Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2692: Encircle and suppress

Chapter 2692: Encircle and suppress

"You can close the net, everyone remember, that is, the meteorite must be left!" Commander Ma issued a death order to everyone in the fight. It is not important that the opponent broke through the line of defense before, that is the trap he set for the opponent. , Now that the enemy has rushed in desperately, they must not let the enemy leave with the meteorite.

It is easy to get in and get out. The previous interception is just to attack according to the normal rhythm. After that, all the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic will be more excited. Now is the really important time for the battle to see who can keep the meteorite in their hands.

In comparison, the Qur'an God Republic has the advantage, because they have consumed part of the opponent's mecha in the previous interception process, and the number of mechas will turn into their greatest support.

Moreover, the Saint Gama Empire also scored part of the mechas for transporting meteorites, which invisibly consumed troops. The remaining mechas that can be used for combat are estimated to be only six or seven hundred. The probability of their success is very low.

But with Griffin, the Saint Gama Empire has unlimited possibilities. This is what Chen Feng and Hongshuibin must pay attention to. The two cooperated and constantly attacked Griffin so that they had no time to look after him, trying to isolate him from the meteorite. Fighting around.

Griffin is very clear about the measurement of the two opposing people, because they have done this in the past battles. These two young people constantly mobilized themselves to run around, and through containment and consumption, they could not move smoothly to the meteorite. .

Griffin couldn't give up the friendly forces being attacked by Chen Feng and Hongbin. These people came with him desperately. He was obliged to bring them back intact, so he could only passively stay and stop the other side.

The good news is that the meteorite is being escorted back by other mechas, and it is gradually getting closer and closer to Griffin. As long as both sides pass the pass, Riffin can have more space for action, and other mechas can temporarily resist it. He can do other things.

Of course, Chen Feng was unwilling to let the two sides contact him, and shouted to Yun Tian: "Fu Pilot, please lead the team to prevent their evacuation!"

"Don't worry, they will stop here!" Fu Yuntian replied very confidently. With the long sword in his hand, the last heavy mecha that entangled him fell down, after a bitter battle. He finally knocked down all these enemies.

In order to kill these heavy mechas as quickly as possible, Fu Yuntian put his heart and soul into the battle without paying attention to other enemy planes around him, allowing the enemy to break through the past so smoothly to capture meteorites, but now there is nothing to hinder him.

He raised his sword and pointed at the enemy who was evacuating with the meteorite, and Fu Yuntian yelled: "Everyone, come on, stop them!"

As soon as the voice fell, Fu Yuntian set an example and rushed up. The surrounding mechas watched him so bravely and followed them. The two mechas collided again, and the shouts of killing continued to be broken, and the Saint Gama Empire forces broke away. This was blocked.

Griffin is still fighting fiercely with Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. As the opponent approaches to leave the area, Chen Feng and Hongshuibin become more fierce in the impact. Even if Griffin comes over, they will try to fight with him for a while. Liffin couldn't get away even more.

It consumes a lot of energy to hit Griffin on the left and the right. The fighting styles of the two opposing players are very different. Every time they fight for a while, they have to rush to the other side to drive away enemies of another style. It is also a test for Fern.

But Griffin is Griffin after all. No one in this world can shake his position as the strongest pilot. Even if he was so consumed by two people on both sides, he still performed well. He scarred Chen Feng and Hongshuibin. Even better.

In order to hold Griffin, Chen Feng would rather fight the opponent a few more times to lengthen the fighting time. The purpose is to prevent Griffin from getting out. The same is true for Hongbin on the other side, so even though Griffin has an advantage, he cannot transform. For victory.

Griffin didnt want to be entangled with the two all the time. He was also thinking hard about countermeasures, and ordered the mechas around him to come together: Dont separate too much, try to concentrate in one place, and I can do better. To protect you."

The pilots gradually gathered in accordance with Griffins reminder, which greatly increased the difficulty of Chen Feng and Hongshuibins impact. After the opponents assemble to a certain level, Griffin can take care of different directions without having to do extra rushes. enemy.

After being easily blocked by Griffin for two consecutive attempts, Chen Feng changed his mind: "Shui Bin, I dont think we should join forces again. Now its too difficult for a single player to attack, and an inadvertent person may suffer serious damage. ."

"Okay, I'll charge, so stay behind!" Hongshui Bin immediately moved closer to Chen Feng. He also didn't want to attack the Griffin-based defense line alone. He suffered several attacks before. It's been tough for a few times, and it's unwise to continue.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Hongshuibin have joined together again, Griffin turned his head and glanced in the direction of the meteorite. It seems that the other party is determined to drag him. It is difficult for him to move anymore. The main thing is to look at the meteorite. Can the friendly forces on the side come by.

As a result, Griffin couldn't help shaking his head. The Saint Gama Empire mecha around the meteorite performed very badly. Facing the impact of Fu Yuntian led the team, the number of mechas that fell far exceeded that of the opposite side, let alone. Carrying meteorites to move.

In fact, this cannot be blamed on the poor performance of the pilots. The main reason is that their heavy armors were basically exhausted in the previous battles. Without the mechas to provide them with shield support, they can only rely on their own fragile fuselage. .

Of course, this cannot withstand the overwhelming artillery fire around the sky, and the organic armor is continuously hit and exploded. Especially the Qur'an Republic has heavy armor blocking the front. The contrast between the two sides is obviously huge, and they are getting more and more frustrated. .

And there are some mechas busy carrying meteorites, they have no time to participate in the battle, resulting in greater pressure on the Saint Gama Empire forces, these pressures are all concentrated on the peripheral mechas, they can not breathe.

As the number of fallen mechas increased, their moving speed became slower and slower. Griffin wanted to support him when he saw it, but was blocked by dozens of consecutive beams, and Chen Feng's voice followed. Come: "Don't even think about leaving, your opponent is us!"

Griffin admires Chen Fengs insistence, but now he feels very bad, because the person being disturbed is himself, so if Chen Feng has to forcefully interfere with him with Hong Bin, he will hardly have a chance. Get out, let alone help other mechas.

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