Star Eater

Chapter 445 - 445

Chapter 445: Chapter 445

Cassidy's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

Many of us watched stunned as all of us were frozen in place. All the guards, the Leiflans, even Ayda along with Greigh tried to move to help. However, we could only look on as Arceana's feet were dragged across the floor as both her hands grabbed his wrist. Her knees hit the steps as he walked down to us once more.

As he approached us, several teleportations went off, and Elves appeared in strange uniforms. Each held a red and black weapon of sorts, but all of them came to an immediate halt as well. A few tried teleporting, and it worked. Until they were slammed mercilessly into the ground and knocked unconscious.

The Priestess had finally had enough before her hands ignited. "If you even try it, I'll crush your hands." Arthur whispered without even looking down.

Arceana, to her credit, understood how grave the situation was and her magic dissipated. "You can't do this!" She spoke through the pain.

He hefted her up to face him. "I warned you." Arthur said as several veins began to protrude up and down his neck and face. "I warned you what would happen if you tried to hurt Lucia."

"I ordered her to help Alwin given his situation!" The Priestess replied angrily.

"You sent an emotionally compromised man to investigate possible Demon activity," Arthur began before he shook her hair, which made her cry out in pain. "And you sent Lucia with him!"

"People will spread the word of what happened here!" Arceana told him.

Even Lord Drewes tried to calm him by using his reputation. "Surely you, our most sensible Knight, can see that this will turn the people against you. They adore you, but this will ensure their wrath should you continue down this path." The Duke told him.

"Let them!" Arthur spat back. "See if I care. This mountain exists on my patience and pure sufferance alone." He then turned to Greigh and me before he held Arceana up in front of us painfully. "Did she give the order?"

"Arthur, ya need ta calm down." I told him.

His eyes seemed to spark as a few bursts of lightning shot from them as he spoke through clenched teeth. "I need to see my dau-" He paused and closed his eyes for a moment. "I need to see Lucia. I need to know she's safe." Arthur explained. "How far west did they go? What was there last known position?"

Greigh spoke before I could. "The last word we received from them was next to The Veil. A few miles just south of the northern territories and border towns." He then looked to Arceana. "Please, put the Priestess down, Sir."

He held her up a little higher. "Did she give the order, Greigh?" Arthur questioned.

Nodding, the Captain answered. "She did, but it made sense."

Arthur dropped Arceana to the floor with a thud. The Priestess moved to stand, but Arthur pushed her to the floor once more with his leg. This surprised many present as he proceeded to put his foot on her chest and pinned her down. Glaring down at her, a few cracks appeared on the floor under as she grunted in pain from the force Arthur was using.

Our Knight's tone turned cold. "Do you know what I'm going to do to you if there is even one scratch on that girl?" He asked cruelly. "I will repay every pound of flesh tenfold. Blood for blood, Priestess. I warned you what would happen should you try this."

"Alwin needed her!" Arceana grunted a reply from beneath him.

"Alwin needed to stay here and continue to rest! Not send him out into the field against an unknown enemy force!" Arthur instantly said back as he seemed to push down harder before he leaned over. "You should've learned your lesson the night you tried to sell her to me."

That got my eyes to widen in shock. "Priestess!" Ayda shouted in horror at the thought.

Many others voiced their disbelief along with other words of protest, but that explained a lot. There was a reason Arthur was so on guard with Arceana. A reason why he disliked her so much. I'm not one to interfere with relationships, and I know Arthur has no romantic feelings for her. Still, the mere thought that the Priestess would do such a thing... It was disturbing.

"You go too far, Sir Arthur." Lady Luthi cut in. "Do you really expect us to believe the Priestess would do such a thing?"

His eyes snapped to her, and she quickly averted her gaze. "I don't give a shit what you believe." Arthur then turned back to the Priestess. "She tried to sell her own Niece." The Priestesses eyes widened at that, and Arthur nodded. "Yes, I know who she is. She's not yours or Elincia's. You really think I won't take away your throne or your mountain?" He stepped off of her.

Arceana rubbed her chest before she stood slowly in front of Arthur. "This is my mountain! My city, my kingdom, and my place of power, Arthur." The Priestess spat. "I have protected us for thousands of years, and I will not let you take it away from me! It's mine! I built all of this! Me!"

Arthur merely scoffed at her words in response. "Spare me."

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