Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 164: Devouring and Crushing, Increasing the Upper Limit (II)

Chapter 164: Devouring and Crushing, Increasing the Upper Limit (II)

The Thunder Fiery Colossal Beast stood beside the Dragon Turtle, watching with ice-cold eyes as the gray whale rolled more than ten times before finally coming to a stop in the distance.

After reaching level 7, could this mutated creature have undergone a transformation due to its abilities?

Seeing the Thunder Beast standing at its side, ablaze with flames and overwhelming energy, the Dragon Turtle's head emerged, emitting an excited growl.

Roar! Thunder Fiery, go get it!

Roar! Just stay here.

Alright then. With the Thunder Beast’s roar, the brutally beaten turtle stretched out its limbs and scampered off to the side. This time, the speed was much faster, completely unlike the sluggish pace during the journey here.

In the distance, the gray whale’s shattered scales were surrounded by swirling gray liquid energy, and the injuries were visibly healing at an astonishing speed.


The gray whale, angered by being blasted away and injured in a single strike, roared furiously. The water behind it exploded as it swung its tail and aggressively lunged towards the Thunder Beast.


The seabed shattered as the Thunder Beast's figure disappeared instantly from its original position.

The gray whale moved at astonishing speed, like a bullet train at three hundred kilometers per hour, causing a violent surge of water as it bit down ferociously.


Rocks within dozens of meters vanished instantly, swallowed by its bite, then its massive body crashed into the sloping mountain wall with a resounding impact.


Under the monstrous force, the mountain wall within a radius of over a hundred meters collapsed, and countless rocks shot out like projectiles, rolling far away with the mud and sand.

Despite already being far away, the Dragon Turtle couldn’t help but retract its neck after witnessing that terrifying attack. It was very fortunate that the big guy hadn’t used that move against it. Otherwise, it would have been knocked deep underground.

Not far away, the Thunder Beast, which had evaded the strike, remained unfazed.

With its ability to devour and crush, its metal spike thorns for both offense and defense, its rapid regenerative ability, and the overwhelming power housed within its metallic flesh, this whale in the late stage of level 7 was indeed formidable.

However, there were still ways to deal with it.

As it watched the gray whale emerge from the murky seawater with its billowing aura, faint flames and lightning seemed to flicker in the Thunder Beast's eyes.


With a ferocious roar, the Thunder Beast's aura surged, and endless flames erupted from its body, boiling and evaporating the surrounding sea and creating rolling white pillars of steam that shot up toward the surface.


The opposing gray whale also unleashed a furious roar, unwilling to show weakness, and its aura exploded with power.

Boom! Boom!

The two colossal beasts thundered into motion, their massive bodies crashing through the water. They emitted overwhelming auras as they lunged toward each other, resembling two underwater meteors, one red and one gray.


In the instant they approached each other within dozens of meters, the gray whale opened its huge mouth, unleashing an endless suction force, intending to swallow the Thunder Beast and crush it.

Under the terrifying swallowing force, the surging water turned into a vortex rushing into its mouth and spraying out from the gills on both sides, as anything within it was crushed by the rotating metal teeth.

At that moment, a flash of fire appeared near the gray whale’s head, indicating the Thunder Beast’s successful evasion of the attack. It descended from above, tearing through several thick metal spike thorns before landing on the gray whale. Blue lights shone brightly on its dorsal fins.


Centered around the Thunder Beast, countless thunderbolts exploded, expanding rapidly into a network of arm-width lightning arcs and causing the water within hundreds of meters to boil. Countless blue arcs flickered, piercing and scorching everything in their path.

Thunderbolts spread across the gray whale’s body via the metal spike thorns, enveloping it like a rice dumpling wrapped in lightning. With most of its body transformed into metal, the effect was greater than normal, and the gray whale twitched and convulsed, its eyes turning white.

Meanwhile, the Thunder Beast gathered its endless blazing energy. A dazzling light shone from within its ferocious maw, and then a blazing breath erupted.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!!

The scorching fire pillar hit the gray whale's head, causing a resounding shockwave. The flames dispersed and evaporated the surrounding water, creating exploding rings of red and white light.

Five thousand degrees Celsius was hot enough to melt diamonds; most metals didn’t stand a chance. Even though the whale’s body was metallic, it couldn't withstand the fire, its energy shield pierced in the blink of an eye.

Under the fiery breath, the whale’s thick skin gradually melted and was penetrated, and the metallic flesh beneath began to dissolve.


Paralyzed by lightning coursing through its body and in intense agony from the flames, the gray whale emitted a pained roar. In a desperate last bid for survival, a massive amount of power suddenly erupted from within it. Instantly, more spikes grew all over its body, some extending over ten meters, while others were smaller but razor-sharp.

The Thunder Beast, however, knew that this was a critical moment, and it didn't bother to evade. Instead, it firmly grasped the gray whale’s armor with its claws.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sharp, gigantic metallic spikes pounded the Thunder Beast, emitting heavy impacts and shockwaves, but they couldn't push it away. They were capable of piercing metal armor, but when they landed on the black-red scales, they left only white marks. The strongest two only managed to break the surface layer of scales on its belly.

Such terrifying defense left the gray whale utterly hopeless. The Thunder Beast’s breath had penetrated the flesh on its head completely, and was beginning to melt through its skull with a dreadful impact.

In agony, the gray whale's massive body began to thrash wildly. Its tail swung and it rolled, causing the seabed to tremble, and the water to roar.

Suddenly, the thrashing whale's body stiffened, crashing onto the seabed with a loud thud as it ceased all movement.

Meanwhile, the Thunder Beast’s aura dimmed, leaving only a flickering flame and occasional faint electric arcs between its dorsal fins.

Roar! Roar! Thunder Fiery, you're amazing!

The Dragon Turtle trotted over in excitement, gazing at the Thunder Beast.

Roar! Roar! Don't worry, I promised to share with you, and I won't deceive you.

With that, the Thunder Beast dismounted from the gray whale, grabbed its thick tail with its left claw, and swam down towards the coral valley below.

With the battle over, it was time for the harvest. I wonder what benefits those silver fish will bring once consumed.

As it dragged the gray whale’s body into the Crystal Valley, the surrounding small fish scattered in panic, all intimidated by the invisible draconic power emanating from the Thunder Beast.


With a sweep of its massive right claw, the Thunder Beast gently grasped a silver fish slightly larger than the size of a palm, feeling a sense of emptiness akin to pinching dust.

For the current Thunder Beast, fish the size of a palm were far too minuscule. They were so small that they couldn't even be felt when stuffed into its mouth; they could only be swallowed along with the water.

Mhmm! In the instant that fish entered its stomach and was digested, a look of surprise flashed in the Thunder Beast's eyes as it felt the energy within its body increase by a bit.

This increase wasn't just in the total amount, but also in the upper limit.

Put simply, if the energy limit contained within the newly evolved Thunder Beast’s flesh was metaphorically 1,000 units, it could sustain two minutes of Scorching Breath and one Thunder Rampage. However, after swallowing that fish just now, both the upper limit and the current amount of energy contained within its flesh had become 1,001.

Of course, such a miniscule amount wouldn’t make any difference on its own, but...

As the Thunder Beast's gaze swept across the valley, where thousands of silver fish swarmed, a slight smirk formed at the corners of its mouth, giving it a somewhat ferocious appearance.

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