My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 274: The Mountain of Fate

Chapter 274: The Mountain of Fate

All the Yin Gods received the jade slips, and various thoughts flashed through their minds, unsure of their significance.

At this moment, one of the Yin Gods chuckled and said, "The moves made by the Blood-Clothed Sword God within the Divine Flower Society are truly awe-inspiring!"

His tone carried a hint of flattery.

The other Yin Gods, who had some knowledge of the Divine Flower Society’s activities, joined in with their praise.

"Using a divine method to attract the whole world, senior’s strategy is brilliant!"

"This isn’t just brilliance; it’s selfless righteousness! A divine method is so precious; ordinary techniques can’t compare! The Blood-Clothed Sword God generously offers it, contributing the divine method to everyone in the world to prepare against the Calamity!"

A group of Yin Gods flattered and discussed among themselves, making Qi Yuan feel somewhat elated.

"Am I really so righteous and just?"

"Turns out my actions have such profound meaning?"

"No wonder ancient emperors enjoyed listening to praise!"

Although Qi Yuan felt a bit proud, his heart remained calm. He recalled a story from the past about a high school entrance exam essay that described a scarecrow in the field. The question asked, "What does the scarecrow in the field symbolize?" The correct answer was, "The scarecrow represents the author’s father and expresses the author’s longing for his father." When the author found out about this, he was furious, wanting to tell the question-setter, "The scarecrow in the field is your father!"

Qi Yuan quietly enjoyed the flattery from everyone and took note of the "profound meanings" they interpreted, thinking they might come in handy later.

“Everyone, why don’t you register an account?” Qi Yuan suggested.

The Yin Gods quickly began registering accounts as instructed by Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan was pleased. Without offering anything as an incentive, he had these people register accounts. If only he still had connections to his previous life on Earth, he thought. Being backed by a major world, earning money by registering accounts would be so easy.

Following Qi Yuan's orders, these Yin Gods all registered their accounts. They all looked forward to finding out what significant task the Blood-Clothed Sword God wanted them to undertake.

Then, Qi Yuan casually remarked, “Well, the task I need your help with is to cut a deal... no, I mean, to boost... assist my junior sister.”

With that, Qi Yuan used the jade slip of the Grand Master of the Divine Flower Society to send a link to help Jiang Lingsu boost her progress.

The Yin Gods present looked at each other in confusion. Especially those familiar with the boosting mechanism were dumbfounded.

Although inviting someone to boost was common among the younger generation, for Yin Gods of their stature, no one had ever dared ask them for such a favor. Thus, this was the first time they were asked to provide a "boost."

Now, hearing that the task the Blood-Clothed Sword God wanted their help with was merely boosting his junior sister, they all felt a sense of absurdity and disbelief.

“Blood-Clothed Sword God, I have successfully boosted,” Yu Hua Great Sovereign spoke up. “Is there anything else you need us to do?”

The other Yin Gods, regardless of their feelings, also boosted Jiang Lingsu. Meanwhile, they grew curious about the Blood-Clothed Sword God’s junior sister, wondering if she was a formidable expert of a Great Sovereign level as well.

“This favor is good enough, thank you all,” Qi Yuan replied. “If you really want to help, put more effort into gathering techniques and uploading them here.”

To him, gathering techniques was the most crucial task.

The Grand Palace Lord of the Seeking Dao Palace was slightly taken aback. The task of collecting techniques that Qi Yuan mentioned was something they were already doing, with many already uploaded to the Origin Shared Assembly. For them, these were minor tasks. They were hoping to receive directives on how to deal with the Calamity.

"Senior, when do you plan to strike against the Calamity? We are willing to serve at your command!" the Grand Palace Lord of the Seeking Dao Palace asked.

The Calamity had its wings, with forces like the Dark Sun being one of its most powerful wings. But apart from the Dark Sun, there were other wings, both strong and weak. The weaker ones could be dealt with by them.

Qi Yuan looked at the crowd and shook his head. "You’re all too weak."

This blunt remark fell into the ears of those present, and a mix of feelings, including a sense of inferiority, arose within these Yin Gods. They were actually being told they were too weak.

Most of them were the overlords of various forces, and now they had come here to offer support, only to be met with such a statement. It was hard for them to accept.

“Don’t feel bad about it,” Qi Yuan offered a bit of high emotional intelligence advice. “Even though you’re not qualified to play in my funeral band, when I go to annihilate the Calamity, you can at least cheer from the sidelines.”

Once more, the Yin Gods looked at each other, speechless. The Blood-Clothed Sword God’s funeral band was well-known. During battles, he would have a band playing music. They weren’t even qualified to play in that band?

Yu Hua Great Sovereign felt somewhat indignant. “Senior, do we really lack even that qualification?”

The other Yin Gods felt the same. However, after Yu Hua Great Sovereign spoke, he also found it rather absurd that he was feeling slighted for not being allowed to play music.

“If I fight the Calamity, the shockwaves of the battle will be intense. If you’re close by, the shockwaves alone could wipe you out. If you’re far away, even if you play with all your might, I won’t be able to hear you.” Qi Yuan explained seriously. “My funeral band is full, and they are strong. Last time the four generals of the Lei family came, I sent a few of the band members, and they took them all out!”

In the Mortal Heart Realm, his band, the mourning team, the cooking team, and the coffin-carrying team were all well-equipped. Unless he met suitable strongmen, Qi Yuan wasn’t interested in recruiting more.

These Yin Gods’ strength was still too weak.

But upon hearing Qi Yuan's words, a storm surged in the hearts of the Yin Gods present.

“The funeral band... killed the Lei family’s four generals?”

“The Blood-Clothed Sword God indeed has formidable subordinates!”

The Yin Gods were shaken, and there was a deep sense of fear. If the Blood-Clothed Sword God was even more terrifying than they imagined, not fighting alone, and his band could kill the Lei family’s four generals, they truly couldn't compare.

“If you really want to follow me, join the Origin Shared Assembly and handle the logistics,” Qi Yuan said.

After all, these Yin Gods represented a quarter of the powerful forces in over twenty domains. They might be weak, but they could still be useful.

The Yin Gods were reluctant but still nodded with difficulty. Some of them even breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, they still felt a bit of fear when facing the Calamity directly. Handling logistics at least seemed safer.

"At your command!" The group of Yin Gods bowed in unison.

Their hearts were filled with even more admiration for the Blood-Clothed Sword God. If he had wanted, he could have instantly become the master of the largest force in the Canglan Realm with so many Yin Gods offering allegiance. Yet, the Blood-Clothed Sword God seemed indifferent to such things.

“Very well,” Qi Yuan nodded.

Having gained some new subordinates, he assigned them some tasks. Mostly it involved collecting techniques and martial arts manuals and cleansing the general atmosphere in various places.

Especially patrolling areas and the Divine Flower Society forum. Anyone who spoke ill of the Blood-Clothed Sword God would face righteous judgment and be judged thoroughly.

After all, if they dared to speak ill of the Blood-Clothed Sword God today, wouldn't that mean they might betray the Canglan Realm tomorrow?

Qi Yuan casually gave a few instructions before disappearing.

Only one hundred and twenty-plus Yin Gods were left standing in place.

The Grand Palace Lord of the Seeking Dao Palace couldn’t help but sigh, “The Blood-Clothed Sword God is truly a divine figure.”

Yu Hua Great Sovereign also sighed, “He is not an ordinary person. Perhaps he is the one who can lead us to defeat the Calamity.”

“Thirty thousand years ago…” an old Yin God Great Sovereign lamented, his thoughts complicated.

At the same time, in Qinghong City.

Young men and women recalled the fleeting figure in the sky, the complex expressions in their eyes yet to fade. Because that figure was the Blood-Clothed Sword God.

Just moments ago, the Blood-Clothed Sword God returned to Qinghong City. Every cultivator who saw that blood-red figure stopped their actions, bowed, and saluted, showing respect to the strong.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Shi Rulan's ear.

“Sister Shi, is the Blood-Clothed Sword God as wise and powerful as the legends say?” a female cultivator asked.

Shi Rulan and Shi Rushan were from another domain and had met this talkative female cultivator on their way to Qinghong City.

Shi Rulan, somewhat absent-minded, nodded, “Yes.”

The talkative female cultivator continued, “That divine method in the Divine Flower Society was given by this lord. By the way, Sister Shi, have you helped anyone boost yet? Would you like to help me?”

Upon hearing this, a look of displeasure flashed in Shi Rulan's eyes, and her expression turned extremely cold. "I find this kind of thing very distasteful!"

Shi Rushan, standing next to her, also wore an apologetic look, but his eyes were just as cold and distant. "Sorry, but we need to be going."

The two siblings left the inn quickly, their figures disappearing from sight.

The talkative female cultivator was left baffled, unable to understand why the Shi siblings' attitudes had suddenly turned so cold. They had seemed like a gentle and kind pair on the journey.

Meanwhile, Shi Rushan and Shi Rulan hurried away, exchanging quick, hushed words as they walked.

"Did you get it?" Shi Rushan asked.

"Yes, I glanced at him and have already memorized his aura," Shi Rulan replied.

"Good. Such a dangerous individual must be eliminated. If he is left unchecked, who knows what disasters and uncertainties he might bring to the Canglan Realm? As Fate Sorcerers, it is our duty to do something," Shi Rushan said with solemn determination.

Shi Rushan and Shi Rulan were both at the Purple Mansion stage. Their cultivation levels were not particularly high, but they were from the Mountain of Fate, an ancient and mysterious lineage. The Mountain of Fate had existed in the Canglan Realm even before the Calamity began. The cultivators of the Mountain of Fate, known as Fate Sorcerers, saw themselves as the correctors of destiny in the world.

To them, the workings of the heavens had their own rules and should proceed according to an ordained path. Any changes or disruptions were seen as violations of those rules and ultimately detrimental to the world.

"This Blood-Clothed Sword God is bewitching the masses, creating countless calamities along his path. On the way here, I saw so many cultivators turning on their loved ones just to collect techniques. All of this chaos is his doing. And yet, these foolish cultivators revere him as a god! It's absurd!" Shi Rulan's voice was filled with anger and confusion.

"The masses are ignorant," Shi Rushan sighed. "People like us, who can see the threads of fate, are so few. If the Blood-Clothed Sword God continues to grow unchecked and challenges the Calamity, it will bring great disaster to the Canglan Realm! Thirty thousand years ago, if not for our ancestors from the Mountain of Fate stepping in to save the realm, how many innocent lives would have been lost?"

Thirty thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Mountain of Fate had foreseen a great disaster. They saw visions of the earth being swallowed by the sea, the Canglan Realm shattered into pieces, and life annihilated, leaving the world in dead silence. To prevent this apocalypse, the ancestors of the Mountain of Fate decided to align with the Calamity, revealing the existence of a formidable Yang God cultivator—the root cause of the disaster—to the beings behind the Calamity. To them, this act was seen as saving countless lives from annihilation and was considered a great honor.

"Now, it is our turn to sacrifice ourselves to save the world!" Shi Rulan said with a determined look in her eyes. "For the world, sacrificing ourselves is our duty!"

Shi Rushan's eyes also blazed with fervor. Dying for the world was an honorable act.

"We are weak, but with the Gate of Fate, we can influence him. Unfortunately, he is too powerful. Even if we use the Gate of Fate, we can't kill him. But with the Gate of Fate combined with the Water of the Chaos Bird, we can make him go insane. An insane cultivator can't alter the world's flow and won't have the strength to face the Calamity. Annihilation won't happen!" Shi Rulan declared, full of resolve.

Shi Rushan nodded firmly. Fate had its own path, and everything was the best choice. The Blood-Clothed Sword God’s rash actions—destroying the Dark Sun, collecting techniques, and stirring chaos—had already caused turmoil in the Canglan Realm. If he provoked the Calamity, it would bring a frenzied retaliation from the forces behind it, leading to countless innocent lives being dragged into a conflict they couldn't survive.

Thirty thousand years ago, if not for their ancestors’ intervention, half of the living beings in the Canglan Realm might have perished.

Therefore, when the Mountain of Fate sensed that the threads of fate were being disrupted, they descended from their mountain to deal with the anomaly known as the Blood-Clothed Sword God.

Of course, given their limited power, outright elimination was not an option. The best they could do was use the Gate of Fate combined with the Water of the Chaos Bird to drive the Blood-Clothed Sword God to madness.

A mad Yin God might cause chaos within a domain and lead to the deaths of countless beings, but in comparison to the whole Canglan Realm, this sacrifice was considered acceptable.

"All for fate!"

"All for the destined path!"

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