrew who almost spilled his secret. Their eyes met and Andrew saw that as a cue to take his leave.

Andrew obeyed immediately knowing how tortuous that giant's punishment could be. He left the room for them both - making sure to close it.

With Andrew gone, Cecil felt the room had strangely become smaller and stuffy, not to mention the intense tension in the air. Then it crossed her mind...

"My son, Pedro? Where is...?"

"He's safe with us," Emerald assured her.

Then an awkward silence descended in the room. Both of them didn't know what to bring up as a discussion and the silence wasn't helping them either. What could they even discuss?

Emerald started, "The boy -"

"He's not your son," Cecil answered him too quickly. She had expected that question having known that with his type of connection, he would do a background search on her.

"I know," Emerald nodded. He had found out the moment he came face to face with the boy. That blue eyes and pretty face weren't his but from his bastard father, Fernandez.

But it still hurt him though. When he heard about the possibility of the boy being his, there was this inexplicable joy in his heart. The thought that he had a seed out there and from the woman, he was in love with, brought joy to his lips. Who knew it was all for nothing.

"Can we talk?" he swallowed.

"Aren't we talking already?" there was a fire in Cecil's eyes, she would not go easy on him.

Emerald sighed," At least take a seat,"

"No, I'm fine standing. The last time I had a seat, I ended up having a one-nightstand," There was venom in her voice.

"I'm sorry," he apologized

Cecil threw her head back and laughed hysterically, "Of course, you're sorry?and everything's going to be okay afterward, right?"

Her laughter gurgled to a halt with all smiles vanishing from her face, "Well, guess what? Your sorry can't erase the stigma, the hardship, I went through over the years because of you! It can't erase the trauma so don't you tell me to dare tell me you're sorry because you're not! And I don't need it either! Neither do I need to see your irritating face"

She went on," You know I'm so grateful for the scar on your face, I pray it keeps reminding you of the monster you are and the lives you've ruined! You knew I was drunk that night, yet you took advantage of me! You're a monster!"

She screamed at his face and tried to bypass him but Emerald reached out and grabbed her. He knew she was saying that in purpose to irk him, but if that would make her feel better, so be it - he can take it all.

"Let me go!" Cecil struggled to be free. She couldn't stand the sight of him.

"Please just listen to me!"

"I have nothing to listen so let me go!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and even bit his arm but that pain was nothing to Emerald.

"Let me go!"

"Just listen to me!!" he shouted at Cecil with a great intensity that made her shut up at once.

"You're right!" He concurred with her statement, "I don't deserve to apologize at all for what I did to you," His chest heaved, "But you deserve an apology,"

Cecil fought against the tears that stung her eyes, she couldn't show her weakness in front of him, no, not him of all people.

He continued, "I know nothing I say can atone for my mistakes nor would apology without restitution work out either. Which is why I'm going to make up for everything I've done..."

She refused to believe him.

"I'll give you back your son. Fernandez would not take him,"

Cecil looked up at him, shocked, "H-how would you do that?"

"You don't have to worry about how I achieve that, you should just hold me to my promise,"

There was another long silence before Cecil nodded, "Alright, now let go of me,"

He obeyed to her greatest surprise, she had been expecting him to come up with another unreasonable argument.

"Alright," Emerald lifted his hand in surrender. If he was going to buy her trust at the least, he needed to give her freedom.

"And don't you dare think this changes anything between us," Cecil pointed at him, chin lifted high notwithstanding the fact the man towered over her greatly.

"Of course," Emerald nodded when in reality all he wanted to do was to hug her and show her how much he missed and loved her. Fine, time was all he needed, he'd exercise patience.

"Now, where is my son?"

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