Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 332 - Three Hundred And Thirty-three: Good Night

Chapter 332 - Three Hundred And Thirty-three: Good Night

The third point of view:

Knock knock

"Come in," Emerald welcomed whoever was at the door without looking up.

"Here's everything I could find about her," Andrew dropped the file on his desk.

Emerald who had been busy with other projects dropped it all and picked the file, going through the contents with rapt attention.

"Cecil Vincent," He murmured that name, wondering why it sounded familiar?

Andrew who sensed his confusion answered,?"She's from the Vincent family, more like 'was'. The Vincents are one of the major winemakers across the globe. She was taken off the family's registry eighteen years ago after she allegedly brought shame to the family," He explained, providing a younger picture of the woman from years back.

"T-his," Emerald stuttered, pointing at the picture as recognition dawned on him.

"Yes, that's where you come in," Andrew told him, "You were the one-night stand that got her eliminated from the family," He disclosed.

Emerald groaned, wiping his face with his palm. He had brought the young girl's to ruin all just so he could satisfy his carnal desires. No wonder she had run, no, fled away from him when they had met at the wedding. She must hate him - heck! He hated himself too.

Though it was eighteen years already, he could still remember that night vividly; her courage in walking up to him and her ability to hold up a discussion with him.

That day, they had come to that city for a raid which was completed successfully. To celebrate their victory, his men decided to have some fun at the club and he had no choice but to join.

Thanks to his intimidating height, women feared him - he didn't have time for them anyway- the few who approached him were thrill-seekers who wanted to know what it would be like to sexual relations with him.

But when she came, he saw it in her eyes, there was something different about her; innocence mixed with sheer curiosity. He had decided to ignore her at first, but she didn't give up and in time, piqued his interest.

As a mafia, having a love interest was dangerous since enemy gangs could use her against him, hence his minimal association with women. Moreover, which woman in her right mind would date a criminal like him, not to mention that the scar across his eye puts them off. But at that moment, he had the crazy thought of keeping her by his side.

He was young then and reckless. Due to his desire to make her his, he had intentionally invited her for a drink when he knew she couldn't handle that liquor.

Emerald knew she was drunk the moment she offered to draw him. But before he could stop her, she had brought out a sketching paper and began to draw him. He was amused unlike her who had a serious demeanor amid her inebriated state.

The moment he saw a portrait of himself, he fell for her beyond redemption. The girl had not taken away his scar from the drawing as he expected instead she made it lucent.

"The scars don't define a man, they only tell the tales of the battles he's been through. You're a fighter," she grinned at him while tracing the scar on his face.

It was obvious that she was drunk yet he knew that comment was from her heart; she wasn't disgusted by his scar.

"Let me take you home," he had offered with an ulterior motive.

Emerald wanted her to be his and had achieved his mission that night. He had sworn to take responsibility for her, but who knew the next morning before she could even wake, he was summoned for another mission.

He had never wanted that special experience with her to seem like a one-night stand but then, duty calls. So he vowed to come back for her.

Unfortunately, the mission took him away from the country for months and by the time he returned, she was nowhere to be found. Who knew the reason he couldn't find her was because his selfishness ruined her life. He would never forgive himself for this.

"In one word, she was chased off because she had one stand with me?" there was a pained expression on his face.

"Precisely, because she got pregnant,"

"Pregnant!" Emerald shot up to his feet, heart pounding in his chest. His heart was in his throat, could it be that she had his child?

"The child....?"

"A boy," Andrew revealed to him the picture, "Though I'm not sure he's yours since the woman was engaged to another during that time frame,"

The thought of having a son out there for eighteen years made his pulse race. He would never abandon his own seed.

"Whether he's my son or not, I need to meet him. Also, I need to apologize to his mother even though it would be worth nothing. My sorry can't compensate for the pain and suffering she's passed through because of me,"

"Then I'll get the car ready," Andrew bowed his head and left.

Since that incident with Reina, he was put directly under Emerald. Although Andrew detested the thought at first due to Emerald's harsh and staid behavior, the man had a heart of gold - you just had to look beyond his rough exterior.

Emerald felt down. It was as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulder and it was constricting him; he ruined her life. He had done the opposite of what he intended for the women he loved. What could he do to penance for his sins?

It wasn't confirmed whether that boy Pedro was his son, yet his heart arched already. The boy must hate him - if he turns out to be his - but he was grateful his mother was strong enough to keep the child and train him to the man he is today.

"Let's go," He ordered Andrew as soon as he climbed into the car, and they drove off.

"How long would it take to get there?" he asked Andrew just to be sure he had enough time to mentally prepare himself before seeing her.

"Twenty minutes at most if I drive at this speed with no traffic,"

"Alright," He sighed, looking out of the window deep in thought when his phone rang not less than five minutes later.

"Hello?" Emerald picked, highly surprised that Reina was calling. It wasn't that they do not communicate regularly but she was supposed to be halfway across the world for her honeymoon.

"Is that you, Emerald?" She inquired just to be sure.

"The One and only,"

"ThankGod," there was relief in her voice, "Alright, I need you to rescue a very close friend of mine, she seems to be in trouble,"

Suddenly, Emerald had an ominous feeling in his spirit but he had to be sure before concluding, " Who?"


His heart dropped. No way.

"She's at her place and I've promised to send help in fifteen minutes - she's smart enough to buy time for herself - but I want your asses down there before the estimated time. If anything happens to her, I won't spare you," was her strict warning.

"You don't need to tell me twice," He hung up on her and instructed Andrew, "Hit the gears at maximum speed! She's in danger,"

And just like that, Andrew accelerated to full speed as they raced through the road like madmen. Thanks to their dangerous driving, the police chased after them asking them to pull over.

"Lose them," He commanded nonchalantly as if this was a common occurrence.

Andrew obeyed and took many shortcuts, he trapped them by causing a blockage with other incoming cars that stopped the police from trailing after them.

He gave Andrew a look of approval for his fast thinking yet his heart was not settled, were they late to the rescue?

They arrived at Cecil's neighborhood just in time to see a van pulling out of her lawn.

"Stop that car!" he pointed at it, having a feeling they were in there.

"On it!" Andrew said and without a second thought, collided with the van. Due to the fact they had braced themselves on time, both men didn't experience much whiplash compared to the prey.

Emerald got out, strode over to the van, and pulled the door open and there he found mother and son groaning in pain.

"Hey, you! What are you -"


He punched the daylight out of the man who tried to stop him as he reached for the woman.

"Can you walk?" he asked the boy who nodded his head, yet looked at him cautiously.

"You don't have to be afraid, Reina sent me," He assured the boy, pulling the weak woman into his arm effortlessly.

"Alright," Pedro nodded, getting out of the car.

"Let's go," Emerald announced and carried the woman over to his car. He was just about to usher the boy in when the hairs on his back stood on edge; someone was about to attack him. However, before he could retaliate, someone already beat him to it.

"You bastard!"

Pedro saw one of the kidnappers try to attack his savior with a knife and he reacted instinctively by doing a flying kick that knocked the man to the ground, the weapon falling off his grasp.

"Nice move, who taught you that?" Emerald was impressed.

"My girlfriend," He answered with pride. Seems sparing with Isabella finally paid off - even though he was the one often tossed to the ground.

"I would love to meet your girlfriend," Emerald patted the boy on the shoulder, "But at the moment… " his smile disappeared as he hovered over the kidnapper threateningly.

"Goodnight," the huge man punched the fool to sleep.

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