Nova Roma

Chapter 207 - Bloody Training 1

What seemed to be normal for Bastet was something quite surprising to Anubis and Hellena who saw how Flavio was devoured until he became only bones, Flavio never hurt his daughter and allowed her to devour him.

After Bastet just devoured everything she could from his father, she reacted when she saw his father’s skeleton and before she started crying Flavio’s bones hugged her, because he had no vocal cords could only hug her.

Bastet forgot to cry when he saw that his father’s body was being repaired as he threw back his father’s skeleton to eat his meat, this lasted about 4 hours until Bastet was so full that he lay down on the floor with a full belly to sleep.

Little by little he became his Baby form and Hellena ran to put a blanket on her daughter so she wouldn’t get cold, Anubis approached Flavio’s bones "You’re fine Flavio."

Flavio’s trembling skeleton could only raise his thumb before losing consciousness, again he woke up in the white room where I can see the death watching him with surprise.

Flavio formed a smile on his face "What happened you fell in love with my beautiful face or is that perhaps I’m surprised to you."

Death sighed and approached Flavio to place his small hands-on Flavio’s neck and began to hang him "You are a son of a whore Flavio that you think you are doing, feeding your daughter your meat for hours.

You have far exceeded a person’s common sense is that the more you grow up the more stupid you become, or is that your brain only thinks about the pleasure of pain.

Flavio was with a smile on his face as death hanged him, but he turned to ask the question at that moment .

Death hanged Flavio for a while before he got bored and released him when Flavio did so, he rubbed his neck with his hand and looked at death. "You know what happens to me, I feel that something changes daily within me but I don’t know how to prevent that from happening to me again. "

Death sat on the floor and looked at Flavio with compassion "It is because you were a normal human, not a god when Apollo placed your soul in an ovary of Rhea and then how fruitful your soul merged with the newly created soul of the true Flavio.

So you are not Flavio or Armando you are something that came up with the union of those Souls, which results in your behavior being erratic and sometimes stupid.

That lack of empathy or common sense is something that all gods present but in your, because you are a new soul it is shown in a much more marked way. "

Flavio scratched his head "But the memories I have are just ornaments or because I feel as if I had lived them."

Death frowned "Because they are your junk memories, I said your soul merged and created something new, not that your soul was reborn or that your memories do not belong to you.

Consciousness, soul, and mind are different things, in your case, your soul is like a newborn, your conscience is that of a man over 30 years old while your mind is almost 20 years old.

Many of the decisions you make are made by your conscience, your mind instead thinks before acting, but the soul is the essence, your soul has no experience, usually, new souls are born in animals.

Why an animal is noble and acts on instinct when they die they already have the experience, so being reborn in humans is the next step, but you are like an animal that takes care of your wives and children in a very protective way.

This is why your soul sees them as a family when your wives killed General Ascanio you did not intervene, this is why you do not mind the life of others, your mind thought you should stop them, but your conscience gave priority to your wives.

You are letting your daughter devour you so that she can learn to control her powers because she is your family, your blood, but if any beast tries to kill you or devour you I am sure you will kill that shit without a problem.

Do you remember the words I gave you the last time we saw each other and how you reacted to a point of not hesitating to threaten to rape me, just so that you do not remain alone after the end?

The soul is not good or bad, the conscience is the one who defines the actions, at the moment you have some other doubt. "

Flavio sighed and look the Death "Sorry for telling you those things, I spoke without thinking, I will try to be more careful when we talk since we are likely to see each other frequently for a long time."

Death gave a smile "I will try not to bother you a lot about how you die but remember that if one of your deaths is for something stupid I will make fun of her, every time we meet."

"Is there any way to generate experience for my soul or I will just have to wait for the age to make it’s own."

Death rose from the ground and it was where Flavio was lying "Die is for a while maybe it takes a few hundred human years, a close of eyes for you a god.

But if you want to achieve maturation of the soul you will need the fire of Prometheus, the problem is that the fire was delivered to humanity and its location is a mystery.

I’m even sure that if you ask your grandfather Zeus he won’t know where the fire is, so you’ll have to wait over the years.

How can I give you advice if you feel your mind is telling you that there is something wrong, you should listen to it and think with empathy, what will happen if tomorrow one of your wives or children kills a person who has children or family who wants revenge.

You should know that the human being does not like to be under the command of the gods the more educated he is, remember the analogy God creates the dinosaurs and then kills them, God creates man and man kills God, man creates the Dinosaurs and dinosaurs kill the man.

You must be careful with the actions you do, sooner or later they could bring you problems or create enemies where they did not exist before, there is no worse misfortune than what one throws on oneself. "

Flavio looked to death "Thank you for everything ..."

Death interrupted Flavio’s speech because with his feet he stepped on his testicles "My advice is not free I want an altar in my name in your religion, maybe that way I can enjoy the outdoors.

You know I hate being in a completely white place where I can only see your life in the day and your sex life in the night. "

Flavio who was dying of pain and pleasure only nodded as best he could and could see how death smiled before he woke up ...

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