Psychic Parasite

Chapter 327: Revenge

Chapter 327: Revenge

"Close your eyes, this will pain a bit," Jyorta said, holding her hands firmly. His psychic arms wound around two eggs respectively, seeping into them, to prevent their contents from spilling when he lifted them.

Ashten Coorg looked around their kitchen, bringing a small but sharp knife with him. He pinched a patch of silk, slightly pulling it up, gazing at Jyorta to see him nod, implying that the eggs within were holding up under the pressure.

He cut open a small hole in the centre. Jyorta's psychic arm covered the egg within, applying force from the outside, crushing the egg into pulp. He then pulled out the pulp and eggshells in a steady stream, putting them in a vessel nearby. Ashten had brought that and a piece of cotton while searching for the knife.

Once it was done, Jyorta stuffed a piece of cotton in the hole as Ashten touched the cut ends of the silk patch, watching them stick to each other. For the time being, that was all they could do. In the same manner, they took out all the eggs, numbering eight in total, mentally cursing the Floating Spiders every time.

When they were finished, Ashten Coorg lifted her, about to exit the room when she lifted her hands, grabbing his shirt, "W-Whatabout my brothers?"

"sorry," Ashten shed tears as he exited the room, heading to the nearby flats. Jyorta followed suit, maintaining his aura personification, lighting up the path. They soon found intact doors, the interior bereft of any blood when he sensed through his domain.

After making eye contact, Jyorta knocked on the door, "We are students from the military academy. We came to save you."

"R-Really? Are we saved?" A voice immediately replied, as if waiting for the very words from a long time ago.

"Yes," Jyorta nodded, watching a shadow flash past the peephole on the door. The door creaked open, revealing the figure of a 12-year-old girl. Hiding behind her in fear was her younger brother, 7 years old. 

The moment she saw the girl in Ashten's arms, she trembled in fright, almost shrieking before she blocked her mouth using her hands, the nightmare from before etched in her mind.

"She's safe but has been injured. Can you keep her safe here while we exterminate the remaining monsters?" Jyorta spoke, seeing Ashten push open the door before entering the room. The girl seemed slightly hesitant but didn't protest.

Jyorta laid out a bedsheet on the floor as Ashten placed her on it, nodding at the children once before exiting. Jyorta patted her head once, flashing a fake smile, consoling her, "Everything will be fine. Lock the doors and windows, alright?"

Seeing the siblings nod, Jyorta exited the room, "Good."

As the door closed shut behind him, Ashten returned from the floor above, "There is no trace of the Frenzy Beasts' aura above. This should be the last of them."

"Then let's hurry to the next building. we don't know how many of them there are in total." Jyorta nodded, descending the stairs in hurry. The longer they delayed, the more the number of children that would die.

"Dammit," Ashten cursed, exiting the building before running towards the next, gazing up to see some Floating Spiders enter through the windows. For the Tier 1 Floating Spiders, breaking through some glass windows wasn't a difficult matter. They only needed to attack it using their speed and sharp mandibles; the glass would break within 5-6 hits. It was a piece of cake to the Tier 2 Floating Spiders.

The Spindle Bees simply shot their spindles at the windows until they cracked and shattered. It was even easier for them. The River Whales refrained from barging through the windows due to their bigger frames. But instead, they proceeded towards the top of the building to take control of the water reservoir.

After empowering themselves, they flushed the water in the homes of their targets, drowning them in water before pulling them out to gorge on. Every Frenzy Beast was crueller than the other, as if they had waged some competition to decide the cruellest candidate among them.

Anger gushed in the minds of Jyorta and Ashten, exhibited through their auras, the air around them moving about as a result, creating mild gales while turning hotter.

Jyorta unleashed his aura personification of hallucination, extending the range, encompassing the next two buildingsthat they planned to enterwithin it. In the hallucination, he made a large target lay on the ground 10 metres ahead of him.

It was a Tier 3 Crust-Mantle, oozing out blood, already dead. The stench of its blood filled the air, followed by a couple of chirps it let out before death. It was the bait he threw out in the hallucination, hoping they would fall for it while extending the range of his aura personification to the limits.

100, 200350 metres; his aura personification encompassed a large volume, like a massive dome. The drain was severe, his physique immediately feeling the strain. Jyorta signalled Ashten, closing his eyes as he concentrated further, enriching the hallucination.



Followed by various sounds, Frenzy Beasts exited the buildings in a large stream, numbering more than a hundred. Among them, there were 43 Spindle Bees, 48 Floating Spiders, and 21 River Whales. Counting the Tier 2 beings alone, they numbered 14.

"I'll support you as much as I can, Ashten." Jyorta muttered, watching the Frenzy Beasts swipe down towards the 'carcass' of the Tier 3 Crust-Mantle. He took in a deep breath, the cells in his body exerting their presence, modified through his thoughts, feelings, and state of mind, qualitatively changing into a substance that affected reality.

Aura personificationBetrayal!

All the Tier 1 Floating Spiders immediately attacked the Spindle Bees, unwilling to share their prey with the other. The Spindle Bees retaliated, launching a hail of spindles at their attackers. The Tier 2 beings of both sides were comparatively less affected, but once they were attacked by the Tier 1 foes of the other party, they had no choice but to retaliate.

As they fought, they breathed in the aura personifications lingering in the air, falling further and further into its effect. The River Whales grouped, pooling the water they carried to create a massive water sphere that encased them whole.

They planned to watch from the sidelines and make a move at the end. Seeing their stance, Jyorta's eyes spewed out venom, unwilling to leave them as is, making a small change in the hallucination.

A River Whale arrived late, and before it could join their water sphere, it came under a hail of spindles, suffering numerous wounds. Before the River Whales could react, Floating Spiders flew around the lone River Whale, using their mandibles to lacerate numerous wounds.

One of them hit its head, knocking it unconscious, causing the River Whale to lose balance and slam onto the ground. A pool of blood surrounded it as it died. Jyorta incorporated the dead River Whale he used to arrive at Sector 12 into the scene, making it seem as if the Floating Spiders and the Spindle Bees had jointly killed it.

The River Whales could no longer watch from the sidelines, anger filling their minds after watching their brethren slaughtered cruelly before them. They moved as a collective unit, heading into the midst of the combat, stirring up the battle by attacking both sides.

The two Spindle Bees beside Jyorta aimed into the chaotic mix, hitting the Tier 2 Floating Spiders, causing them to retaliate against the nearby Spindle Bees in rage. The Tier 2 Spindle Bees blocked them and battled in return, elevating the scale of the battle.

Ashten Coorg lingered on the ground, using his sword to reap the lives of any Frenzy Beast that dared to fly lower. As the battle entered a fervour, the Frenzy Beasts gazed at the road below, noticing the carcasses of numerous of their brethren; their anger erupted. This further spiked the intensity of their battle.

The actual cause was Ashten Coorg that killed them continuously, reaping a life every 3-4 seconds. Jyorta turned around to see Haesha and Esina exit their building, having noticed the situation at hand.

When they ran towards him, intending to help, Jyorta said while gasping for breath, "We can manage this situation. The two of you head further and save the children there. I only managed to pull the Frenzy Beasts nearby."

"Be safe," Haesha said before sprinting past the battle area, taking a path that treaded around the border. Esina looked at the rage-filled figure of Ashten, expressing worry for a second before taking the lead, running alongside Haesha while protecting her from any stray attacks.

"Ugh," A stray spindle pierced his thigh, shaking his balance. Jyorta gritted his teeth, resisting the pain while keeping his mental state steady, chanting the keywords necessary to maintain the two aura personifications. His psychic arms fused into one and formed a barrier around him as he pulled out the spindle.

A Tier 2 Spindle Bee and a Tier 2 Floating Spider flew around, with the former shooting Spindles while trying to retreat while the latter dodged the attacks and tried to close in. They flew through the battlefield, attacking the Tier 1 beings of their foes when a chance presented itself.

The Tier 2 Floating Spider spun a silk ball using its legs, throwing it at the wing joints of a nearby Spindle Bee. The silk stuck, locking its joints, preventing the Spindle Bee from flying. The Tier 2 Floating Spider pulled at its body, continuing to fly while making helixes in the air, gaining angular momentum in the Spindle Bee's body.

It severed its string and sent the Spindle Bee flying towards the Tier 2 Spindle Bee, watching it evade in reflex before hesitating whether or not to save its brethren. Using the window of opportunity, the Tier 2 Floating Spider closed in, biting its wings.

The Tier 2 Spindle Bee screeched, building up power in its abdomen before shooting out three spindles in a second. Two of them impaled the Tier 2 Floating Spider, wounding it. Both wounded each other, losing their balance in the air as they tore into each other while falling.

The third Spindle flew towards Jyorta's head with tremendous speeds. One of the two Spindle Bees around him moved forth, getting impaled by the spindle.

The spindle passed through its body and hit Jyorta, piercing halfway into his barrier that increased in thickness by 10 times during impact. It lost all momentum and fell to the ground. Jyorta heaved a sigh of relief as he gazed at the battle, also increasing the number of Floating Spiders and Spindle Bees in the hallucination to prevent both sides from stopping their battle.

The technique he used just now was what Laila had used against the Tier 4 Frenzy Parasite before. 'Her technique allows me to display power beyond my psychic arm's limit. Impressive.'


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