Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 333: The Mysterious Person Identity.

Chapter 333: The Mysterious Person Identity.


As soon as Snow saw the single person standing underneath the large ancient array, endless grievance and outrage have instantly erupted deep within his soul where the client usually stayed while a Granter performs their mission.

"... Brother Claude wait here like a good boy"

Snow softly murmurs with his crimson eyes turning bloodier while giving a gentle stroke upon the surprise blonde man smooth cheek before quickly disappearing as his blurry figure has shot straight toward the mysterious person that has arrived.

"Watch out!"

Of course, the beautiful angel woman has always been alert and was guarding of the Fallen Demon sudden actions have swiftly shout out while Felix that has been carrying the unconscious young man in his arms could only widen his eyes in great alarm since he was caught off guard about the sudden situation.

Soon, Snow and the person who just arrived began to fight against each other, although, everyone could easily tell that the battle wasn't serious enough after a few seconds of a quick blow, it was enough evidence to cause the beautiful woman to show a confused and doubtful expression on her face about the unusualness of the fight.

"Noel stop don't do this..."

"... I'm already a Fallen you really don't want to kill me?"


Snow contaminated crimson eyes narrowed down as his slender leg swept upon the man head only for his attack to miss, although he finally perceives that his assumption has been proven correct during the short fight, thus, finally deciding to stop and once again appearing next to his future lover side.

"Well Brother Claude, meet one of the Lords in the Realm of Hell, which is the most powerful one among their rank, The Demon Lord Vincent."

Snow has softly leaned upon the blonde man's side before his lip curl up in amusement although his crimson eyes remain unfeeling as he meets the extremely handsome man indifferent eyes which were so similar to his crimson eye color.

Although, unlike the original Noel who couldn't fully understand the indifferent Demon Lord standing before him, Snow can easily perceive the weird and awkward atmosphere the man has carried during their confrontation with each other.

"Oh, The Demon Lord Vicent is also my Father."

Seemingly like an afterthought, Snow has finally revealed the most important information regarding the new Demon that has arrived, which has caused the blonde man wary and suspicious attitude to swiftly turned different, at least being milder and neutral after knowing that it was his father-in-law he was in the presence of.


While the beautiful angel who was listening felt so shocked and surprised and couldn't stop the loud alarm sound she let out, although she has quickly accepted that certain fact to be true after witnessing the fight a moment ago, which has shown the reluctance of the Demon Lord from taking down the Fallen Demon.

However, when she wanted to quickly run away fully knowing well that the danger of her life is getting higher, a hand has suddenly pierced through her back and into her front causing her eyes to widen in utter shock and disbelief, after all, she didn't even sense the presence of the Demon Lord who suddenly appeared her behind. 

"You Demons are you *cough*... trying to go against the two Realms for a Fallen Demon???"

Vincent's indifferent expression didn't change much as he slowly pulled his arms back, causing the beautiful woman to scream in resentment and unwillingness, however, everything was completely useless since she was completely being overwhelmed by the power of what a Demon Lord holds.

"... it's not something you should worry about."

As the beautiful angel slowly loses her life, Vincent has turned his head toward his son who has unfortunately turned into a Half Fallen with complicated emotions inside him while endless remorse and regret brim in his heart as countless thought flash in his mind of 'what if'.

Even though Vincent was already prepared before he arrives in the Realm of Mortals but witnessing the entire situation of his own son becoming a Fallen without even having an idea about it in the Realm of Hell showed how much he failed as a father.

Before quickly flickering his eyes toward the Halfling his son was intimately being close to before another complicated emotion emerges within him.

an individual with a light power he hopes that what happened to his own past wouldn't repeat itself to his own son, after all, it was easy to perceive that the blonde man is quite special to Noel.

"... Son come and swallow her special core."

"... Hmmm"

Snow eyes quickly flicked to the swaying dual-colored gold and dark aura that has suddenly appeared on his shoulder while various memories as the 'Child Noel' swiftly flash in his mind and finally learning everything he doesn't know off.

"... Granter everything is in your own hand now I'll be suppressed after making a cracked in the Realms the Demon Race will be your faithful ally while a few Angels are going to be slipping into the chaos since the space restriction in the Realms is going to be unbalanced ~ But you are going to be alright since you are strong!"

Heh so this is going to turn into a war between the Demon Race against the Angel and Human race huh?

"Goodluck! Make sure to complete my mission well and I'll give you a five-star review when you are done~ Oh, by the way, here is one more present from the great me, I'm sure you are going to appreciate it~ After all, that child has been the most unfortunate one among everyone else I have been watching, goodness, there is so much repeat!"

After receiving the almost playful and carefree attitude of the World Will Rule, Snow has quickly started to let the client sleep inside him once more before a vast amount of vile aura has suddenly appeared in his entire figure which he has controlled from affecting the blonde man from being contaminated.

Although the blonde man has never shown any fear and doubt after the vile aura appearance, completely and absolutely showing his trust and acceptance of what kind of existence he is, so even if he were to turn the blonde man into the loathsome fallen, Snow was quite sure that Claude wouldn't show any anger and fear.

Ah~ His future lover is always excellent~

"Brother Claude, can I eat the food you made after we get back home?"

"Of course you can! Although, Baby, you wanted to stay in my place after this is over? I have another place to use if you want. I'm sure there will be lots of trouble coming to disturb us."

"Yes, but I like the sound of that place being 'our home'. Didn't you say, that it's ours? I was so happy when you mentioned it when taking me home with you."

Snow expression softens while hugging the arms of the blonde man who showed a surprise expression, easily figuring out that his child form memories are being remembered while the vile aura that he let out has quickly turned into a large shape of a mouth and directly shooting toward the dying angel with hatred filled eyes, swallowing her body whole and only leaving a few white feathers around.

"All Of You Will Get The Retribution You Deserves! I Vow It In My Death!!! AHHHHH!!!"

"... Ahh she couldn't even fight against Brother Claude divine taste..."

Snow completely ignored the angel curse last word that doesn't really work before tilting his head to gaze upon the tender gaze of the blonde man with sky blue eyes that have remained obedient while following all he asked him for.

"Of course, my deliciousness is out of this world. Baby, I'll let you taste me once more after I finished feeding you with my dishes when we got home."

Snow couldn't help but let out a chuckle at the blonde man tempting offer while asking to be carried in his warm arms once more, of course, he didn't forget the eerily quiet and docile Fallen creature that have remain still after the fierce battle.

"Flake come here."


Letting out a delighted soft sound, Flake has joyfully walked toward his two Father figure with his tail wagging in happiness, completely showing an adorable and tame appearance looking entirely different from his usual fierce and ruthless state during the fighting.

"Good boy~ and Brother Claude meet Flake. He is the one who saves me when I was about to be killed by Brian and Ange's hand while turning into a Fallen. Of course, I see Flake as my 'child' after that situation, so when you really become my Partner, he will also become your child~"

"Eh? No need to wait, Flake, I'm going to be your Father soon so it's alright if you treat me like one! And thank you for saving my Baby, or else we would have missed each other in this World."

"Roar~" Daddy praise me, and the man wanted to be my Father again, so happy~

Soon, the two men and one beast have completely disregarded the Two Demons who were standing a few distances away and watching the warmth abnormal parent and son scene although Snow lip twitch when he can somehow read in Vincent supposedly indifferent expression about 'call me grandpa' after hearing his words while coldly staring at Flake figure.

this man is really weird Snow thought his future lover is only the unique one but there is also another person, though just less unique.

Well, in the original Noel own view, he has always been worried about his father's affection and always watching in the distance while keeping all of his emotions to himself, never really letting everyone know what he really feels.

So, the client didn't really manage to understand his own father's genuine personality besides Vincent always longing about his certain lover while acting majestic in front of his subordinate with their interaction with each other always ending up silent and awkward.

Well, there has been no proper communication between the father and son, one having an indifferent personality while the original Noel was introverted when it comes to his own father, so they miss the chance to get closer as a real family.

"Well, for now, Brother Claude let's go home, we will just deal with my broken piece of heart when we get back since other people are about to arrive here."

Snow calmly state while flickering his eyes to an awkward Vincent who doesn't know how to react to his own son, only knowing how to keep it all to himself before patting the blonde man firm chest and leaning his head on it.

Too bad, Snow present state doesn't allow him to feel anything familial toward the man besides being allied with each other.

"... and we will discuss our next move."

With that decision, Snow, Claude, and the quiet Lisette who can only remain silent the entire ordeal have quickly disappeared, taking the bound Halfling Fallen with them, while Vincent, Felix, and the unconscious Laurent following next, after completely making sure that no evidence will remain behind.

As for Flake, after getting a gentle pat and cares from his two father, he has let out a loud roar before opening a space crack to their own dimension territory while making sure to leave the bound weaker Fallen they left alive in order to quickly wreaked havoc toward the GS organization members that have arrived a few seconds later, which has caused another group of injured people once more.

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