Reincarnation: From Opressed Missy to Campus Belle

Chapter 385 Sadness

Tears trickled down An Xiulan’s eyes as she listened to what he had to say. She knew something had happened or something was going to happen. That was why she had been so restless in the past couple of days. Today, she came running here so she could avoid whatever ill fate that was going to follow but it seemed she had failed. She failed to avoid the disaster and now what was she gonna do? Lu Xuan was saying that he was leaving. What did he mean by this? And who did he want to leave?

There was no control of her tears. They were falling–no dripping–down her face and he was gently wiping them. Instead of stopping, her waterworks intensified. She should stop crying and ask him questions but it seemed as if the words were stuck in her throat. Except for sobs nothing was coming out. She did not want to cry at all but she was unable to stop crying. She had never felt so miserable and helpless at the hands of her own emotions.

Why was this happening to her? What had she done to deserve it? Why was everything coming to square one? Why did it feel like her family was going to be shattered again?

“If you think that because of me going to America, it is going to shatter our family then you are wrong. It won’t happen, Teeny, “Lu Xuan said, wiping her tears. “Stop crying, okay? You know I can’t see you crying anymore. And if someone told mom or uncle that I made you cry, they will not forgive me. Mom is already very mad at me.”

An Xiulan sniffled. “What would I do if someone bullied me when you were not here?”

“Then, I will catch the next plane and come to teach that person a nice and crisp lesson, “Lu Xuan answered her. “You are my only and treasured sister. Do you really think I will forget you? Did I forget you when you were in Boston? When you won’t call me, it will be me who will call. Wasn’t I?”

“Lu Xuan, I don’t want to cry anymore and upset you, “An Xiulan said, crying. “But I can’t control my tears. The thought of you not around me is not letting me stop crying. Can you please hug me?”

“Oh, Teeny, “Lu Xuan whispered, hugging her tightly. “I will always be around you. I promise that no matter where I am, I will never forget you. I will never let anyone take your place in my life. I will call you daily and if I don’t, you can call me and I promise that I will always take your call, no matter what I am doing.”

“I should stop crying, “An Xiulan said, sobbing.

“It’s okay, you can cry, “Lu Xuan said, hugging her. “You know you are the best in the world.”

While sobbing, An Xiulan nodded her head and made him laugh.

“Lu Xuan, you will return, right?” An Xiulan asked.

“Of course, “Lu Xuan said. Although he did not know when it would be, he knew that one day he would return home. After all, it was where he eventually belonged. It was just that he did not know where he belonged right now.

“Until then, I will not introduce you to my boyfriend, “An Xiulan said. “I will keep you in suspense. You won’t find out who he is or what he does.”

Lu Xuan suppressed an urge to laugh. “Okay.”

“Whatever, “She pouted.

He wiped her cheeks with his hands and hugged her once again. “You are my best sister. I love you so much, Xiulan.”

“Who do you love more? Me or Xiaobao or Yan Ge?” An Xiulan asked.

“God, that is a tough question, “Lu Xuan muttered. “It is as difficult as asking who do you love more between mom and dad.”

“I love mom more but I don’t know about you, “An Xiulan shrugged.

“You have your priorities settled, don’t you?” Lu Xuan said. “Fine, it is you but don’t tell them this. Okay?”

“Yan Ge, will be sad that you are leaving now that he came back, “An Xiulan whispered. “It’s okay if you tell him today that you love him more. Go, you should talk to him today.”

Lu Xuan nodded his head. An Xiulan quickly sent him to go and find Gu Shangyan while she went to An Qinyan.

As An Xiulan opened the door to her mother’s office, her waterwork started immediately. An Qinyan was scared to see her daughter like this.

“Oh, baby. What happened?” An Qinyan asked as she walked to her daughter and hugged her tightly.

“Mom, “An Xiulan only cried. “I don’t want to be a cry baby but I can’t stop crying. I want hugs and cuddles.”

“It is okay, “An Qinyan said, patting her head. “I am here. You can have all the hugs and cuddles.”

Ten minutes later, An Xiulan was on her mom’s office couch with An Qinyan and Gu Yanxi sitting on her both sides and feeding her ice cream. Yes, she was reaping all the privileges of being a baby of the house.

“Did you talk to your brother?” An Qinyan softly asked.

An Xiulan nodded her head.

“Where is he now?” Gu Yanxi asked.

“He went to find Yan Ge, “An Xiulan answered.

“Do you want to go home with us baby?” An Qinyan asked.

An Xiulan shook her head. “Mom, can you call Zixin and ask him to pick me up? I don’t know where I left my phone.” After her family support, she wanted to see her boyfriend and cry her heart out to him. Her heart was paining and now she wanted to see him as he always managed to put a smile on her face.

“Alright, “An Qinyan said. “But will you be okay?”

“I will be more than okay with him, mom, “answered An Xiulan.

“Oh, right. How can we forget it?”

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