My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 273: Gathering of the Yin Gods, Do Me a Favor

Chapter 273: Gathering of the Yin Gods, Do Me a Favor

With the fall of Dark Sun and the change in leadership of the Divine Flower Society, the entire Canglan Realm was in turmoil, undergoing significant changes.

Two organizations, in particular, were drawing the most attention.

The first was the Origin Sharing Society; the second was the Divine Flower Society.

And the actual controller of both these organizations now was the Blood-Clothed Sword God.

Initially, the Blood-Clothed Sword God’s reputation was confined to Feng Tian Domain and the Eastern Lands.

But now, his name had spread across more than twenty domains in the Canglan Realm.

Of course, this was nothing compared to the hype surrounding “boosting” and “crowdfunding for divine techniques” within the Divine Flower Society.

The various branches of the Divine Flower Society, under the coercion of the Blood-Clothed Sword God, had paid a heavy price.

Temporary jade slips of the Divine Flower Society were sold at almost cost price.

These temporary jade slips were a stripped-down version.

Although the cultivators who owned these temporary jade slips were not official members of the Divine Flower Society, they could still complete tasks, increase their progress bars, and earn rewards.

Most importantly, they could assist other cultivators.

So, some Divine Flower Society members, in their generosity, bought a jade slip for every member of their family, inviting them to help boost their progress.

And those cultivators, upon learning that they could exchange for techniques within the Divine Flower Society, eagerly joined the cause of crowdfunding for divine techniques.

Not to mention that personal rewards were plentiful; if the divine technique were fully funded...

Wouldn’t that mean everyone could have access to the divine technique? Even those old monsters who had been in seclusion for a thousand years were summoned by their junior brothers or masters.

And the first thing they were told was,

“Get up quickly and give me a boost!”

After all, each person could only provide a boost once.

These cultivators, who had been in seclusion, obviously hadn’t boosted anyone yet.

Thus, the Canglan Realm became exceptionally lively.

Those powerful cultivators in seclusion were awakened and were inexplicably given a temporary jade slip of the Divine Flower Society to help boost others.

At first, those awakened cultivators were reluctant, but after understanding the recent major events and the exchange of divine techniques and other non-toxic techniques, they were astonished.

And then they were delighted.

Nowadays, the way cultivators in the Canglan Realm greet each other had changed.

“Have you boosted someone?”

“What’s your progress bar at?”

“I don’t know why, but I’ve been stuck at 99% for three days!”

Countless cultivators threw themselves into this endeavor one after another.

After all, techniques were fundamental.

For the cultivators of the Canglan Realm, divine techniques were like the true method of immortality for Blue Star cultivators.

So, even Yin Gods couldn’t avoid it.

An immeasurable number of cultivators had joined this great cause.

At this moment, Qi Yuan was on his way back to Qinghong City in the Feng Tian Domain.

While traveling, he posted a new thread.

[After obtaining the heavenly technique, between Big-Chested Junior Sister and the Sect Master's Daughter, I chose...]

That's right; the title had to tantalize, not giving away the answer.

This was the only way to attract the members of the Divine Flower Society.

As for the content, it was similar to his usual soft advertisements.

"After uploading a few Jade-level techniques, my progress bar reached 50%. I thought I would get a Jade-level technique.

Who knew I would actually receive a Heaven-level technique!

That's a heavenly technique, a technique said to be cultivated by Yin Gods.

Sigh, I’m the kind of person who likes to show off, and as a result, the whole sect knew about it by the evening.

The Sect Master's daughter knocked on my door in the middle of the night, saying she wanted to come in and see my cat.

How could I let her in when Big-Chested Junior Sister was already inside watching the cat?

If the two of them met, I would be in big trouble.

Sigh, sometimes having such good luck and obtaining a heavenly technique is not necessarily a good thing.

One is a childhood sweetheart, a princess of a mortal royal family; the other is the daughter of the Sect Master, of extremely high status.

Whom should I choose? I’m so conflicted. I’m asking for advice from all you great cultivators!"

During this period, Qi Yuan had been constantly sharing his progress.

In just a few days, his life had become incredibly eventful.

Slapping down a steward, suppressing a senior brother, brutally killing enemies, gaining favor from a senior sister, being valued by an elder, and watching a junior sister bathe while he kept watch outside.

His life was exciting and full of ups and downs, like that of a true winner.

Such content gave those cultivators working hard toward their goals a shot of adrenaline, making them frantically collect and upload techniques.

As soon as the thread was posted, many people quickly commented.

“50% for a heavenly technique? Daoist friend, your luck is too good!”

“I didn’t get a heavenly technique until 80%!”

“I’d choose Junior Sister!”

“Choose Senior Sister!”

“Why not take both?”

“I actually think the Sect Master's wife is quite nice, still charming.

If I had the chance, I’d be on the same path as the Sect Master.”

“I have a great suggestion: just cut yourself off, and you won’t have such worries.”

“High price for techniques, looking for boosts, private message me!”

Looking at these comments, Qi Yuan felt like he was back on Blue Star.

“They’re still not as good as those keyboard warriors living on the internet; they can’t even come up with funny jokes.”

He looked around, feeling relieved when he saw no one was cursing him. Otherwise, it would have ruined his mood, which was a serious crime deserving of a ban.

“Senior Brother, hehe, my progress bar is at 70%, and I’m ranked first on the Hundred Kingdoms Ranking!

I got a heavenly technique and sent it to you!”

At this moment, Jiang Lingsu sent a message, along with a heavenly-level technique.

Heavenly-level techniques were quite precious to the Jiang family.

But thinking that her Senior Brother urgently needed various techniques, she sent it to Qi Yuan immediately.

Qi Yuan felt warm inside; indeed, his own Junior Sister was the best, like a little cotton-padded jacket.

Even though this technique originally came from him.

“Thank you, Junior Sister. Senior Brother is very moved!”

“Stop being so emotional. Sending you the technique was just on the side. I’m first in the Hundred Kingdoms ranking!”

That’s right; even on the personal progress bar, Qi Yuan had added a ranking feature.

For instance, Jiang Lingsu’s personal progress exceeded 70%, ranking first in the Great Shang Kingdom.

People always love to pursue rankings.

Especially those falling behind, each advancement in rank makes them incredibly happy.

“Great job!” Qi Yuan could only compliment.

“Don’t come back this month, or you’ll be in big trouble!” Thinking of something, Jiang Lingsu reminded him again.

Her father was on his way and would likely arrive soon.

“Your Senior Brother is already a Divine Infant True Monarch with countless followers. I’m not afraid of trouble.” Qi Yuan replied casually.

“Bah, if you have countless followers, get them to boost me!” Jiang Lingsu seized the opportunity.

“Alright, I’ll have someone boost you right away!” Qi Yuan replied enthusiastically.

But then he suddenly remembered a joke from his past life.

A war god returns home to find his wife struggling to get a single knife cut on a shopping platform’s discount program. Furious, he calls in ten thousand warriors to help cut the price, but they still can’t get it down.

Qi Yuan thought that war god was a bit dumb; even if they all helped, how much could they really save? Why not all go deliver packages for that shopping platform and earn more instead?

“Junior Sister, I discovered a loophole. So far, not many people have noticed!” Qi Yuan whispered.

Since his Junior Sister liked seeing her progress bar rise, he decided to help her out.

Sure enough, when Jiang Lingsu saw Qi Yuan’s message, her eyes widened on the Seven-Colored Peak. “What loophole?”

“I found that besides uploading cultivation techniques, uploading martial arts manuals… can also increase the progress bar.” Qi Yuan explained seriously.

Currently, he had only instructed some Yin God Sovereigns from the Divine Flower Society and Martial Lord Great Sovereigns to go to the mortal realm to collect martial arts manuals.

He hadn’t publicly disclosed this information.

Now, he was telling Jiang Lingsu.

“Is that possible?” Jiang Lingsu was stunned. Her Senior Brother had never lied.

“It is, but make sure not to tell anyone else.” Qi Yuan instructed.

Actually, it wouldn’t matter even if the secret got out.

“I’ll go try it… if it really works, I’ll cook for you myself!”

Ever since Qi Yuan cured Jiang Lingsu’s illness, their relationship had warmed up slightly.

“I don’t eat beef.”

“Should I cook the fish you’re raising?”

“No, it’s too bony. Something boneless.”

“I’m in a good mood and decided to cook for you, and you’re being picky?

Go find people to boost me, call all those countless followers of yours!”

Amidst the bickering messages, their conversation ended.

Qi Yuan thought for a moment and sent a message to the Martial Lord Great Sovereign.

“Get me six thousand Divine Flower Society jade slips, and also, for those from the Origin Sharing Society who haven’t boosted anyone, have them all come and boost one person for me.”

Junior Sister wants some boosts, so let’s give them to her.

After all, his wealthy Junior Sister was also his angel investor.

Most of Qi Yuan’s early accumulation of resources had come from her.

Qi Yuan said this while sending Junior Sister’s boost link to the Martial Lord Great Sovereign.

Great Sovereign Wu Jun quickly acknowledged the request.

“When are you returning, Senior?” Wu Jun Great Sovereign asked.

The Blood-Clothed Sword God had gone to the You Tian Domain to challenge Dark Sun single-handedly.

This had caused quite a stir in the Canglan Realm.

The Yin Gods of the Seeking Dao Palace had communicated with many of the strong cultivators in the Canglan Realm.

At the time, none of them were optimistic about the Blood-Clothed Sword God’s fate.

After all, Dark Sun had experts of Myth level.

Moreover, by the time they learned of this, the Blood-Clothed Sword God was already nearing the You Tian Domain, and even if they wanted to stop him, it was too late.

Who could have imagined that the Blood-Clothed Sword God would win and annihilate Dark Sun?

How could the Yin Gods, who had been at that meeting, not be shocked?

After the Blood-Clothed Sword God destroyed Dark Sun, he began the journey back.

Now, many Yin Gods and Great Sovereigns had learned of this news and were heading toward Qinghong City, wanting to meet this legendary Blood-Clothed Sword God.

At the Seeking Dao Palace, all the Yin Gods of the Feng Tian Domain had been slain, and the number of Yin Gods in the Feng Tian Domain had significantly decreased.

But now, nearly a hundred Yin Gods were coming to the Feng Tian Domain, all seeking lodging at the Seeking Dao Palace, just to meet the legendary Blood-Clothed Sword God.

After all, they wanted to see this incredibly fierce Blood-Clothed Sword God for themselves.

“I’m almost back; I’ll be there soon. About… half an incense stick’s time?”

So soon? Wu Jun Great Sovereign’s heart tensed.

He hurried to complete Qi Yuan’s assigned task and informed him of the visit from the Yin Gods.

About half an incense stick’s time later.

At the Seeking Dao Palace, 112 Yin Gods were gathered in one place.

They all looked somewhat apprehensive.

The Grand Palace Lord of the Seeking Dao Palace was dressed in black, his eyes full of anticipation.

Great Sovereign You Hua was smiling broadly, “His name may not be on the Monument of Legends, but he can slay those Myth Great Sovereigns; it’s quite extraordinary.”

Upon hearing this, the Yin Gods present all nodded.

The Blood-Clothed Sword God was not listed on the Monument of Legends and was not a Myth, yet he could annihilate Dark Sun—a feat of immense terror and grandeur.

Their curiosity about the Blood-Clothed Sword God only deepened.

“Thirty thousand years ago, the Canglan Realm failed once; I wonder if this time…” An elderly man sighed.

Thirty thousand years ago, the Canglan Realm produced a Yang God.

That was also the greatest hope for the Canglan Realm to fight back against the Calamity.

Unfortunately, that attempt ended in failure.

That defeat shattered almost half of the Canglan Realm’s power.

To this day, the Canglan Realm has not recovered.

If the Blood-Clothed Sword God raises the flag of justice this time, should they follow? Various thoughts filled their minds.

At that moment, a figure clad in blood-red appeared, standing in the void, his presence turning the blue sky crimson.

Even the sun in the sky seemed to dim in his presence.

Every Yin God who saw Qi Yuan felt an unfathomable depth emanating from him.

“Greetings, Senior!”

One hundred and twenty-two top cultivators from various domains, Yin Gods, and Great Sovereigns, all bowed their noble heads, like vassals meeting their lord.

This stance also represented their intentions and resolve—a silent declaration of allegiance to the Blood-Clothed Sword God.

Qi Yuan looked over these Yin Gods with a calm gaze.

The Canglan Realm was still poor.

This gathering was likely the Yin Gods who had traveled from afar. Even so, there were fewer than those who had attended the banquet when he was in the Mortal Heart Realm.

“You’ve come from all over… what is your purpose?” Qi Yuan asked lightly.

The Grand Palace Lord of the Seeking Dao Palace was momentarily taken aback.

He hadn’t expected the Blood-Clothed Sword God to be so direct.

Shouldn’t they have first talked about Dark Sun, about the Calamity, then stirred a common hatred for the enemy, making it easier for them to swear allegiance?

But knowing the Blood-Clothed Sword God’s character, he didn’t mind. He replied softly, “The Calamity is a blight upon the Canglan Realm, and Dark Sun wantonly slaughtered the innocent.

The Blood-Clothed Sword God annihilated Dark Sun, which greatly gratified the people. We are in awe.

Unfortunately, we were too far away and too late to assist.

Now, with the Calamity imminent, we have come to lend our strength to you, Senior!”

The other Yin Gods immediately chimed in.

“We are willing to lend our strength to you, Senior!”

Their meaning was clear.

As long as the Blood-Clothed Sword God raised the banner to fight the Calamity, they were willing to follow him into battle.

Qi Yuan’s eyes brightened upon hearing this: “You’re all here to help?”

He did indeed need help.

Collecting techniques and such—having Yin Gods involved would speed things up.

“Just as well, I have a big task right now that needs everyone’s help,” Qi Yuan said.

The expressions of the Yin Gods present all became serious.

If even the Blood-Clothed Sword God called it a big task, it must be significant.

After all, what kinds of things had the Blood-Clothed Sword God done? Establish the Origin Sharing Society, collect all the techniques in the world.

Destroy the Four Generals of the Thunder Family, kill Jasmine Great Sovereign, crush the Divine Flower Society, and annihilate Dark Sun.

Every action had caused massive upheavals in the Canglan Realm.

They were all a bit overwhelmed by these events, having gasped in shock more than once, contributing greatly to the warming of the Canglan Realm’s atmosphere.

Now, if the Blood-Clothed Sword God needed their help, it must be for something similarly grand, likely related to the Calamity.

They eagerly awaited Qi Yuan’s words, only to hear his relaxed and casual voice.

“Do you all have a jade slip from the Divine Flower Society?”

“I have one.”

“I don’t.”

Most of the Yin Gods replied that they didn’t have one.

“Wu Jun, distribute a jade slip to each person.” Qi Yuan instructed.

Wu Jun Great Sovereign quickly distributed the jade slips of the Divine Flower Society to these Yin Gods.

At the same time, the additional jade slips that Qi Yuan had requested to be prepared were also handed over to him.

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