Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 196: Insufficient Genetic Soul, Darkness Lurks (II)

Chapter 196: Insufficient Genetic Soul, Darkness Lurks (II)

"Wait a minute, Chen Chu, how do you know so much?" Li Meng suddenly realized, looking at Chen Chu with curiosity.

Chen Chu looked back at him strangely. "It's simple, just read through the encyclopedia of ordinary mutated beasts, and you'll basically have a detailed understanding of their evolutionary history."

Li Meng shook his head. "I know about reading books, what I mean is how do you have time to read? I remember that series has more than ten books, and each one is thick."

"Yeah, Chen Chu, you actually have time to read books?" Liu Feng and the others looked displeased.

Bai Mu nodded. "Exactly, it's not fair."

Everyone’s striving to practice, and your progress far surpasses all of ours. How do you even have the time to read?

Chen Chu was puzzled. "Isn't it simple? I just take a glance and remember it."

For a few moments, everyone was speechless.

"Fuck!" Yuan Chenghuang couldn't help but give him the finger.

Xia Youhui waved with a grin. "Alright, alright, let's go rest, or else Ah Chu here will start showing off again. We already let him have his moment earlier."

"Yeah, yeah, just ignore him. Let's find a place to hang out on our own."

Saying this, these guys even went so far as to link arms and walk over to a still-standing tree not far away, sitting under the shade and closing their eyes to cultivate and restore their true power.


Luo Fei, standing on the mutated beasts' carcasses, couldn't help but laugh, then jumped down, taking off her helmet and sweeping her hair behind her with another chuckle. "You really got to them again."

Chen Chu also chuckled. "I'm just trying to let them know that they shouldn’t stop studying just because they’ve become cultivators."

"That's indeed a problem." The amusement in Luo Fei's eyes became more apparent.

For many high school students, the transcendent strength obtained through practicing true martial arts could be addicting, like playing a game. As a result, they would usually begin to neglect learning in favor of spending more time cultivating and practicing.

What they often failed to realize was that there was also a mental aspect to cultivation; reading notes from other cultivators and gaining insights from their experiences, exchanging ideas with martial cultures in other countries to better understand other cultivation systems and the universe.

This problem usually became prevalent after reaching the Fifth Heavenly Realm, when their limited understanding would slow down the advancement of their Martial Will. It was usually only then that they would think about looking at materials rich in martial knowledge.

All of that, however, was for later. Right now, their highest priority was breaking through to the Fourth Heavenly Realm.

Li Hao's injuries were even more severe than everyone had expected. With his unwillingness to use healing resources for recovery, the group decided to rest here for a day.


In the evening, the sunlight dyed the sea surface a crimson gold, lights bursting forth amid the surging waves.

Thousands of meters underwater, however, everything was dark and silent. A gigantic skeleton emitted a faint red glow, casting a fierce and daunting reflection on the two colossal beasts lurking nearby.

Lying on the seabed, the Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast calmly observed the dim red light, its eyes exuding a chilling aura.

The Single-horned Orca, which had also been waiting for a day, couldn't help but sway its tail, stirring up a violent wave and emitting a low growl.

Squeak! Brother, why can't we eat it yet?

Roar! Don't worry, it's almost time.

Compared to the Orca, the Thunder Beast appeared relatively calm. According to its estimation, the protective layer of dim red light would disappear in about an hour or so. Since they couldn’t immediately devour the blood contained within the light, there were still some hidden dangers.

From killing the deep-sea creature until now, the Thunder Beast and the Orca had already taken down three level 6 and four level 5 mutated creatures. With such a large feast, the beast’s size had grown to thirty-one meters, while its evolution points had increased by over a hundred.

Just as the Thunder Beast was about to relax and continue waiting, it suddenly sensed another massive mutated creature intruding.

This mutated creature was six hundred meters away from them, exuding a special force without causing any disturbance in the seawater. If it hadn’t been for the Thunder Beast's enhanced perception of faint electric waves after its evolution, along with the extension of its detection range to seven hundred meters, it might not have noticed it.

The Thunder Beast let out a low roar. Roar! Big Horn, there's an ordinary mutated creature lurking above you. Go and deal with it, but don't stray too far.

That mutated creature wasn't very strong, estimated to be around level 6, so the Thunder Beast couldn't be bothered to take action. With the two drops of ancient blood about to emerge, it had to be even more cautious.

Especially since there were still some mutated creatures lurking in the dark depths of the surrounding sea. Since they hadn't approached within a kilometer range, the Thunder Beast couldn't precisely perceive their forms, levels, or approximate strength.

Squeak! Leave it to me.

The Orca let out a low roar, and then a powerful burst of energy and vitality erupted from its body. Its tail lashed about, and a roaring torrent of water exploded from behind it as it shot upward.

Boom, boom, boom!

There was a violent roar of frenzied water from above, as well as the screams of unknown creatures and powerful energy fluctuations.

After about ten minutes, the Orca swam down, its thick armor-covered body bearing several half-meter-deep and eight- to nine-meter-long wounds. In its mouth, it dragged the carcass of a mutated creature about twenty meters long and bearing two thin, claw-like limbs.

The Orca approached the Thunder Beast in a flattering manner. Squeak! Brother, I can't finish eating this guy, so I'll share half with you.

Roar! Okay.

The Thunder Beast didn't refuse; the Orca’s ability to consume energy during meals wasn't as immense, so this level 6 mutated creature would be enough to sate it for a few days.

As the two beasts tore and devoured, most of the mutated creature’s flesh ended up in the Thunder Beast’s mouth, and the surrounding area was rendered even more crimson by the surging blood.

Suddenly, the auras of the surrounding mutated creatures diminished.

As they ate their fill, the faint red light became even weaker. Seeing this, the Thunder Beast and Orca’s gazes became more serious.

The Thunder Beast slightly straightened its body, with faint flames flickering on its scales, and it roared in a low voice. Roar! Big Horn, after we finish eating, we'll leave. Don't linger around here.

Squeak! Okay, Brother.

As the invisible red light on the skeleton dimmed even more, the atmosphere in the dark depths of the sea became even more oppressive, with powerful auras rising in the distance. Clearly, those mutated creatures also knew it was a critical moment and could no longer remain calm.


Just as the red light on the skeleton was about to disappear, the trench suddenly erupted with movement, as seven dark shadows roared out from the darkness in all directions.

Each one emitted a powerful aura at level 7.

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