Nova Roma

Chapter 186 - Three wonders

The angel Esther entered the room with her baby in her arms "Thank you for inviting me to the Quetzalcoatl meeting and hello everyone.

Let me tell you about the fourth race of the fourth dimension, many years ago the old man started a campaign against them.

His son was long ago when he was preaching a way of life he found a way to enter the fourth dimension, although he only conventionally walked on the ground in the fourth dimension, in the human world he seemed to walk in the water.

In that place he met the race he called Septem because they were always together in groups of seven, their shapes were humanoid as if they were human shadows.

They used the Bukenetares as tools or cattle, this information reached the ears of the old man and eventually wanted to govern that area.

In the middle ages when his power was at its maximum potential he launched a war, I fight in that battle as one more soldier, the Bukenetares are mostly weak so making a stronghold in the place was not complicated but maintaining it was impossible.

This is because the Septem began their counterattack, they are weak but their damn weapons are too dangerous, even the archangel Gabriel was wounded in one of his wings by one of those weapons, the old man got so angry that he sent the archangel Michael next to A lot of angels.

One of the most horrible damn weapons I could see was one that turned angels into meaningless beasts that were dedicated to cannibalism, something similar to what humans called zombies.

In the end, it was impossible to maintain the stronghold, so we began the withdrawal of the place, before we left the old man personally went down and threw one of his favorite catastrophes on the Septem which was a rain of fireballs.

These fireballs easily killed the damn black shadows but also killed some of our soldiers.

Also, another thing he did was seal the entrance to the fourth dimension which was an effective idea to prevent those things from entering in search of revenge, the problem is that the spirits in sorrow had to roam the earth. "

Flavio held his chin "Now I understand who handed the ring to the shit of the king of Teotihuacán and the problem with Iztaccihuatl.

One of the parts of your story could explain why contact with Europe was lost and what Felix lived, but why would these things try to enter our dimension win something? "

Amaterasu and Esther see with some fear of Flavio and Esther asked "How long ago contact with Europe was lost, why nobody mentioned it before.

You are telling me that Europe was left without the protection of some god, is that you went crazy like the old man did or they just don’t care what happens. "

Apollo who was sitting stood up and looked at Esther "It’s easy to judge but we wouldn’t have to be in this situation if it wasn’t for the old man, you know we’ve only been awake for two years.

During that time we were asleep in an obligatory way, you know why we could not defend our people, that is because the fucking old man left defense in Europe.

This to avoid that we could wake up with what he did not count was that Flavio came to the Americas completely changing the rules of the game, as you expected us to defend our people when we could only have superficial contact with them. "

Esther was prepared to scream but she watched her daughter sleep in her hands and did not want to wake her up "Europe is alone and destroyed as far as I can guess, we have the fourth dimension beings entering when they want and leaving whem they want.

The only option I can find is to create wonders to prevent those damn beings from entering the human plane.

If we can build 3 wonders we can prevent you from setting foot in place, I want to insult you all but it would be hypocritical of me to do so, if we don’t help each other we will end up as Europe did.

Besides, my daughter will grow up and have to live in this place, like it or not. "

Flavio sighed "It is easy to say that we build a wonder but we are talking about something that takes time, we are not in the modern era where we can dispose of materials at full hands.

The problem is not to build them, it is the time it will take us, but there may be an option but for that, I will need your guidance.

As far as many constructions were made by gods as were the walls of Troy, however, I don’t know why this stopped happening, I want to ask you, what I need to make them. "

Zeus and Apollo looked at Flavio with a smile, but who spoke was Poseidon who was at the meeting as a guest by Apollo "I’m glad you recognize our great construction you know Apollo and I suffered to build that damn wall.

It is possible that to build the wonder you need dedication and materials, your divine energy can help you but this has a cost the time it takes to build your wonder you will not be able to talk to any mortal.

So the materials and others will have to carry your two wives Hellena and Miyuki because the constant use of your divine energy can instantly kill any mortal creature.

The reason why none of us like to do jobs in the human world is why it is not something easy to do and sometimes there is no reward, think about it I was forced with your father to work for a stupid mortal king.

I still remember Laomedon’s promises, I suppose you also Apollo. "

Apollo let out a laugh "Of course I remember them but you know, seeing the destruction of Troy was the most beautiful revenge not to mention that thanks to Uncle Hades we were able to torture the stupid king.

I asked me if he continues to build the wall we asked for with river stones. "

Flavio was happy with the words of his brother/uncle "Very well I will leave my mark on the human world and build 3 wonders the great castle of the imperial family, the interoceanic canal and the bridge that will connect Insulae Canibalium with the empire and the peninsula of Homeland (Florida).

I hope grandfather/brother that you can lend to my cousins ​​the muses for the construction of the castle I will need your help to build something artistic and resistant and father will also need your help.

Mother Goddess Tonantzin I want to ask for help from Chalchiuhtlicue 1 and Tláloc for the construction of the canal.

Finally, I would like to ask your help Uncle Poseidon for the construction of the bridge as it will pass through the Caribbean Sea. "

Zeus scratched his beard "I have no problem, although I don’t know if your cousins ​​want lately they are spending a lot of time with some Anahuacs gods.

But I can ask Daedalus to help, he was in charge of making the labyrinth of Crete. "

Mother Tonantzin nodded. "I can ask Chalchiuhtlicue and Tláloc for help only when you need them, can you come to my temple to find them."

Poseidon and Apollo did not deny and agreed to help Flavio, with these actions would arise the three wonders of the empire which became a point of tourist attraction in the coming millennia ...

Goddess of rivers, lakes and seas and wife of Tlaloc

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