Nova Roma

Chapter 187 - Conquest of the city of Tajin

Flavio returned to the capital of the empire accompanied by his wives and with his father who has not returned to the human world for a long time.

Like Ares, Huitzilopochtli and Mayahuel he had to suppress some of their divine energy to prevent time from stopping. "I have to admit that my Temple is very well taken care, I may have to personally congratulate the priestesses."

Flavio looked at Apollo with a smile. "Dad, you are going to enlarge the family. Well, I already want brothers or sisters. Good Uncle Ares has already left the supreme priestess pregnant and grandfather Zeus’s son is on the way with Naturae.

But with a bigger family, its better for us. "

Apollo started laughing "I guess we have in our blood to expand the family no matter where the expansion comes from, by the way, I learned about Aphrodite’s pregnancy, Hephaestus told us that his wife was pregnant with you as if it were a great achievement.

Sometimes I feel sorry for my brother but he likes to have the green hat, by the way, were are Ares and Huitzilopochtli. "

Flavio climbed into the carriage with his wives and father "They are conquering some large cities in places near the coast.

They have over 10,000 soldiers and 2,500 horses in support of their military adventure, it must be a matter of time before they return. "

Apollo was surprised "How did you get them to participate in the campaigns as commanders?"

Flavio scratched his head "I did nothing, they wanted to participate and check with their eyes how the locals performed and how efficient the soldiers of empire are.

I guess they are gods of war for a reason. "

Apollo let out a laugh and continued talking with his son and his sisters-in-law, while this was happening Huitzilopochtli was conquering the city of Tajin, it was not a simple task but thanks to the legionaries being obedient he was to conquer the city.

It did not take long for him to conquer different cities on his way because unlike Ascanio his identity towards the Caciques, Tlatoanis and priests surrendered without much bloodshed, but the city of Tajin was different.

The priests and the king of the city did not want to give up and decided to fight against the enemy even if he was commanded by the same God Huitzilopochtli, this far from bothering him made him happy because there is nothing to cheer him more than fight.

The first battle took place outside the city in the morning, the legionaries commanded by Huitzilopochtli began an attack by placing the soldiers with their paws in front while stopping the obsidian arrows of the Tajín soldiers.

Unfortunately, they could only scratch the steel shields, when the enemy soldiers finished their obsidian arrows, a shower of Bolts emerged from among the shields of the legionaries.

The Steel Bolts were deadly to the unprotected archers of the city, these sudden deaths broke the line of the archers who ran trying to save their lives.

The legionaries began to advance and this time the soldiers left the city who used as shields some iron pots that Roman merchants had sold to them long ago.

They thought that because iron was stronger than most of their shields, it could stop the rare arrows of the Romans, unfortunately in the battle, they found that the iron is strong and can stop some arrows of the Romans.

But the rest of the body is vulnerable and therefore died in the same way, the defenders despaired and decided to retire inside the city to fight under the protection of the houses.

Huitzilopochtli had to nod his head in approval of the tactic they were using, but it would be ineffective as he did not send the legionaries to fight in the city, he used the volunteers who joined during the advance of Huitzilopochtli.

These auxiliaries shouted and ran to fight inside the city house by house, the blood began to stain the cobblestone floor of the city, there was a rule that Huitzilopochtli made which said that children and babies should not die because they cannot defend their bodies.

As the auxiliaries entered the houses of the city of Tajin and killed the women in them, in some cases they only left the babies covered with the blood of their parents who were killed in front of them.

Gradually the defenders began to tire of fighting against the auxiliaries, so Huitzilopochtli ordered that he will load the legionaries and that the cavalry would take care of the surroundings to avoid fugitives.

The legionaries entered the city at noon and in just two hours the king’s head was in the hands of Huitzilopochtli who placed it in a stake in front of the city temple, with this action he had conquered the last city in hands of the ancestors of the Totonac.

The children and survivors of the city left on the way to the city of Origin Civitatem where they would be taken to orphanages to grow safely.

Huitzilopochtli began to turn the city into a military fortress while cleaning the streets and burning the dead to prevent disease, at that time an old man appeared on the road leading to the temple.

The soldiers tried to stop him but when he approached him he said a few words and turned them into snakes that turned to stone, the hummingbird god realized the Totonac sorcerer who was walking towards the temple where he was and went out to receive him.

The soldiers decided not to approach the old man for fear of being turned into stone snakes but in any case hundreds of crossbows aimed at the old man waiting for him to make a move to shoot.

The old man looked at the hummingbird god who was watching from the main temple of the city and shouted: "God Huitzilopochtli why you attacked my people if we have always been believers at all times."

Huitzilopochtli smiled and jumped from the temple to where the old man was when he fell down the ground he broke and left a crater in front of the old man "I am not attacking your people I am protecting it from the threat that comes from the north.

Those who gave up are on their way to the empire where they will be sure of the chaos that will come, you should know that I don’t have to lie a sorcerer. "

The old man frowned as the hummingbird God was telling the truth before he could speak the old man felt a pain in his head and the necklace that was shining turning him into a black stone statue ...

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