Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 328 - Three Hundred And Twenty-eight: Dissappear From The Surface Of The Earth

Chapter 328 - Three Hundred And Twenty-eight: Dissappear From The Surface Of The Earth

The third point of view:

"Make yourself comfortable," Emily played the part of a good hostess.

With her head lifted high, Fiona strutted into the living room. This was the treatment she deserves. However, her brows suddenly furrowed, why was she being treated like a visitor and this woman behaving like the mistress of the house? That idea didn't sit well with her.

"There are only two rooms here available, hence you would be sharing one with me" Emily informed her.

Share her butt! Fiona wanted to throw a fit but shut up when her eyes met with Kai's. Gosh, she almost lost control. For Christ's sake, she was a noble and wasn't supposed to lose her calm because of this woman. Fine, she'd endure this humiliation with Kai's presence but once it's time to settle down for the night, she'd put this woman in her place.

It wasn't over until it's truly over. Just because the woman gave birth to the first official prince doesn't guarantee her spot as the next queen. The queen dowager doesn't approve of her which means no matter what the woman does, she would never be Kai's wife, the queen. Once Fiona becomes the new queen, she would give birth to more princes and princesses and that woman would be forgotten.

A slow smile worked its way across her face and into her eyes when Fiona thought about being Kai's wife. She would be the brightest shining star in the kingdom of Lincolnshire and all eyes would be on her. Though Kai might not feel anything for her now, Fiona was confident he would come to love her in the future.

"You should relax, I'll take your things inside," Emily offered to carry her luggage but Judy snatched it away from her with a frown.

"I asked you not to strain yourself," He scolded her and took the bag to the room leaving both women alone.

There was tension in the air so thick a knife could cut through it. Fiona stared at the woman with a condescending look as she wondered what drew the prince to Emily. She must have bewitched him, that was the only explanation she could come up with.

Emily sighed, why were some women so dumb. This woman was so willing to throw herself at a man that wouldn't even take a look at her - Girl, have some pride! Fine, since she asked for trouble, she'd give her one. Sometimes, everything was not achieved by violence; there are many ways to kill a rat.

"You must be hung-"

"Yes, I'm hungry," she took the words right out of Emily's mouth, "I came from a long flight, were you expecting me to go to bed with an empty stomach? Is that how you treat your guest?!" She raised her voice a bit.

"Of course not, your royal highness," Emily said with heavy sarcasm.

Fiona wanted to quibble on her

rudeness but Emily didn't give her a chance.

"But your highness, because of your impromptu visit, we didn't make enough arrangements hence there are not so many ingredients available and might have to put up with whatever I prepare," Emily told her with a smile that didn't touch her eyes.

"Y-you," Fiona was stunned by that attitude, " How dare -"

"Is anything the matter?" Judy made his appearance.

"Of course not," Emily answered,

"Fiona was just telling me how hungry she was,"

"Hungry? What time is it in the night? Didn't she eat on the plane?"

Wrong move, Fiona was alarmed. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. She stood up about to explain things to Judy but Emily pushed her back to the sofa gently.

"Relax, you don't have to worry about a thing. I already told you I'll prepare the meal for you," Emily said to her.

This bitch! Fiona cursed. The woman was intentionally putting her in a tight corner and now Kai had misunderstood her as a selfish person. She should have known this woman was a sly fox. But Emily should watch out, she would outfox her.

Emily ignored the girl's murderous gaze and turned to her handsome fiancé, "Would you please help me out in the kitchen, Judy?"

"Of course," Judy was more than happy to help out.

Fiona almost fell from shock. She sprang up to her feet, "How could you ask the prince to do such a menial job?"

"Excuse me?"

"Prince Kai is a noble -"

"Do you want to leave this night?" Judy threatened.

"But Kai -"

"I'm not kidding," his face held a grave expression.

Fiona bit down on her lips, aggrieved. This wasn't the Kai she knew anymore, he had changed entirely - this witch has done something to him.

"In case you're bored, you can join us in the kitchen," Emily offered her with what was seen as a kind smile before she took Judy's hand and left in the direction of the kitchen.

Humiliation! Fiona's eyes were full of rage. This woman was a devil in sheep's clothing and the queen was going too easy with her. Left for her alone, she would have done something about it, but not when the prince was against her every action.

Judy, who should have been the sensible one, was now wrapped around this little witch's finger. No, she won't let that be. What was she even doing here? she had to go spy on that witch. Who knew what she was feeding him at the moment?

"I see what you're doing," Judy said to Emily who was laying down the ingredients she had taken out from the fridge on the counter.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She asked, a smile touching the corner of her lips.

"You're dealing with her the smart way," He said, hugging the girl's waist from behind, his heat sipping into her body.

Emily rested her head back on his body, "She seems like an overpampered princess from birth. I hope she learns from this. The girl's young and has ample opportunity of meeting the one who would love her,"

"You're too kind," Judy told her, his hand slipping into her shirt, she shivered.

"Judy stop it," She giggled, his hand was making her ticklish.

But Judy didn't listen, instead, he lowered his head and whispered into her ears, "We did not put much of a show earlier and the Fiona I know, would surely be out to spy on us,"

"So you're thinking what I'm thinking," Emily asked him, tilting her neck to give him more access.

"More than that," He kissed down her neck before turning her around to face him.

Judy grabbed her waist and placed her on the counter after clearing the ingredients in his path. His hands traveled to her thighs and spread them apart as he stood in between, pulling her hips flush against him.

Emily went red in the face at the thought of that woman watching them being intimate but she had to do this else that kiddo keeps deluding herself. Since the girl was a healthy competitor, she'd give her a chance to give up before she loses herself.

"Yes...." Emily moaned as Judy slipped his head into her baggy shirt and began to suck her tits.

And that was the great sight Fiona stumbled onto when she came into the living room. A scream almost left her throat had she not cupped her mouth immediately.

The scene was like a rude awakening to Fiona. All this while, she had envisioned Emily being the one seducing Judy, however seeing the highly respected prince Kai pleasure the girl who kept moaning in ecstasy made her world come crashing down. This is not possible. There had to be a reasonable explanation for this.

This time, Fiona didn't dare to interrupt them. Her image of Kai has finally been tainted and she didn't want to watch more of this puke-inducing scene. So she ran back to the living room, tears threatening to spill.

No, she wouldn't give up. The woman must have done this to thwart her. Her father never taught her to give up in tough times neither has she ever lost a battle. She wouldn't lose this one either.

Fiona clenched her fist with a renewed determination, she would see this to the end. Swallowing down her pride, she waited till the couples finished their date in the kitchen.

Since the meal was a simple one, she didn't waste time and eat the food with bitterness in her heart. She couldn't wait to go to bed so she could show this woman where she belonged.

"You're here?" Emily turned when the door to the room was opened. Judging from the girl's shitty expression, she had seen everything.

"Since there's only one bed, we're going to share," she informed her.

"I'm not sharing a bed with you," Fiona made her stand, "You can make use of the ground or better…" there was a sly smirk on her face, " I can gladly join the prince in his room for the night,"

And that was it!

Emily tossed the bedsheet aside and marched over to that little annoying woman.

"Y-you… What are you doing?" Fiona became fearful when she saw the malevolent look in her eyes. She began to move away until her back hit the wall.

Emily trapped her by placing both hands on each side of her, " Listen here bitch," she spat, Fiona shivered," I'm done with your petty little games and in case you've forgotten, this is my city,"

She grabbed Fiona's chin tight, "In case you don't understand, this means you're on my turf and I have many ways to make you disappear from the surface of the earth without even the queen nor your prince Kai suspecting a thing. I hope you get that into your dumb little brain," Emily then shove her away, left the room, and went to spend the night with Judy. The bitch could have the room all to herself.

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