Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 47: Rather a Reward

Chapter 47: Rather a Reward

I am pleased to present this bonus chapter, which has been made possible thanks to the wonderful review written by zhanxian.

Please enjoy this bonus chapter as a small token of my appreciation for zhanxian’s contribution to my translation work.


Han Seori, who had absentmindedly put her hand inside the slime girl, examined the slime girl’s condition as if she had just realized it.

Her face was slightly flushed, seeming too excited at the thought of finding what was presumed to be the “core” of the 922-KR.

Just a moment ago, she was worried about what would happen if the cow monster didn’t die, but her change in attitude was startlingly quick.

Han Seori thought it was only natural.

‘If not… would I even be here now?’

Probably not.

Having quickly rationalized her actions, Han Seori made eye contact with the slime girl, who seemed to be staring at her, and grinned awkwardly as she fumbled with her hand.

She was going to pull her hand out right away if the slime girl tried to melt it. But forget melting. She only felt a cool and soft sensation… the slime girl really did seem friendly to humans.

Just then,

She saw the slime girl making a motion as if smacking her lips.

Han Seori, who was tilting her head at the face that looked as if it was… tasting something, saw the traces of snacks covering her other hand and felt embarrassed.

…It seemed the slime girl was… eating away the crumbs and seasoning stuck to her hand.

If it were a dog or cat, she would have to worry about their health, but there was no need for that with the slime girl, so that was a relief in that regard.

As Han Seori was stirring the inside of the soft slime girl with her hand, she grasped the orb presumed to be the core of the 922-KR Labyrinth of Crete.

She wanted to pull it out in one go, but while carefully watching the slime girl’s reaction, Han Seori very carefully and slowly pulled out her hand.

*Slurp…* With a small sound, Han Seori’s hand touches the air.

Contrary to the expectation that something sticky would be on it, Han Seori’s hand was clean to the point of feeling fluffy.

It contrasted with her other hand covered in cookie crumbs.

‘No, I just didn’t have time to wipe it because I was in a hurry.’

…Who am I making excuses to?

By the way, why isn’t the person I sent to bring the isolation box coming?

While Han Seori was grumbling about the person who wasn’t coming,

The slime girl, who was blankly staring at her other hand, brought her face close to Han Seori’s hand.


Before she knew it, the slime girl took Han Seori’s snack-seasoned hand into her face.

…I don’t know if it’s right to say she took it in, but Han Seori’s hand was again enveloped in soft slime.

*Gloop… gloop…*

Very faint bubbles rose near the slime girl’s face.

Han Seori felt her heart flutter at the same time as embarrassment at the sight of a slime girl savoring her hand.

One was because she felt embarrassed to show her unkempt side, and the other… was because she was happy that the slime girl seemed to have opened up her heart.

…Perhaps she was just tired of running away and recharging her energy… but Han Seori decided to think the slime girl had opened up.

No matter what, this was the first time the slime girl had taken such… action first.

‘…It’s a bit strange.’

She stared at the device dangling from the slime girl’s neck, then shifted her gaze to the slime girl’s face. She justified leaving her hand in by telling herself she could pull out immediately at any sign of melting.

Then, as she was happily watching the slime girl use her foot to nudge away the two slimes that had approached, Han Seori heard,

“Huff… hah, I, I brought it here.”

“…Mm, good work.”

A voice disturbing her appreciation was heard.

…It was a bit… much to call it a disturbance since she was the one who ordered it… but still.

Han Seori, who was about to throw a tantrum for no reason, received the item while generously forgiving him thanks to the slime girl’s cute and friendly appearance.

She opened the box with her hand, which had become clean thanks to the slime girl, and put in the orb presumed to be the core of the 922-KR.

‘Why did you bring such a big one?’

That grumbling was short-lived.


*Click, click, click.*

A strange sound came from the orb that went into the box, and a small structure ─presumed to be a labyrinth─ began to form inside the transparent box.

At the sight that was almost like… a type of bottle ship, Han Seori blinked and took in that scene.

And it was the same for the slime girl below her.

Soon, a small ant nest-like maze was completed, and Han Seori burst into admiration and then broke out in a cold sweat.

‘If we hadn’t tried putting it in beforehand, it could’ve been big trouble.’

If she had taken it to the research center without knowing, the research center might have turned into a maze.

Han Seori, who meticulously locked the box, sighed with a somewhat refreshed feeling and looked at the slime girl looking at the box in her hand.

‘Now that I see…’

She got smaller than when we came in.

The slime girl’s hardship was felt in that appearance, so Han Seori felt a little touched.

Plus, she now had ammunition to loudly refute those who would say the slime girl wouldn’t really be helpful, so she was in a good mood.

Han Seori, who smiled contentedly while looking at the slime girl, placed her hand on the slime girl’s small head.

Han Seori, who pressed the jelly protruding out, patted the slime girl’s head while saying,

“Mm, good job. So…”

Han Seori, who was trying to praise the slime girl, suddenly recalled the codename attached to the slime girl.

‘“All-Melting Slime”….’

Isn’t that too lifeless and unfitting?

The slime girl didn’t melt everything she touched… so wouldn’t it be better to revise it?

‘For example…’

Something like Slime Girl… or Jelly Girl…?

Wouldn’t such cute names suit her better?

Well, it’s not like it’s fixed anyway, so we can gradually change it.

Han Seori, who was patting the slime girl’s head while thinking of other things, blinked her eyes at the sensation of her hand being pushed away.

Looking down, the slime girl was pushing Han Seori’s hand a little… timidly.

That behavior seemed to be feeling somewhat shy, so Han Seori smiled warmly and took her hand off.

Taking her hand off, with a *boing!* sound… the agoge on the slime girl’s head sprought up.

“Ahaha… sorry, I guess it was uncomfortable.”

Since it wasn’t shown on screen, Han Seori didn’t know that the slime girl’s “knowledge pouch” had led the slime girl to the center of the labyrinth.


Han Seori, who handed the snacks in her pocket to the slime girl,

Thought she should give the slime girl a new name when she got back, and picked up the slime girl.

Then she handed the box to the man who was staring at the slime girl with a dumbfounded face beside her and said,

“…Stop staring and take care of the box.”

“Ah, yes.”

Well… our 7496-KR is pretty cute.

Han Seori stared at the slime girl’s twitching antennae for some reason,

…And returned to the research center with the slime slimes bouncing below, along with the slime girl.

Thinking she would be busy for a while again.

I ended up taking Han Seori’s hand in my mouth without realizing it.

No, honestly, how could I resist?

My body had already shrunken from using up energy, and where else would I get to taste that familiar potato flavor in my mouth?

Even a person fasting wouldn’t be able to resist this.

I was worried Han Seori would think I was strange, but thanks to my cute appearance, she seemed to feel more endearment than anger.


She thinks of me as something like a puppy…?

Seeing the thing dangling from my neck like a collar, I can’t help but feel that way.

…I felt a bit strange. Now that I’m not human anymore, should I be happy with this treatment?


The sight of the orb I had stored in my body going into a familiar box and creating a miniature-like labyrinth… was very interesting.

It somehow felt mystical, so it really must have been a mystical thing.

Until Han Seori pulled it out, I had forgotten about it, but…

It was a bit embarrassing to be patted on the head, so I gently pushed it away, but she seemed to have misunderstood… I left it alone. What’s the point of explaining when I can’t even talk anyway.

And so,

I was able to return to my room for the first time in who knows how many days.

…Now, I naturally call it a room, but, well… if this isn’t a room, then what else would it be.

I won’t need a bath… (they won’t let me take one anyway), so I wobbled into the room and threw myself on the bed.

I don’t really know what it was all about, but it seems to have been resolved well… so I can sleep a little, right?

They won’t throw me into somewhere else right away, will they?

Seeing Han Seori’s satisfied face… I think I did well?

Being buried in the bed, I felt a bit thrilled thinking that.

Maybe a life that somewhat… resembles the life I wanted isn’t so bad.

The moment my consciousness was sinking into darkness,

The door opens, and the man walks in with heavy footsteps. He was holding a tray in his hand, on which a lot of food was piled up.

My darkening vision brightens and clears up.

My senses, sharpened to a point, are busy receiving information to identify the food on the tray.

Chicken… and jelly…? Why is there jelly?

But I can’t resist the chicken.

As I approached the guy, he said with a dumbfounded face,

“…You gluttonous little thing.”

Should I hit you?

I feel like I can be forgiven even if I hit you once right now.

Should I let you taste a vicious and tough jelly punch?

As I was contemplating whether to show him a jelly punch, the sound of the tray being placed on the floor made me sit down obediently.

“Kuk… are you an anomaly or a puppy.”


I want to punch you.

By the way,

An anomaly, huh.


It seems they call things like me anomalies.

Well, I guess it’s not really important.

What was more urgent was the huge jelly and chicken in front of my eyes.

Wow, there’s even pork belly.

Ehehe, you greedy gourmand, control yourself!

Don’t you know there’s a limit even to simple pleasures?

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