Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 46: Extraordinary

Chapter 46: Extraordinary

I am pleased to present this bonus chapter, which has been made possible thanks to the wonderful review written by besisis21.

Please enjoy this bonus chapter as a small token of my appreciation for besisis21’s contribution to my translation work.

*Huff, huff, pant…*

An armed man stumbled out of the passageway connected to the anomaly, his breath ragged and labored. Following close behind, people of similar appearance emerged one after another, like a living tide.

As someone who couldn’t control their momentum tumbled out, some of those guarding the exit where they were popping out moved in unison to drag that person to safety.

Those who came out gasping for air after catching their breath joined the ranks of the guards.

The equipment held in the hands of the group aiming at the entrance… was a mismatched array.

While the worn uniforms and gear were as consistent as if measured with a ruler, the weapons in their hands… were as diverse as if at a flea market.

Some gripped ominous-looking firearms, while others clutched butcher knives that looked like they had been painstakingly forged in a blacksmith’s shop.

Someone else hefted a pole to subdue a massive, cow-like beast, while some had their burly bodies lowered as if they were heroes of legend.

They waited with bated breath for the monstrous creature that would emerge from within.

‘Will this even be effective?’

Though it seemed questionable, the monster in the last transmitted video had discarded its weapon, so it seemed somewhat worth a try to some extent.

Understanding these so-called anomalies was impossible, but their weaknesses were… often surprisingly absurd things.

Aren’t there cases where things like can openers, ordinary axes, or chainsaws are their Achilles’ heels?


But the tension was unavoidable, thick, and palpable.

If they fail to subdue it, preparations have been made to ultimately collapse this space itself, so they have done all they could to prepare, in a sense…

But if asked, ‘Will everyone be able to survive in that process?’…

It seemed like no one would answer ‘yes.’


Han Seori, observing from a slight distance, swallowed a sigh inwardly.

‘This has spiraled far beyond what I anticipated.’

Han Seori’s initial plan was merely to map out the man-eating labyrinth below.

…Though she thought it was partly her own fault, she also harbored a tiny, faint hope of finding a clue to shut it down… but she didn’t expect events to unfold in this manner, leaving her a bit flustered.

The anomaly 922-KR, the Labyrinth of Crete, was only managed without any gain or means of deactivation, the nickname sticking like glue.

The outcome seemed imminent - would someone pen a new myth befitting the moniker, or would they crumble like the powerless humans of the original tales?

The result seemed like it would come out in a moment.

Han Seori’s thoughts turned to the slime girl who caused the current situation, though she felt partly to blame herself.

7496-KR, the slime girl, seemed more capable than she had initially assumed.

Witnessing an unprecedented irregularity… the slime girl had likely stumbled upon something that lay at the core of the anomaly.

Moreover, that being… a cow monstrosity.

Han Seori found it peculiar that the jokingly given name “Labyrinth of Crete” had proven accurate in the end.

It was for that reason that those waiting tensely for the slime girl and cow monster ahead had somewhat anachronistic weapons in their hands.

There was no time to verify, so it went straight to actual combat. This might feel a bit unreasonable, but it couldn’t be helped.

If it truly had its origins in mythology… it just might work.

However, there was one concerning point: in the myth, the helper Ariadne only told Theseus, who entered the labyrinth, how to get out.

In the end, the story is that the cow monster inside was defeated by Theseus’… heroic physique.

…Is that possible for modern humans? No, in the first place, does a human that meets that standard even exists, since it’s mythology?

It’s not like they could hastily bring a UFC champion, either.

Han Seori and the manager had no choice but to trust the agents before their eyes.

…They could only hope that what they prepared for the worst case wouldn’t have to be used.



A tremendous sound reverberated from within the anomaly. The immense noise shook the very ground, sending chills down the spines of not only Han Seori but also those awaiting the cow monster’s arrival.

Just by not throwing their weapons and running away, aren’t they already doing their job?

Soon, accompanied by a deafening noise, dirt erupted into the air. It felt like the creature had drawn very close.



With a resonant cry, someone covered in dirt popped out with 7496-KR, the slime girl, in his arms.

The slime girl was held in the man’s arms, and her two slimes were held in the slime girl’s arms.

Behind them, leaping to avoid the explosion, a silhouette appeared that was even more gigantic than they had feared.

Its hands were so immense and muscular that it seemed a mere flex of its fingers could reduce a person to a bloody pulp.

There seemed to be no one with the courage to charge at that sight with a butcher knife, let alone bare hands.

…But no one could blame them for that. It was just that there was no hero there.

Still, they could struggle as humans.


Towards the incomprehensible being that popped out of the nest, one of the most vicious things created by humans was fired.

Along with the noise of gunpowder exploding, fist-sized things were thrown, and soon, an explosion loud enough to deafen the ears was heard.

The dirt flung in before seemed trivial compared to the massive clouds of debris that billowed up from the onslaught, but the pale-faced humans did not relent in their desperate attack.

They fired their weapons more and more fiercely in desperation, and with stone-faced expressions, they shut their mouths.

With the momentum that if someone said, “Did we get it?” they would sew that person’s mouth shut.


As if their struggles were having an effect, the cow monster’s pained screams pierced the air.

The humans fired and fired again with a small hope.

How long had passed since they poured out their all?

Around the time when someone thought, ‘Did we get it?’ in their head…

The humans had no choice but to stop struggling.

It was also because they had used up everything they had prepared, but the resounding roars that had been heard were no longer audible.

There had been a precedent of someone becoming not of this world after saying a magic spell, so no one there opened their mouths rashly.


The sound of someone swallowing their saliva is heard.

The thick dirt slowly began to settle with the wind blowing from somewhere.

As the dirt settled,



“…Oh my god.”

Voices that sounded somewhat hollow were heard, and the fallen form of the monster that seemed like it would crush anything until a moment ago was seen.

Most were happy that the monster died, but some looked at the monster with bitter faces.

‘…In the end, does it mean it can be done even by normal humans?’

The fallen monster had its lower body missing.

To be exact, it seemed to have been swallowed by what was originally the entrance to the “Labyrinth of Crete.”

It was presumed that along with the suddenly vanished entrance, the cow monster’s lower body also disappeared.

Perhaps the humans’ valiant struggle had played a role in preventing the cow monster from escaping before it was ensnared.

But the bitterness welling up inside could not be avoided.

…Should they take solace in the fact that even the cow monster was bound by the limits of a living creature?

In the strange atmosphere,

For now, the imminent threat seemed to have ended.

As I was running for my life, I suddenly recalled my indifference to the death of the one who had come to help me a little while ago.

…I think it’s very sudden, but it may be natural to think of the dead in a situation where you might die.

But, thinking of that nameless person, I was oddly apathetic.

Was it because there was no time to think due to the sudden situation?

Or did my tired mind block worries that would torment me?

…Or maybe I was unconsciously thinking it doesn’t matter since it’s a total stranger.

At the sudden discomfort, I hesitated, and the man walking with me clicked his tongue and picked me up.

“Phew… you must be tired.”

No, not really.

But it was true that I was confused.

Did I lose my ability to empathize with others after becoming a slime?

…I don’t know, I didn’t feel like I had no emotions or couldn’t feel them, so it was more confusing.


As my worries were about to grow bigger, I felt some fresh air.

But it was short-lived.

Along with someone’s shout, an even more tremendous noise and explosions bigger than before began to echo all around.

*Gasp, wheeze…*

The man holding me, perhaps because the tension was gone, collapsed on the floor and didn’t think of getting up.

But he still seemed to be breathing, so I escaped his arms and got up.

Then Han Seori, who appeared out of nowhere, popped out and picked me up.

“…You’re safe.”

Muttering that, Han Seori held me and took a step back, looking at the billowing dirt.

I was also watching it, so I had a strange feeling.

…Will that thing die with that?

It was fine a little while ago.

But it seemed I was worrying for nothing. The monster had died… split in half.

To be precise, it appeared to have perished along with the space I escaped from rather than succumbing to the guns and bombs.

Han Seori let out a sigh of relief with a somewhat bitter face above my head.

“…Well, what’s resolved is resolved.”

Muttering that, Han Seori put me down on the floor and gestured to someone.

“Bring the containment box.”

While others were cleaning up the remains of the cow monster,

Han Seori squatted down to meet my eyes and said,

“Can I take what’s inside you?”


I was wondering what she meant, but I noticed the orbs floating inside my body.

…I had forgotten about this, too, since the situation was so urgent.

I stopped imagining spitting out the orbs to give them to her.

Spitting out orbs from the mouth is… a bit much. It’s not like I’m a cat coughing up hairballs.

As I silently (I can’t speak anyway) nodded my head slightly, Han Seori smiled contentedly as if it was as expected.

And put her hand inside me.


With a wet sound, her slender, pale fingers entered the slime.

…Uh, that’s… a bit, um, troubling if you do it so suddenly.

Her hand smelled strongly of the potato chips I sometimes ate.

Quite… a lot.

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