Star Eater

Chapter 444 - 444

Chapter 444: Chapter 444

Arceana's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

"While your potential is far greater than Alwin's, you are young and inexperienced." She moved to protest, but I held up my hand. "There is a reason he is the General of our Elven forces. General Alwin should be able to handle any situation that may arise. It is why I sent him."

It was Drewes who spoke up. "But what if they ran into Demon forces similar to the ones that attacked Helmsforth. I dare say that even the General would be hard pressed in such a situation."

Cassidy spoke up as she placed a hand on Ayda's shoulder to comfort her. "But it was Arthur who dealt with them last time. If Alwin ran into such forces..." The redhead trailed off as Ayda looked down.

"Is there some way we could contact Priestess Elincia?" Lady Luthi suggested. "If she could inform Sir Arthur of the situation I am sure they-" She suddenly stopped and went wide eyed.

Many stepped back in surprise, while others looked at me with shocked expressions. No. Not at me. Behind me. Even the guards seemed stunned and unsure of what to do. As I started to turn around to look behind my throne, someone stepped beside me.

My eyes followed the body up only to meet with the cold eyes of Arthur Pendragon looking down on me. There was a slight shimmer in his eyes that unnerved me. His gaze was focused solely on me. My breath caught in my throat as he put his hand on the top of my throne before he leaned down toward me.

Arthur spoke in an emotionless tone as he kept my gaze without blinking. "Where's Lucia, Priestess?" He asked, and my voice failed me. "You see, I can't sense her in the capital. So, where is she?"

With his gaze on me, all I could do was open and close my mouth silently. "Sir Arthur," Drewes cut in, but he didn't turn his attention away from me. "We had no idea you had returned. Welcome back. How was your mission in the East?"

Slowly, Arthur blinked before his eyes flickered to Drewes with his head and body following moments after. He seemed to examine the room for a moment. However, as he looked over the group his gaze stopped on Cassidy for some reason. The redhead seemed to avert her gaze, but I figured I should step in. I moved to stand up and started to until...

"Sit down." Arthur immediately said without looking at me.

Biting my lip, I did as instructed. "Perhaps it would be best to discuss the situat-" Luthi began.

Again, Arthur cut another person off. "Stop." He looked to Greigh, Ziah, and Cassidy. "Do any of you three know where Lucia is?"

Greigh stepped forward. "I do, but I think it might be best for you to take a moment and-"

All it took was one step. One step and Greigh went silent. It was slow. Methodically so. Arthur stepped down my dais as he made his way to the Captain. Those in his way parted like it was the obvious thing to do. Greigh, however, frowned as he seemed to break out into a cold sweat.

"Where?" Arthur spoke as he stood in front of the Captain. "I can no longer feel her, which means something has happened." He explained in a low tone.

Cassidy stepped between the two, which did little to make him back down. "Arthur, Ah know yer-"

A burst of wind came from Arthur as I had to cover my ears like everyone else. "Where is Lucia!?!?!?" The man demanded as a strange chirping seemed to enter his voice.

Many backed away from the man as Cassidy held up her hands to try and calm him. However, a pressure filled the room. It felt like a weight suddenly appeared across my body. The sound of snapping grabbed our attention as parts of the room began to have cracks appear. Windows, walls, floor, and ceiling all started to compromise.

Her arms fell to her side. "She went west with Alwin." The man's tension seemed to disappear instantly.

Arthur let out a sigh of relief as the pressure disappeared and his expression lightened. "Okay." He said slowly. "Okay! So, maybe she just forgot about the orb!" The man stated, but I had no idea what he was referring to. "Or she was just too excited since it's her first time visiting another place!" A chuckled escaped his lips. "Apologies, I thought there was an emergency. It's been a rough couple of weeks."

"Arthur..." Cassidy let out sadly.

He seemed to catch on to her tone. "What? I mean, if they went west, I imagine it was on some manner of vacation or getaway, right?" The redhead didn't answer. "Right?"

Greigh stepped beside Cassidy as I, and everyone else, continued to watch. "She was sent with Alwin, Kine, and a task force to investigate people disappearing in the west. Some towns have gone entirely missing from what we know." He explained. "We were receiving updates from them periodically up until about two weeks ago."

"Two weeks?" Arthur repeated, and Greigh nodded. "Two weeks!?" He asked again in disbelief.

As he took in the news, he seemed to tremble. His breath became shaky, and it almost sounded like he was trying not to sob or calm himself down. It wasn't working. His chest revealed how upset he was as it rose and fell rapidly. Arthur's hands trembled for a moment before he snapped his head around and his gaze fell on me. All forms of emotion that he was expressing completely vanished as he looked at me.

To my surprise, Arthur stepped away from the little group and started to move back to me. Slowly, he walked back in my direction. As soon as he put his foot on my dais once more, my guards moved to stop him, but they were frozen in place. Step by step, he climbed up to my throne once more. Nervousness entered my breathing as he stood over me finally.

"Arthu-" I tried, but was forcibly stopped as he grabbed my hair and ripped me from my seat.

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