Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2467: surrender

Chapter 2467: surrender

Thanks to the intelligence gathered by Ma Kewei, Chen Feng and Hongshuibins attacks did not waste a bit. They destroyed the most important mecha storage point in the city of Ditja with lightning speed and destroyed the most powerful one. Several gun emplacements were destroyed, and now the defenders had no way to launch a threatening counterattack, and all hopes had to be placed on the mech ground on both sides of the north and south.

However, the mecha lands in these two places are also in a difficult situation that they cannot protect themselves. After receiving messages from Chen Feng and Hongshui Bin that they appeared and attacked Di Tejia, they quickly mobilized most of the mechas to rescue them. We must save Dieterja first.

However, not long after the mecha troops set off, the mecha troops of the Qur'an God Republic appeared around the two bases. After a few rounds of salvos, the armor around the base was completely destroyed, and the base without armor protection was completely exposed. In view.

There is only one dead end to resist. The people in the base wisely raised their hands and surrendered, but in their hearts they were still expecting that the attacking mecha units could come back and save themselves. After all, they were two very powerful forces.

However, their expectations could only fall in vain. How could Commander Ma let these two mecha units be left alone? He had arranged multiple mechas to encircle them, forcing them to shrink into a passive defensive movement. No.

So far, the attack on Dieterja has basically been declared successful. It depends on whether the Quran God Republic can withstand the crazy counterattack of the Holy Gama Empire. The Holy Gama Empire is definitely not willing to lose such an important port city. They will definitely All the combat power on the coastline is transferred, and the two sides will start a new round of battle around Dieterja that no one can retreat.

The Saint Gama Empire had no idea that Dieterja would fall in such a short period of time. When they first learned that Dieterja was attacked by Chen Feng and Hongshuibin, they felt that the Quran God Republic was crazy. How could they choose such a An important town under intensive protection.

However, the results were shocking. Chen Feng and Hongshuibin took Di Tejia almost effortlessly. At this time, the mecha units on the north and south sides were not in place, and one that should have been able to stand alone for a few days without accident. The city is gone.

From this we can see how much preparations the Quran God Republic has made for this, but why didn't I notice it beforehand? The Minister of the Army of Saint Gamas Empire was puzzled and did not know what went wrong.

Now that Dieterja has fallen, the Qur'an God Republic can rely on this well-equipped port city to contend with itself. The Saint Gama Empire has no other choice but to rely on its top combat power.

As soon as the news came that Dieterja was attacked, Griffin set off in a special plane, but unfortunately he was a step slower after all. When he came near Dieterja, he saw that the city was no longer in his control. Among them, all the mechas of the Qur'an God Republic were cruising around, and when they found Griffin, they assumed a defensive posture.

Griffin will not be blocked by a few ordinary standard mechas. He easily kills the enemy and heads to the north and south sides of Dieterja to help the trapped mecha units escape. They will need these people in the next battle. the power of.

Commander Ma especially urged Chen Feng and Hongshuibin to pay attention to leaving some of the defensive facilities in the city of Dieterja, because if they can be attacked with weapons built by the Saint Gama Empire, they can play a relatively large role.

Therefore, Chen Feng only attacked the weapons that attempted to counterattack, while Hong Bin ran rampant in the city to kill the people who controlled the weapons. When Dieterja fell, there were still many defensive weapons that were not activated and were successfully taken over by the Qur'an Republic. .

After Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bin occupied Dieterja, the subsequent mech troops also gradually landed ashore. Some of them began to repair the destroyed defensive facilities. How much could be repaired before the arrival of reinforcements from the Saint Gama Empire.

Commander General Ma also came to Dieterja himself. He came forward to appease the panicked people of Dieterjari, telling them that he had no idea of harming ordinary people, and as long as the people could keep quiet, there would be no bloodshed.

The higher the economic level, the higher the level of education and life-saving of urban people. They know that the goal of the Qur'an God Republic is not on them, and they will not die if they do not cause trouble, so they are very cooperative and stay in the designated area according to the instructions. .

Those who wanted to resist were all killed long ago, and the rest were stared at and unable to move. For the time being, Dieterjas internal problems would not arise, and Commander Ma could begin to deploy strategies against the incoming enemy. Up.

The first thing to deal with is the Mecha lands on the north and south sides of Dieterja. After they sent mech troops to rescue Dieterja, Commander Ma asked them to copy their nest first and cut off the Saint Gama Empire. The possibility of using these two bases to do things.

As for the two mecha units, Commander Ma is also weakening their strength as much as possible. After all, the combat effectiveness of a thousand mechas cannot be solved in twos or twos. It can only be said that how many can be defeated is how many let them go. The battle is easier.

Sure enough, before the two mecha units were wiped out, Griffin rushed over to rescue them. Commander Ma ordered not to chase them too far. Now they have achieved very rich results, and it is easy to lose in the pursuit. Into the enemy trap.

Griffin saw that the mechas of the Qur'an God Republic were restrained and stayed behind. He sighed helplessly. If the enemy couldn't calm down and chased him, it would be fine. The mecha army behind him would be here soon. Can wipe out all the enemies that are chasing.

But the pilots of the Qur'an God Republic are very smart. When Griffin rescued the people, they only stayed behind and shot at a distance. They had no intention of chasing them, and Griffin could not attack them alone. Helplessly led the team to leave.

With the demoralized pilot returning to the mecha army hurriedly from his side, Griffin said to Robertson who had just arrived: "Di Teja is completely under the control of the Qur'an Republic. The city launched an attack."

"Okay, what are you going to do? I am here to cooperate fully!" Robertson said that he completely obeyed Griffin's arrangements. The mechas around him are constantly gathering, and they have reached 10,000 in a short period of time. They can do anything on Dieterja at any time. .

Griffin didn't make a decision without authorization. He asked everyone to obey the military department's order: "Just do what the military department says, I will act on my own."

Griffin wants to observe the situation first and find Chen Feng and Hongbin on the opposite side to carry out precise strikes, because these two men will definitely participate in Dieterjas defensive battle, and they can perform better with the advantage of the defensive side, so he needs Limit each other.

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