Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 288: Snow Declaration And Absolute Beliefs.

Chapter 288: Snow Declaration And Absolute Beliefs.

My love don't worry let me get my strength back and I'll make sure to get you used to our intimacy to the point that you will rip my clothes off because of being impatient.

Snow who was laying down in the Emperor bed once more has resolved those shameless ideas before he has once more succumbs to sleepness, although he has notices the way that a familiar presence has suddenly arrived before he entirely blanked out.

Love, I'll wake up your usual shamelessness later!

And with a shameless planned in mind Snow has once more slept for an entire day with eager emotion.

Soon, another day arrives and this time Snow was able to stay awake than usual while having the strength to stand up and walk by his own in which he can only sigh and lament that he can no longer ask to be bath by his lover.

Although, Snow can act weak, however, he doesn't want to keep worrying The Emperor about his well-being just for a chance to be a bath by him today, after all, there are a lot of chances to do it later on.

"... The Emperor?"

"His Majesty is dealing with the Royal Court and was making completely sure that everything will turn out alright for the upcoming events that will happen in a few days."

Yu Xing that was sitting opposite of the young man who has an eerie pale face on a private and secured pavilion place in the Emperor Palace has respectfully answered while Zhuang was standing a few distances away and guarding the young man safety instead of the Emperor because of an order.

And Snow has suddenly remember that it was going to be the Celebration of the Emperor's birthday soon which was going to be a huge event since even some of the neighboring Empire will also send important people to give their congratulation to the powerful and respected Emperor of the Moon Empire.


Somehow, certain shameless ideas keep appearing on Snow mind as a birthday gift to give to his lover, it was to the point that a strange smile appeared on his face causing Yu Xing and Zhuang to warily eye him along with weird expression on their faces.

And Snow who saw the gaze of the two people suddenly felt like teasing them and has spoken words that cause Yu Xing and Zhuang to let out a choking sound.

"So, who is the bottom one between the two of you?"

Completely loving their reaction, Snow smile has turned gentler while his clear black eyes emit such warmth that can easily cause a person to feel soothes just by staring at it however the words that left his pale lip only made the Yu Xing and Zhuang of wanting to run away from him.

"Or are you still figuring it out? Do you also need some help or advice? After I get home, I'll also give you a copy of the book that I was planning to teach Wen Yu of how to properly maintain happiness with his partner."

"Although, I need to know what you guys preferred though, do you love excitement? Fancy a rough or gentle style? Or you wanted a thrilling one and yearned unusual actions? Whatever you want, I can give you an advice since I especially study everything about it in order to help my younger brother."

Well, Snow was going to speak about his experience, after all, he and his lover are more open to try all kinds of intimate actions in all the previous worlds, although, he has never tried the S and M play yet though since his lover is specifically against it, particularly when using toys with his body and it was all because of the reason of already having his lover so he doesn't need those objects to please him.

Honestly, it was adorable about how Snow lover can even get jealous of an object too.

"There is no need to be shy about it, I am even planning to use what I learned with the Emperor later on. As you know, he is a bit pure and innocent when it comes to that certain matter. So, it is going to be my responsibility to show him the way."

Snow expression didn't even twitch after declaring such a shocking revelation of what he wanted to do with the Emperor while the two people have now become completely red in the face, after a while, he has gently picked up the medicinal hot tea on the table before taking a gentle sip.

"... you really are"

Yu Xing was truly learning the true nature of the young man that has been smiling gently the whole time and can only let out a deep sigh while suddenly feeling some pity and also envious emotions to the Emperor that remain oblivious or more precisely have already turned a blind eye when it comes to the person he loves.

Your Majesty! It seemed that you will have an exciting love life

However, before another embarrassing and awkward moment can occur between them, a commotion in the distance seemed to be happening before a familiar hidden guard with indifferent expression has suddenly appeared and knelt before them.

"... Lord Zhuang Princess Lei request to meet the person that has been staying in the Emperor Palace."

"...! Such foolishness! Why can't Mother just keep quiet about it! Urgh his Majesty ordered to keep Lady Yao safe with our life while no one can bothered her."

Zhuang who was having a great headache with his Mother antics wanted to scream in frustration, especially when there is no one that supposed to know aside from the other people about Wen Yao staying in the Emperor Palace.

And if his mother was able to learn that information just meant that the Emperor has left her spy around as the last mean of showing that he is giving her one last chance as a sign of care for all the years that she has done in protecting and helping him.

Did she think that the Emperor is so easy to fool? Especially, giving her the chance to even know the existence of his most treasured person staying in the Palace so easily just like that?

Everything has been in Lou Fang planned all along, however, when the dark guard has remained silent while showing such complicated rare expression, Zhuan couldn't help but asked what is wrong while feeling a bad premonition.

"The Imperial Princes Lei has declared and pledge about taking her life right now if her request of meeting Lady Yao is refused today."


Snow who has been watching the entire exchange couldn't help but narrowed his eyes although a gentle smile still remains on his face causing Yu Xing that has watching him to suddenly sweat coldly, after all, the slaughter and bloody images during that night has been deeply imprinted into his mind.

This person is the same as his majesty! Ruthless, decisive, and basically cruel to the people that go against him.

Look at what happened during that night! Half of the captured people were ruthlessly killed by him alone, and it was just because of those people either refusing to made a pledge to hide the secret, while foolishly trying to fight against him.

And right now, Yu Xing already considered and predicted what Zhuang's mother is planning to do after meeting Wen Yao today, however, everything is all for naught because no one can change this person's mind, especially after Yu Xing already heard a moment ago about Wen Yao decision regarding toward the Emperor.

"Let her come."

Snow who saw the conflicted expression on Zhuang's face just easily gives an order to the indifferent dark guard, as for the attitude of the Emperor Imperial Aunt, he already knows about it because his lover didn't forget to mention what happened that night.

"Lady Yao!"

"Don't worry, I am perfectly fine with it."

I'm more worried about my Mother than you! 

Zhuang wanted to grip his hair when he saw the gentle smile on the young man face, although his thought appeared brazen, however, there is no denying the fact that this person is excellent on his own way, there is no way that his Mother will win her confrontation with him.

Wen Yao is like a second Emperor regarding their personality and attitude!

However, Zhuang can only hopelessly let the two people meet each other, so when Princess Lei has appeared with an extremely resolute and determined expression along with a firm gaze, he can only feel resignation especially after seeing the young man showing a gently smile.

"Lady Yao, I will straightly get to the point, I am not against you becoming together with his Majesty, but please! Please stop his Majesty foolish decision of removing his wives in the entire harem! He is the Monarch of the Moon Empire he shouldn't be doing that!"

"To only have one person in the harem is such an absurd notion to even begin with! It is against the teaching and tradition of our Royal Family, so please don't let the Emperor receive a bad reputation because of that decision!"

"Please, I know that his Majesty will soon declare you as his Empress, and as the Mother of a Nation, it is also going to be your responsibility to be generous and understanding, such as the matter of sharing your husband to the wives in the entire Harem."

Snow just slowly blinked his eyes when the Proud Princess Lei practically grovel in the ground without caring about her dignity and important as a member of the Royal Family, nonetheless, Snow small gentle smile spread wider after hearing such words that contain full of resolution of teaching the proper way of handling the matters of keeping the Royal family usual way.

"Foolish? Why is it so foolish? His Majesty is just revealing his great affection toward me just by his actions alone. Besides, even if I am the Empress, why would I be generous to share His Majesty with other people? Isn't that a far foolish action?"

"Insolence! Don't be so selfish and dream such a wishful notion! Your self centered and greedy ideas are going to cause the Emperor's reputation to be ill speak off!"

Seeing the furious expression of Princess Lei that is brimming with righteousness has cause Snow to finally laughed out loud while expressing utter pity at the person before him.

"Hahahah, you sure are quite funny. Selfish? Of course, I am selfish! Why would I let the person I love embrace another person? To those people who allowed such a foolish notion to even occurred just doesn't love their partner enough! Especially, if they even consider such thoughts!"

"Besides, having a pair for a lifetime lover is a dream and wishful thinking? Its already going to happen soon, so there is no way that it's going to be a dream. And please, anyone who loves a person will always be greedy toward them!"

"And as a woman yourself, I'm sure that even you have thought of such a notion! Wait, the entire Capital still remembers the word your husband has spoken off when he courted you! So don't speak those self-righteous words acting that you haven't gotten the same ideas as I am."

Even though Snow saw the way that the woman's body shook finally unable to utter even a single word especially with an eerily pale face didn't stop Snow from further speaking words that pierce through the heart.

"You failed, honestly, almost people failed that is why you can speak those words out because you also wanted the others to experience the same thing. You couldn't swallow the mere thoughts that someone will get the happiness you have desperately yearned."

"However, I am not like you. I will never accept and allowed my lover to have other people besides myself. And right now, I will never allow another person to destroy our happiness. I, Wen Yao, have chosen the right person to love. His Majesty is faithful, loyal, and committed on his love for me."

Slowly lowering down the hot tea on his hand, Snow has suddenly turned his gaze at the Emperor that has suddenly appeared causing everyone to also turned around after they notice his arrival.

"Besides, if my lover even dared to lie and cheat on me, rather than crying and becoming sad about the betrayal of our love. I will definitely end his life to show the consequences of hurting me so, my love, do you hear me?"

"Baby, you are practically my life now. How could I even thought about betraying you?"

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