Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 327 - Two Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Visitor

Chapter 327 - Two Hundred And Twenty-seven: The Visitor

The third point of view :

"Judy, you can put me down. I have both feet to walk," Emily ordered as the man carried her from the car to the house. Ever since the news of her pregnancy came up, the man has been treating her as if she was a fragile glass.

To be honest, Emily was grateful for this wedding, it gave her a chance to get away from his monitoring eyes since he couldn't join the bride's train, though he found ways of inserting himself when an opportunity arises.

She understood the reason for his vigilance and what this baby meant to him, but she was a human who needed space too, his overprotectiveness was suffocating her. She had managed to escape from her late father, Adam, and wasn't enthusiastic to live in another tailor-made cocooned world.

"No, you need all the rest you can especially after the stress you put yourself today," He added when he saw the deep crease on her face, "Doctor's words, not mine,"

The doctor had told them that the first three months were crucial and she was at risk of miscarriage if not careful enough. So Emily admitted defeat, letting him do whatever he wanted. Though it was kind of sweet watching him all tensed up and anticipatedly for this child.

"Does your feet hurt? Do you need me to massage them," He said the moment he placed her on the sofa, taking her heels off.

"I'm fine, Judy. I just need to wash up and rest - it's been a long day," Emily groaned, stretching herself.

"Fine, we'll bath then,"

"Alright," Emily agreed without thinking, already standing to her feet when she fully comprehended his words, "Wait, what?! Who's we?"

But the straight face he gave her answered her. You've got to be kidding her. Emily's hands went to her chest, " I swear to God if you touch me, I'll break your thingy,"

Judy answered blandly, "Who said I'm touching you, I'm only bathing you,"

"You son of a biscuit! What's the difference between touching me and bathing me?!" She hollered.

Judy cocked his brow, saying, "I see a lot of difference, do we need to consult the dictionary?"

Emily was tongue-tied, she almost spat blood. How could some be this brazen? She was happy to have finally escaped her shameless brother, Niklaus, who knew Judy's was on a higher level.

He continued, "But don't worry, if you don't want me to touch you, I won't,"

Huh? Did he just let her go? Emily found that highly suspicious, he couldn't have given up already?

And yes, Judy wasn't done, "I'll just use the showerhead to -"

Instantly, Emily pressed her finger against his lips, "Don't say it," she warned.

A grin lit his face, he got her there. "Have a wonderful bath, milady," And that being said, he left, leaving his flustered fiancée behind.

Emily slapped her cheeks to ensure she was still alive. Why was the place suddenly hot? She began to fan herself as she headed to her room to have a shower.

Both couples had their bath - separately - and came back down to the living room. Since it was eleven in the night and none seemed willing to sleep yet, they decided to have a bit of chat before they went to bed.

"When are you going to tell the queen that I'm expecting a child?" Emily asked him out of sheer curiosity.

The instant he had found out about the pregnancy, Judy had silenced the physician and his assistant - not even the maidservant assigned to her was spared. He had threatened the life out of them. So it was reported that Emily had caught a nasty cold which wasn't surprising since Lincolnshire was in its cold season.

"I'll tell her soon but my focus is on you at the moment, I need to take care of the mother of my child before she comes in to take over," Judy told Emily while stroking her hair as she was lying on his lap.

His mother was controlling judging from how she had monopolized Akim's attention and time. Well, he couldn't blame her, she needed a companion - if only the setup dates hadn't failed. Yes, his mother had his best interest at heart, but then, another man's meat is another man's poison. If it wasn't Emily, there would be no one else.

"No matter what, we need to tell her the truth. She deserves to know," Emily disapproved of his excuse.

"Fine, I'll tell her once we're back at Lincolnshire. Satisfied?"

"Whatever," Emily rolled her eyes and wanted to turn the other way but Judy cupped her face. The man lowered his face and was about to kiss her when the doorbell rang, interrupting them.

Both of them looked at each other questioningly.

"You're not expecting anybody?"

"No?" Judy answered, brows furrowed deep in thoughts. He glanced down at her, "It might be for me. Stay here, I'll answer,"

Emily sat up so he could leave for the door, her lips pursed in contemplation. It couldn't be Reina nor Camille since both were on their honeymoon nor the stressed-up Lisa and Cecil. But whoever could surpass Judy's security and ring the bell, must be someone important.

What was keeping Judy at the door by the way…..

Though Judy was sure no one could bypass his security, he still looked through the peephole to be sure they weren't in danger - Emily's life was highly important. But then, when the man saw who was at the door, anger like no other coursed through him.

The nerve of her!

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Judy boomed the moment he opened the door startling the poor girl.

Fiona was astounded by the cold reception. She had intentionally taken him by surprise even though she knew that woman was here. She had known Kai for seven years, he wouldn't toss her aside just because of that woman, right? Yet, reality slapped her hard on the face.

"I-I h-heard about the w-wedding... thought to come... c-came late-e," she stuttered miserably.

This was the first time Kai was being this fierce with her. Even the other times when he had been angry with her, there had been a tinge of playfulness in his voice. But now, he was all mean and fearsome.

"So you came for the wedding, right? Who invited you? Don't you see hotels around?! "

"N-no, it's not -"

"What's going on here?" Someone announced from behind, Judy stiffened up. What he feared most just happened, the misunderstanding.

"Is nothing, she was just leaving," He smiled sweetly at Emily, then turned to glare at a certain person still standing outside uncertain, "Weren't you?"

Fiona gulped, no, she was embarrassed. Judy supported that woman contrary to her expectation - he failed her. She was sure Emily was full of pride and was about to take up the roasting where Judy stopped. The Queen has led her to her demise, this was a wrong move. She was too hasty this time.

"Leaving?" Emily gave Judy the look, "Why should she leave?"

"Huh?" Judy blinked, confused.

Emily left Judy and focused her attention on the beautiful strawberry blonde woman standing outside her door, "You came for the wedding right?"

Fiona couldn't even answer, stunned by what was going on. Why was this woman not throwing her weight around? Was she just dumb or too kind or…..

A smile lifted the corner of Fiona's mouth, could it be that the woman was finally acknowledging her place and accepting the reality that no matter what she does, she would never be the one to settle down with Judy?

Because of Emily's humility and Judy's lessened killing intent, Fiona resumed her pompous mood. What has she got to fear anyway? Her father was part of the inner court and controlled about forty percent of the resources in Lincolnshire.

"You came for the wedding, didn't you?" Emily repeated politely.

"Yes, I did, but I was informed late hence why I couldn't meet up with it. I contemplated staying at a hotel when I remembered Prince Kai…." she said, looking at the man with adoration, " Had a property nearby so I thought of spending the night here instead of wasting my resources at the hotel," she gave Emily a sensible answer. Humph! Let's see if the woman can find fault with it.

"I never told you I had a private property, how did you find out?" Judy asked, a look of displeasure on his face.

Who was Fiona deceiving? His mother must have gotten the information and gave it to her. The both of them were undoubtedly in cahoots.

"You're the prince and this place was once your root. There's no doubt you'd like to connect with it by purchasing properties," Fiona replied smartly.

"How did you get my address then?" Judy pressed, he was not giving up on this.

"Judy," Emily pulled the sleeve of his cloth to draw his attention," Fiona just came from a long flight, she needs a roof over her head and her thin clothes can't shield her much from the cold wind outside," she laid much emphasis on "thin clothing". She wasn't stupid enough not to see through the girl's plan.

Judy was exasperated, why was Emily inviting this little vixen into their house. Fine, he'd go with her decision, but if Fiona tries anything stupid, he'd skin her alive - if only he knew he wouldn't even have to lift a finger at all.

"You should come in dear," Emily welcomed the delighted Fiona into the house. If only the girl wasn't eager to intrude on the couples, she'd have been observant enough to notice the hidden dark smirk that pulled Emily's lips to the side.

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