Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 386 Bonus Chapter- An Xiulan in Boston (I)

Note: These are Bonus Chapters. They are from the timeline when An Xiulan had gone to Boston, leaving without telling anyone. I will be giving the chapters as in flashback to show how their life was away from each other. The focus will be on An Xiulan and Han Zixin. I saw many of you were interested to see how An Xiulan and Han Zixin took the most unexpected careers. Remember how An Xiulan said she will be anything but Lawyer?

These Bonus Chapters will be scattered. You can continue it by the title Bonus Chapter. The rest are in privilege.


A part of you changes when you leave the place where you went through everything that made you what you are today. It was the same for An Xiulan. The moment she reached the airport in the city in the foreign country, she knew that she was never going to be the same person. She had left a part of herself in her home and she had to now find a part to replace the one she left behind. Or she would never be able to adapt to this life and place.

Life had taught her many lessons in her existence of eighteen years one of them was never to take things for granted. Things that she believed were permanent were not permanent in life and one time she had to leave them away no matter how much she did not want to. In the end, what she wanted to be did not happen, instead, it would be what fate wanted.

Life is a weird trail of events that make you doubt yourself at almost every juncture. One day, you are so confident and happy that you feel as if no matter comes before you can easily fight against it. But then, one event happened and all your confidence left your life as if it was never here. The same thing is happening to her right now. No matter how much she wanted to recall the old times when she had her life together, she could not do it.

It did not mean that she did not try. She would sit in her room on her bed and tell her that she should not cry for what she had lost as it was never her in the first place. She would tell her that God had given her such a wonderful gift in the face of a second chance at life with the most beautiful family that could ever exist. She would do all of these things but she would fail at consoling herself. When we are losing, we do not see what we have won in life. If it was ten wins and one loss, we would cry over one loss and not smile over ten wins. There was no one to blame. God had made humans just like this. She did not want to be like this but who could win against the law of nature?

In the end, An Xiulan failed against herself. After all, she was a human too and like everyone else she had her weakness. And sometimes, these weaknesses tend to overshadow our strengths.

“Xiulan, are you okay?” She heard the sound of the man who arrived with her this far. She turned to look at her father holding luggage and nodded her head. Was she fine? She did not know. She had taken such a big decision in a fit of impulse or overthinking that she did not know if she would be okay. She wanted to be okay but she knew that it was going to be very hard. She spent the last three years of her life adjusting and learning the ropes of a new life here. Would she be able to cope up with the pressure of learning the ropes of another life in a world where she had to live all alone? All these questions were running through her mind ever since she left home. She had made a decision but would she be able to stand by it? At this moment, she did not know if this decision would make her life cheerful or end up ruining it. All she knew was that she had made this decision and she had to stand by it till the end.

“If something is bothering you can share it with me, “Lu Zhaolin said. They covered a long distance from China to America. An Xiulan had not talked much on the plane. She was quiet, always looking out of the view and not asking the questions that had been raising all sorts of curiosities in her mind. To say that he had been very worried about seeing her this way would be an understatement. He could not see her like this. he was used to his naive but extremely cheerful daughter. He knew that some instances happened in life to develop one’s character but as a father, he could not see these tough things shaping her character. Could she not undergo this character development gently?

The unfortunate accident that An Xiulan went through on the day of her college entrance test had taken all the happiness from her life. She would smile at everyone but he knew that this thing was eating her from the inside. It was true that she was very happy for her brothers and her friends but it was also true that not being able to attend a college in the country had killed her spirit. He knew how much she had worked hard for her exams. How much heart she had poured into her studies. She had changed her brother’s heart too but she could not save herself from the attack of fate that took her chance of attending a college like everyone else.

If it was Lu Xuan, he would not have cared. That boy did not have a serious attitude about studies anyway even though he was very good at it. It was different to have a high IQ and the will to do hard work. If Lu Xuan had an impressive IQ, An Xiulan have extraordinary till to work hard and do well in life.

An Xiulan fluttered her eyelashes as she could not understand what he was saying. “I am okay, father.”

Lu Zhaolin sighed. “Okay, you are fine. I was calling you when you were walking on your own. You were lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear me.”

“Oh, “An Xiulan reacted a little. She did not hear him calling her. Was she so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even know what was going on beside her?

Lu Zhaolin informed her, “Your mother is calling me. She asked me to call her as soon as we reached Boston. Should I call her again?”

To say that An Qinyan was mad would be an understatement. She has been bombarding his phone since the time they left China. The number of curses she had used while talking to him was uncountable. Actually, he did not blame her. If she had taken Lu Xuan without her permission to a foreign country, he would have been mad too. How could a parent make the decision for their kid without asking the other? And it was An Qinyan who had An Xiulan’s custody. Thankfully, his daughter was not a minor and An Qinyan could not take any legal action. Lord, he knew that she would have taken it if it was an option.

If something could bring his child’s confidence and happiness back, what was the problem with that?

He knew that An Xiulan would be sad for a while when she would adjust to the lifestyle here. She had been protected by her mother in his mind. But she would emerge to be a happy and successful woman if she stayed there and he was all for it here. He wanted her to grow well now.

If one decision could make her future, he didn’t mind getting repercussions for that.

As for An Qinyan, he would talk to her when he would return to the country, which would not be sooner as he decided to stay here until An Xiulan was comfortable.

An Xiulan looked at her father and asked, “What will I talk to her about?”

She did not have the courage to even look at her mother. She left without saying bye to anyone or talking to anyone in the family. They must hate her for such bad behaviour. If they hated her, she would not blame them.

The accident a few months ago had affected her confidence a lot. Although she had recovered a lot, the scar on her mind was more alive than the one on her body. It would take her time to come out of it. However, she was doing her best, it was just that sometimes she began to see the worst of herself.

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