Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2691: Rob

Chapter 2691: Rob

Seeing the beam cage that was swaying in the wind and rain, he also saw that it was about to collapse, and hurriedly ran a few steps to plug the gap in advance: "Chen Feng, the beam cage will not be able to hold it immediately. Come and block them with me!"

"On the road!" As the performer of the beam cage, Chen Feng knows best how far his stunts have reached. He started to move just one step faster than Shuhuibin. He came to his friend as soon as he finished speaking. Wait for the enemy to appear.

Finally, Griffin led the team to wipe out the obstructive beam cage. Although the remaining beam power was okay, it was difficult to form a cluster effect. They rushed to find that there were already two special machines standing in front of them. .

"I won't let you pass!" Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin shouted at the same time, took up their weapons and rushed in.

After modifying the beam rifle, Chen Feng seldom used the beam saber anymore. He would only change his weapon unless the beam rifle had insufficient energy or was destroyed. After rushing into the enemy camp, he would chop, stab and shoot. Throw down a large piece at once.

Hong Hung Bins performance was not much better. The cheetah-shaped "Candle Light Youying" moved at high speed around the enemy aircraft. The sharp four claws ripped apart the armor of one enemy aircraft after another. Many pilots had not reacted yet. What has lost consciousness.

The performance of the two men as if the gods descended to the earth once again blocked the advancement of this troop, but this time Griffin could not respond in time, because he was stuck in a large number of mechas and it was not easy to move. Chen Feng and Hong Bin broke through in two directions. He dealt with one and couldn't take care of the other. He would always be hit hard by the other side.

"The people on the other side will hold on first. I will repel Chen Feng first and then go to help you!" Griffin decided to solve Chen Feng first, because Chen Feng's stronger strength can cause more damage. He must first The biggest trouble in dealing with this threat.

During the breakthrough, Chen Feng kept watching Griffin's movements with a floating cannon, and immediately adjusted his direction when he found that the other party tried to approach him, and continued to break through in the opposite direction to Griffin, in order to buy more time for Hongbin. .

Hong Hung Bin was very powerful. After Chen Feng attracted Griffin away, his offensive became more violent. He was not satisfied with fighting only with the cheetah form. The human form and the falcon form were also used one after another, making his attack range wider and more powerful. More strengthen horizontal.

Griffin chased Chen Feng for a long time, and then after the two fiercely confronted Chen Feng was injured and retreated. Although he won, a lot of time passed. Griffin didn't even have time to rest. Solve the threat of flood bin.

But Griffin had just left Chen Feng and turned back. The injuries suffered in the battle just now were still within acceptable limits. It was no problem to deal with enemies of average strength, and he delayed the enemy on this side. Griffin's efforts failed to win the opportunity.

After Griffin drove Hongbin away, he reluctantly discovered that his forward speed had not increased as much as he had imagined. The two Gods of War on the opposite side were stuck like dog skin plasters, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

Not to mention that there is Fu Yuntian sitting directly in front of him. His swordsmanship is elegant and flexible. It seems that killing the enemy is almost effortless in the past. It also makes many Saint Gama empire pilots mistakenly believe that he is super powerful, and the pace of progress is therefore Hesitate.

"Don't be scared by him, it's just an image brought by the swordsmanship itself, it doesn't mean that he can really block you!" Griffin quickly explained to the pilots, otherwise he was worried that Fu Yuntian would take his own The pilot's little confidence was destroyed.

The effect of Griffin's efforts was very limited. The pilots still believed in their own eyes. They saw Fu Yuntian chop off the surrounding mechas one by one. The long sword had been dyed red by the blood of many pilots. Extraordinarily scary.

Every time Fu Yuntian swings his sword, a drop of blood will be splashed. The visual effect is full. Griffin thinks that Fu Yuntian's strength is not very strong, but that is for him. For ordinary pilots, Fu Yuntian is still It is a gap that is difficult to bridge.

There is Fu Yuntian blocking the way, and Chen Feng and Hongshuibin are constantly harassing next to him. This mecha unit led by Griffin who came to **** the meteorite is struggling, and their consumption is becoming more and more. The number of A is less than a thousand units.

Seeing that this is not going to work, if you dont send out the heavy mechs, you probably wont even be able to touch the meteors, so Griffin made adjustments and issued a new order: "All heavy mechs are dispatched, you go up and surround Fu Yuntian, dont let him. Damage other mechas."

Fu Yuntians swordsmanship is mainly surrounded by skills. Griffin wants to use the sturdiness of the heavy armor to withstand Fu Yuntians damage. No matter how strong Fu Yuntian wants to destroy the heavy armor, it will take some time. Others Mecha can use the opportunity to break through the past.

Sure enough, Fu Yuntians sword was blocked by the shield of the heavy armor, and he could no longer chop the melons and vegetables as before. Taking advantage of the opportunity of the heavy armor to surround Fu Yuntian, the rest of the mecha accelerated forward, and finally barely broke through. This line of defense.

Next, the interception firepower against them will be much weaker. After all, the top pilots are just that. If they are all as difficult as the previous one, Saint Gama Empire Zao can give up. The dawn of victory is ahead, and the pilots are vying to be the first. Rush forward.

Griffin didnt charge with them because Chen Feng and Hongshuibins impact threat was quite high. He had to stay to prevent the two of them from cutting off their troops. Otherwise, part of the mecha rushed around the meteorite, and the other part of the mecha remained in place. More dangerous.

Since most of the heavy armors were sent by Griffin to stop Fu Yuntian, the armor that caused the impact lacked the part that provided cover, and many of the armors were destroyed by artillery fire during the advancement. When they reached the meteorite No more than 800 units.

"Quickly transport the meteorites, I will stop them!" Griffin asked these mechas to quickly take away the meteorites and stayed behind.

Some mechas drilled under the meteorite and lifted it up, while other mechas surrounded them and guarded them. Seeing that they held the meteorite firmly in their hands, they could still be considered a victory as long as the meteorite was brought back. Party.

But will they get what they want? Although these mechas had captured meteorites, the difficulties and obstacles on their way back were even worse. Before, the people of the Republic of the Gods of Qur'an would never allow them to leave, and the fiercest artillery fire was waiting ahead.

Griffin keeps chasing off Chen Feng and Hongshuibin who have come up to harass. Even if he knows the difficulty is very difficult, he must let go. The meteorite is related to the future destiny of the Saint Gama Empire. No matter how sinister the future is, he has to take a gamble. .

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