Psychic Parasite

Chapter 326: Blood, Anger, and Tears

Chapter 326: Blood, Anger, and Tears

The boy quickly explained his situation. A Frenzy Parasite had attacked him and his friends after the power went out. And during their struggle, one of his friends had been hurt while pushing the Frenzy Parasite out of the building.

To help his friend, he ventured out to the nearby hospital, only to find many such Frenzy Parasites loitering about. He hid and inched his way through them, finally finding what he sought. But, when he picked it up, the Tier 4 Frenzy Parasite found him.

While escaping, he set the hospital to fire and barely managed to exit it. After that, he was saved by Jyorta and company.

"Those snakes might be trying to attack my friends again," The boy gritted his teeth as he said.

"You did well," George patted his shoulder, making eye contact with Dalna Doppler, noting the other party's intention. He looked at Jyorta, "We four will stay behind and annihilate all the Frenzy Parasites while the rest of you head to Sector 12. Once we finish here, we'll find a way to head there."

"Alright," Jyorta nodded, sprinting towards the River Whale to inspect its injuries. Blood oozed out through its injury while its mind was in a muddled state. Jyorta unleashed his aura personification of hallucination and insignificance, trying to control it.

In its muddled state, the River Whale barely cooperated, but it was better than its previous state of disarray. Jyorta boarded it and Willed it to fly. The River Whale activated its Trait, pulling forth the nearby water, condensing a thin veil around it.

Ashten Coorg, Esina Hawker, and Haesha boarded it, watching the River Whale struggle to get up. The water around it was barely enough, making its speed akin to a crawl.

Thankfully, they were near the walls, scaling it up after a couple of minutes of flight. Once they crossed the wall and headed into Sector 12, Jyorta spotted many Frenzy Beasts flying around the nearby apartments, followed by wailing sounds of children.

The River Whale became unsteady, its vitality beginning to drop. Jyorta controlled it and crash-landed on the road. The four on its back timely jumped over, landing on the road in safety. Ashten stepped forth and pulled out the sword lodged in it, throwing it to Jyorta after a swing, "Better than nothing."

The area was filled with all sorts of sounds, making the quartet realise the severity of the situation. Ashten looked at Esina, pointing at a nearby building, "You and Haesha head there while I and Jyorta would head into this building. When you are done there, head in this direction."

He then specified the direction he and Jyorta would take, sprinting to the first destination immediately. Jyorta looked at the two, "Stay safe."

"You two be safe too," Haesha replied, sprinting with Esina.

Ashten raised his sword, defending against two spindles launched by a couple of Spindle Bees.

"Good timing," Jyorta commented, wrapping the two Spindle Bees in his hallucination, taking control of their actions. They were only Tier 1, quickly moving along as he Willed after a second.

The two Spindle Bees hovered on either side of Jyorta as he nudged the creature sleeping on his right shoulder using his aura. The Two-Faced Firefly took to the air and lighted up the area before them, spreading the light over a wide area.

"Good," Ashten praised, making a jump before he entered a residential building. The moment he entered, he noticed the aura fluctuation in the air. The presence of Frenzy Beasts lingered in it, implying that they had recently entered the building.

The aura was waning in some places, the duo followed the route where the intensity of aura continued to grow. It displayed the route the Frenzy Beasts had taken. Over time, the aura would weaken before dissipating, so it was easy to determine their path.

They hurriedly ran, reaching the first floor, their expressions paling as they smelled the hint of blood. Ashten used the full extent of his physique, quickly arriving before a door that was left ajar, noticing the pool of blood on the floor behind it.

He pushed the door open and witnessing a scene of massacre. The Two-Faced Firefly lit up the living room. There were hardly any signs of struggle, only a couple of scratches on the sofa existed.

Ashten Coorg looked at the family photo hanging on the wall, seeing the picture of three kids, determining their age based on the date stamped on it, gritting his teeth as his eyes turned bloodshot, "The oldest was barely 8 years old."

The blood on the floor retreated to the sides, spurred by his aura. The chairs, lamps, and the sofa trembled, shaking or moving under the brunt of his aura. Ashten looked at Jyorta, "Jyorta"

Jyorta shook his head, his expression akin to a demon, failing to find anything through his domain after moving across the room. "We have to hurry."

They exited and moved past each room, seeing the same situations over and over again, their expressions worsening each time, their killing intent rattling the corridor they ran across.

Sensing their killing intent, the Frenzy Beasts moving about in the above floors stirred up, communicating with each other as they grouped up. When Jyorta and Ashten arrived on the second floor, they saw 10 Spindle Bees, their bodies bigger than usual, reeking with the scent of blood while struggling to carry their weights.

They had stuffed themselves to the brim.

"Kill!" Jyorta wrapped his hallucination over all the Spindle Bees, stopping their movements while Ashten sped through the corridor. His sword flashed around, reaping a life with every swing. Within five seconds, he killed all Spindle Bees.

Just when he was about to move further, Jyorta stopped him, "Wait."

Recalling back to the experience in maintaining the aura personification over thousands of students, Jyorta closed his eyes. The air around him swirled, the effect quickly covering 10 floors above them, "Come!"

He made eye contact with Ashten, sprinting towards the upper floors. Along their way, Frenzy Beasts flew into the corridor one after another, swiftly killed by a swing of Ashten's sword. When they were on the fourth floor, all the Frenzy Beasts above came down through the stairs, lured by Jyorta through his hallucinations.

Without any inputs, Ashten jumped, swinging his sword, killing every Frenzy Beast that flew his way. They didn't even realise the threat looming above their heads, under the effect of the hallucination, swiftly killed in a single strike.

"There were more than thirty," Upon his comment, the expressions of both crumpled further. 30 Tier 1 Frenzy Beasts, the quantity was beyond what the defenceless children could endure.

"Are they all?" Ashten Coorg had slain the final Frenzy Beast and turned around when they heard the shrill screams of a girl, 10 years old judging by the pitch of her cry.

Without any hesitation, Ashten Coorg sprinted through the flight of stairs, leaving Jyorta behind. Jyorta could only try to catch up using his maximum speed, feeling the difference between a Warrior and an Esper.

He climbed four floors, hearing the screams turn shriller and shriller, followed by sounds of metal clashing. Jyorta jumped onto the floor, sliding on the ground around the corner as he turned, noticing Ashten Coorg fighting against three Tier 2 Floating Spiders.

"Fire!" With his command, the two Spindle Bees beside him shot their spindles, impaling two Floating Spiders. The Two-Faced Firefly lit up the corridor, helping Ashten's situation. Relying on his eyes, the speed of his movements increased, hacking at the Floating Spider near him.

The Floating Spider clashed with its mandibles, falling back under the force of the impact, shrieking in pain as its mandibles were damaged. Jyorta made the two Spindle Bees continue to shoot, stalling the two Floating Spiders.

In an aerial battle, the Spindle Bees barely managed to hold on. Ashten Coorg activated his Tier 2 Skill, unleashing a powerful aura that constrained the movements of the three Floating Spiders momentarily.

Using the chance, he hacked his sword, cleaving the head of a Floating Spider. In a fluid motion, he swiped at another Floating Spider, watching it move in such a way that its head came in the way of his swing, getting beheaded.

He quickly turned his head, seeing Jyorta nod in return. Followed by a jump, he reached the Floating Spider that flew near the ceiling, beheading it in the same way as the other two. The moment he landed on the floor, Ashten Coorg jumped and kicked open the nearby door, entering inside.

Jyorta sent the Two-Faced Firefly first to light up the interior as he followed after, stunned into shock upon noticing a girl lying on the floor, her limbs constrained by spider webs. The part of her shirt above her stomach had been shredded, with patches on her skin covered by spider webs.

"Jyorta!" Ashten shouted as he impaled his sword into the Floating Spider that was hovering above her stomach. Jyorta inspected her using his domain, also activating the vision of his blue soul, noticing a faint wisp lodged in her stomach, underneath every patch.

"It laid eggs in her stomach," Jyorta muttered, his expression spewing venom. He kneeled on the floor beside the girl, watching her fearful expression, her throat sore from shouting all along, barely able to utter any words. He held her hands, "It will be alright."

The girl immediately shook her head at his words, craning her head weekly to gazed at the room nearby. Following her gaze, Ashten opened the door; tears streamed out his eyes while nerves protruded on his face.

He immediately entered the room and shut the door, followed by sounds of stomps. Hearing the sounds, the girl began to cry, her eyes losing their lustre, her hope shattering. Ashten opened the door and walked out, kneeling before the girl, "I'll save you. Jyorta, can you protect her insides and pull out the eggs?"

"Yes," Jyorta nodded, wiping his tears before seeping both his psychic arms into a patch respectively.

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