Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 289: Snow and The Emperor Show Of Love.

Chapter 289: Snow and The Emperor Show Of Love.

"...Your Majesty! I!"

Princess Lei frantically scramble up before reaching her hand over to the Emperor that was walking in their way with a pleading look which can only halt her words halfways when a fierce silver eye filled with ruthlessness met her surprise wide eyes.

And despite the fact of wanting to continue on with her actions, she couldn't even muster enough strength to proceed on her education when the images of an extremely uncaring silver eyes continue to flash on her mind.

"Baby, I'm sorry if someone bothered your rest today."

"My love, you don't need to worry. I am not a fragile and delicate person. I can handle delusional and unreasonable people. Of course, I am extremely determined to deal with them when the matter is regarding our happiness."

"Even if you are the strongest and powerful person in the entire world, Baby, I will always forever worry about everything concerning you."

Suddenly, The Emperor suddenly bent down on the ground with one of his knees before gently holding his hand causing Snow to show a loving smile filled with infinite warmth along with an affectionate gaze that is almost overflowing with so much love.

"Honestly, my love, you are so sweet and adorable that my intense love for you keeps increasing every single time."

Feeling the warmth of the Emperor's hand over his own cause Snow eyes to deepened with overwhelming love while the dislike feeling because of a certain someone's fault was quickly expelled just by his lover words and actions alone.

Snow that was so touched and warmth by his lover lovely charm couldn't help but lean over and gently placing a gentle kiss upon on the Emperor's thin lip that continues to utter sweet and loving words that cause him to fall in love more than ever.


Snow has completely ignored the sudden shocked sound of an astonished Princess Lei because of witnessing his bold action toward the Emperor that was surprised by the sudden kiss.

And when he tilted his head to the side while getting removing his hands from the frozen Emperor has straightforwardly gazed at the shaking Princess Lei that was pointing their way with astonished expression.

After making a point to a certain woman, Snow has shamelessly deepened his kiss to the Emperor while slowly hooking his arms around his lover's neck without caring about the eyesight of the shocked people that were definitely watching his sudden display of affection.

And after savoring the lip of the Emperor before softly bitting on it, Snow has finally lean away and licking his wet lip n a savoring manner while letting out soft pants.

"My love I love you with all my heart. So, when I hear other people opinion about sharing you with others is enough to already make me go crazy. Since you are the one who keeps insisting on being together with me when I refuse you, then don't blame me for desiring you all for myself."

"... Baby I'm all yoursmy heart my body and my soul everything is yours and no one else can have it."

Snow is loving the way that his lover was being passive the entire time during their kiss while uttering those genuine sweet loving words that contain infinite affection along with a gaze that clearly reflected his entire figure with overwhelming passion.

And so, Snow is unable to stop the way that his lip spread into a sweet loving smile that contains infinite affection before pulling the Emperor once more and locking their wet lips against each other.

At first, Snow was thoughtfully teaching the inexperienced Emperor on how to kiss properly, and it was so soft and gentle manner as their wet lips move around each other in perfect harmony which soon turned passionate along the way without any warning at all.

And it was extremely fierce and intense that an ambiguous wet sound along with vague soft breath has resounded out, especially when their tongue continues to entangle with each other to the point that even slight saliva was flowing out from their tightly locked lip that remains passionate with their movements.


Soon, Snow that was far experienced and was leading the passionate kiss at the beginning can only remain submissive when the Emperor has quickly got the upper hands and it was to the point that Snow has lost his entire strength at the pleasurable way that he was skillfully being kissed by the suddenly passionate Emperor.

And Snow wasn't even surprised one bit when after getting his bearing back after finally being released at their intense passionate kiss has found himself blinking his wet eyes and letting out a slightly harsh pant while he sat in the Emperor lap without any strength to even get off.

However, Snow doesn't really want to get away from the Emperor though, particularly stopping himself from sitting on his lover lap since he can feel that something hard was poking on his butt, and when he slightly move around, the Emperor body has tense up while taking a deep breath.

And it shouldn't be unexpected but Snow who knows how different his lover in this world can only hide his smile before deciding to remain sitting on his lover lap.

So, for the sake of the Emperor's reputation, Snow can only help his lover hide his excitement that has awakened during the moment of their passionate kissing.

"... um you did great."

Without showing an ounce of shame and remorse Snow has genuinely praised the Emperor skillful kissing technique that has instantly learned it after being carefully thought for just a bit or more precisely he should probably consider that his lover has finally shown his hidden skill that has been buried the whole time.

"... I'm glad but I'll do my best next time."

And Snow has once more heard his lover shameless reply, causing him to turned his head around in order to hide his expression, in which Snow face met the Emperor slightly fast breathing chest while touching the smooth and silky soft feeling of the robes over his cheeks.

However, a tired yawn soon escapes Snow lip causing the Emperor to tightly but gently wrapped his delicate body into his embrace and after making sure that Snow was alright, his lover has finally turned to the already silent Princess Lei that was unable to utter a single sound or even form proper words anymore after watching such shameless and scandalous display of affection between the two of them.

"We will only speak this once. From today henceforth, Imperial Aunt Lei isn't allowed to enter the Palace anymore unless we allowed her to. While any violation of rules and even the slightest evidence of trying to harm Wen Yao in any sense and form will be ruthlessly deal with."

"...Y-Your M-Majesty!!!"

"Imperial Aunt, we have given you one last chance but you failed it. Not only you didn't remove the spy around me after we pardon it but you have also been going against my decision and judgment from the start."

"You have been crossing my bottom line, the only reason we have allowed you to live despite making mistakes sufficient enough to execute you is the fact that we treat you as a respected elder. However, everything you have done is enough, we can't keep letting you do whatever you want without facing the consequences anymore. Besides, you have crossed my bottom line this time. We can no longer forgive you."

Seeing the paling face of his Imperial Aunt, Lou Fang didn't feel an ounce of remorse and guilt of what he has done, it appeared that receiving his kindness, again and again, has caused his Imperial Aunt to become arrogant and overbearing of what she thought is right, to the point that she has the idea that she can easily be against his decision.

"Don't forget, we are the Monarch and no longer the Prince."

Luo Fang wouldn't remain to disregard the constant complete control of his Imperial Aunt any longer because this time, there was someone he desired, someone he wanted to protect and someone he wanted to live a lifetime of happiness with and he won't allow anything to get in the way of his love.

"Zhuang, although you have already cut off your relationship with your family. I leave the rest to you of how to handle the matters. Unlike your mother, I'm sure that your other family will understand my decisions."

Zhuang that has a snap from the shocking scene of watching the Emperor and the young man shamelessly act intimately without any single care in the world has shown a grim expression before respectfully nodding his head and quickly taking his mother away before she once more makes the situation become entirely complicated and dangerous.

While Yu Xing that was able to get permission to offer his help to Zhuang has also respectfully nodded his head before quickly following behind his lover.

And after a few moments of silence as Snow and the Emperor bask in a peaceful and comfortables atmosphere between each other when Snow has suddenly made his move.

... my love, let's continue of what we left off beforedo you want to try bathing me again?"

Lou Fang who heard the sudden request of his Baby has frozen over while his expression turned into a crimson color when he remembers what happened the last time he tried bathing his lover, however, despite feeling a bit shy and embarrassed, the Emperor has bravely nodded his head while brimming with absolute determination and resolution to complete helping him take a bath this time.

"Baby, I'll properly take care of you this time"

And so, Snow who has once more been taken to the Emperor hot spring bath found himself being seated in the same comfortable chair while his robes are being slowly removed by his lover and this time the Emperor finally didn't show the same reaction from last time when Snow completely naked upper body was out in the open.

And when Snow imagination begins to run wild on what he will do to his innocent lover on the hot spring has once more witness the same reactions repeated when his lover burning silver eyes has just taken a single glance on his slender legs that were revealed.


Love are you going to be ready when it's our wedding night?

Well, it doesn't matter! Snow can think of all kinds of ideas to save their future happiness!

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