Nova Roma

Chapter 208 - Bloody Training 2

R-18 chapter: Gore

When Flavio woke up she found Hellena beside him taking care of his body, Hellena watched her husband wake up and kissed her forehead. "Thank you for making the sacrifice for our little Daughter.

Grandpa Anubis told me that after seeing Bastet he already knows what kind of training she needs so you will have to be killed a few times for her to develop control of her skills.

So I hope you can continue helping our little girl in her training. "

Flavio smiled and stretched out his hands to hug Hellena while giving him a passionate kiss. "For my children and for you, I will do everything in my hands, I just hope you give me some consent tonight.

Bastet has a very strong bite, by the way how is she. "

Hellena lay down next to Flavio "After eating she fell asleep with a big smile of happiness, Grandpa Anubis is still sleeping, he says he will wake up until tomorrow when she digests all the meat she ate.

By the way, he asked me to do a few Baby Bottles for tomorrow’s training, I think we will have a long night. "

Flavio began kissing his wife as he prepared to get the baby bottles he needed for tomorrow, he would have to thank his grandfather for giving him such an important job.

Pilcoatl was still working with the construction of the wonder, thanks to a large amount of blood and bodies that were thrown into the lake from dead beasts.

Pilcoatl used them as catalysts to create more of his Axolotls men and women, the only difference is that the human Axolotls he made had red eyes but were not aggressive on the contrary they had more strength than their counterparts.

The outer wall was completed at dawn so it began with the construction of the 4 bridges that will connect the island with the mainland around the lake, to perform such a feat he decided to start by placing quartz pillars as the supports of the 4 bridges.

So that they stopped and could not move in tremors, I created 2-meter holes where he placed the quartz pillar, once it was placed, he used his divine energy to harden the earth and join the pillar with the ground.

In this way, no matter how much the bridge moves, the pillars cannot be broken.

On the morning of the next day, Anubis got up from his bed and could see his grandchildren running down the hallway of the house which said goodbye to him because they had to go with Quetzalcoatl to train his Animal transformation.

Since they learned that their sister can become an animal they do not want to be left behind, so they decided to work twice to be able to surprise their parents.

After breakfast, they gathered in the yard of the house which was full of Flavio’s blood after being eaten yesterday by his daughter Bastet.

Anubis sighed and looked at Flavio who was carrying his daughter in his head "Very well Flavio the first thing we have to control is Bastet’s hunger, because of the noises at night I can say that you two worked hard to complete the work.

The mission will be simple, you have to feed your daughter while she is in her beast state, you will have to use some force to subdue her and feed her with breast milk in the baby bottles, of course, it is easier said than done.

But I’m sure you will succeed or you will die trying, we still have plenty of time to train little Bastet. "

Flavio nodded to his grandfather’s words and headed with Hellena to start pampering Bastet so that he could become his inner animal, Bastet gradually began to grow and Hellena separated from Flavio and her husband.

Like yesterday Bastet wanted to bite his father but Flavio stopped her very carefully and placed her on his arms while putting a baby bottle in his mouth to start eating.

The problem was that Bastet did not want to drink milk, so Flavio decided to take action on the matter, so he pulled his index finger off one of his hands, the finger came out with everything and the bone leaving a stream of blood that left where it supposed to be the finger.

The ripped finger gave it to his daughter as a snack that ate him very quickly, after this, he placed the stump of his finger in his daughter’s mouth so that she began to drink the blood that came out.

Bastet used the stump of his father’s finger as a bottle, Flavio then placed the bottle of milk in his daughter’s mouth and she began to drink from the bottle and gradually became a baby again.

Flavio sighed as he looked at Hellena "I’m glad that was simple ..."

At that moment he felt a bite on his neck and could see that his daughter was in her baby form but had red eyes and had much more hair on her body.

Bastet began by biting his father’s neck which was soft and quite delicious, with his small clawed hands he pulled out one of his father’s eyes and ripped it out, then bite it and enjoy the liquids that leave the eye.

Bastet took one of the baby bottles that were on the floor and began to drink breast milk while biting his father’s nose, then went on to eat the cheeks because the meat was soft and delicious.

After this, with his small claws, she put his hand in the empty eye socket to break that part of the skull and take out the delicious brain which took it out in small parts with the help of its claws.

She continued with the pectorals and the abdominal area, the muscle had a hard time biting him but for Bastet, it was the biggest delicacy she had ever tasted, then she passed with the intestines which had a taste of the breast milk that she was drinking.

Bastet continued devouring his father for a few hours until he ended up leaving an almost clean skeleton, after this, she lay back on the floor to sleep and process the food he had eaten.

Hellena approached her daughter and the arm "Father how did he do this time Bastet?"

Anubis smiled "Very well, I have to admit that the method used by Flavio advanced things a bit, we will need a few more lessons for Bastet in his animal form to stop eating meat.

Little by little she will eat less of Flavio until she decides whether to eat meat or drink breast milk, it will be a complicated process but it is the best way to teach her. "

Hellena looked at her daughter and kissed her forehead. "Grandfather can you take care of Flavio. I will have to go to Bastet to bathe. I don’t want her to sleep cover of blood."

Anubis nodded and saw how his grandson’s body was recovering at a surprising speed, while Aphrodite did so he went out to the yard and saw the body forming Flavio who was being taken care of by his grandfather.

Aphrodite walked to Flavio’s body and decided to sit next to him to be the first thing he saw when he woke up, last night he couldn’t sleep because of Hellena’s noises so today will be his turn to be loved ...

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