Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 334: Claude Wholehearted Devotion.

Chapter 334: Claude Wholehearted Devotion.

One block away from the simple two-story house where Claude lived, Snow calmly watched as the blonde man has instantly gone over to deal with the Halfling Fallen after making him a bunch of delicious dishes filled with his lover, which is what the man has told him.

And the blonde man is obviously having a hard time trying to get a piece of his heart back.

Even Snow doesn't know what the blonde man was seeing and dealing with as he stood there with his body glowing in golden light power while the Halfling Fallen continue to desperately struggle.

After all, those who wanted to get a piece of his heart once it has already been stored inside an individual needed to experience a test, especially when instead of taking it for themselves but wanting to give it back to the rightful owner.

Although this time, it's taking Claude a long time dealing with the problem, unlike the dark Halfling that he has taken one of his broken pieces of heart while he only asked him to take the person down.

Well, from what Snow has learned at the already conscious Laurent, the person has accidentally got his piece of heart when he was being hunted by a different Fallen creature, causing his ability to set up a quick array and being undetected to be amplified, which surprisingly one of the rare people who didn't want such power.

Unfortunately, the young man was detected by the Halfling Fallen and was easily brainwash, unlike the weaker Fallen, after learning that even with the Fallen ability to swallow and take other people's special core couldn't take the piece of heart away within him.


Snow movement of taking a spoonful of the bowl of pudding that he was holding has abruptly stopped after hearing the pained groan coming out from the blonde man pale lip before the skin on his body started to have cuts on it, quickly spilling droplets of blood before it was quickly healed by the golden light.

there is nothing Snow can do but watched as the blonde man continue to struggle over. He can only make sure to stop any sign of great danger on his future lover life.

And so, Snow continues to eat the pudding he was holding while his contaminated crimson eyes completely focused on the man's tall and lithe body.

"... still smell so delicious though"

Snow couldn't help but licked his lip before taking another spoon of the pudding to stop the urge to lick his lover skin and after numerous small bowl of the pudding was piled up in the ground, the blonde man has finally taken a shiny broken piece of heart in his hand, which has quickly turned dim and becoming a simple-looking object.

"... I'll take care of the rest."

As soon as the blonde man has gotten back his power, Snow has suddenly appeared behind his future lover back before gently embracing the firm shoulder with his chin softly placing on top of the soft but sweaty blonde hair.

"Brother Claude really, thank you."

Rather than the usual use of a vile aura in a mouth shape to swallow the special core, Snow has quickly let go of the blonde man after whispering his appreciation for all his hard work before quickly disappearing and appearing at the harsh breathing Halfling Fallen and violently stepping upon the man chest.

"... I think I'm going to level up after swallowing you up"

Snow eyes glimmer after sensing the powerful special core of the Fallen before him, after all, countless halfling have their special core swallowed up in the past few days or months, there is definitely a reason why the GS organization have stated that this Fallen is on the way to becoming S rank Fallen.

It's too bad that this Fallen intelligence is still lacking or else Snow would have a lot of trouble dealing with him.

Soon, Snow left hands were completely wrapped up with vile aura before it ruthlessly went straight to the man's chest causing the Halfling Fallen to let out an indescribable inhuman howl since the special core where the source of his power was slowly being taken out.

"... it's ironically beautiful"

Snow smile twistedly as he raises his hands over the sky while examining the deep abyss core shimmering in a beautiful way and after a few seconds later, he has finally turned around only to meet the burning sky blue eyes of his future lover.

"Hm? What's wrong?"

"Baby, for my whole life I won't ever betray you because I would never dare to even hate you."

Snow blinked his eyes while calmly watching as the blonde man has slowly walked closer with a serious and solemn expression on his face while his burning sky blue eyes showed an overwhelming passion and tenderness within it.

"Baby even though I just started falling for you, but I wholeheartedly know that you are now my life. The moment my heart starting beating for you, I know for the fact that you are the only one for me."

"...What if I want your life? Are you willing to give it to me?"

Instead of being touched, Snow asked a gloomy word with his crimson eyes remaining cold and calm, nonetheless, the blonde man didn't even pause in gently taking hold of his hand and raising it over in his lip to place a tender kiss upon it.

"Yes, if you desire it."

Claude has gently pulled the young man into his arms before softly whispering in a voice full of longing while gazing in the distance with a faraway look.

"Although I prefer to stay by your side as long as I could, which I cannot do after I die. However, it doesn't change the fact that I don't want to waste even a single second being away from you. And even though it pained me to admit it, but Baby, you are far stronger than me because you can live even if I'm gone."

Since I'll die the moment you disappear from my life.

"I see"

A glint of unknown emotion flashes in Snow crimson eyes before raising his arms to slowly wrapped it around the blonde man's body while placing his ear close to where his heart is, loving the quick beating sound he could hear from his lover.

"Brother Claude, I'll be locking myself out to completely swallow the special core I just have gotten there might be a great change within me when I'm done and there will also be a lot of trouble coming over to knock in our door is that alright with you?"

"Of course, Baby, you can do whatever you want. Just leave everything to me and grow stronger with peace of mind."

Snow felt the gentle kiss on top of his head while the arms around him have tightened up, which the two of them have stayed that way for a long time, basking in each other presences although Snow was more basking in the deliciousness of his future lover than feeling romantic.

And soon, Snow has remained in a well-protected place with numerous array piled up together, it was extremely strong and powerful enough that even a Demon Lord would have a hard time easily slipping past their defense.

"Father, my people, and I will handle the GS Organization. Can you take care of the Angels that will be coming into our Realm? My Baby mentioned it to me before that they will be capable to slip from the unstable state between the Realms."

The Demon Lord Vincent's eyelid twitch when the blonde man has casually stood on his side while speaking in a familiar manner and what the hell is my Baby? Such a childish title for his noble and magnificent son to have.

Even he has used a far dignified title to his lover, which is my sun because his lover is the light of his life. Honestly, his son has just been gone for a while, and a man out of nowhere has suddenly appeared, wanting to soak his only precious son that was blessed to him in his lonely years.

"Father? Are you listening? My Baby told me that I need to seriously communicate with you and be patient since I might misunderstand you like he uses to do in the past."

His son has grown up! Noel can finally understand that he just doesn't know how to properly communicate with him and always being misunderstood!

Vincent was so happy that he nodded his head before calling out Felix who has been sticking so annoyingly with the young dark Halfling who has quietly stayed with them to come along with dealing the Angels.

"I'll leave my son in your hand."

"Of course Father I'll protect my Baby even if you didn't ask me. There is no way I'll allow anyone to hurt him."

Claude happily nodded his head since he can perceive that his father-in-law has started accepting him, although he will never leave his Baby if he didn't get any approval however it is always better that his lover family has given their blessing.

And after the Demon Lord has left to deal with the Angels coming into their Realm, Claude has quickly received a call from his subordinate who was faithfully following whatever order he has even if going against the two Realms.

"New Head! The higher up in the GS organization have given their last warning to wake up from our foolish actions and quickly help them eliminate the disaster."

"Hmph, they want to eliminate my lover? In their dream! Obviously, the real culprit of the entire situation is still out there somewhere, and yet they wanted to target my lover first who obviously is the victim!"

Claude sky blue eyes hardened while murderous intentions practically emerge out of his body, which has started to even manifest a form with how strong and thick it was.

"Well, then, tell them this as my last warning, if they cross the line I set up, then don't blame me for being Ruthless! No one can even think of killing my Baby."

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