Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 2466: Suppress

Chapter 2466: Suppress

As soon as the armor was destroyed, the surrounding sea water rushed in frantically, swept away those who had not yet stood still. The rest of the people were still trying to adjust the fort to attack Chen Feng, but the swarming sea made them act. The hard counterattack has become a luxury.

In this way, Chen Fengbing penetrated into the left side of the defense without a **** blade, and hit the inside by sea water alone. Because his breakthrough speed was too fast, the defenders inside couldn't start the device to isolate the sea water. Just a few tens of seconds. Was completely submerged.

From Chen Fengs intrusion to the fall of the defensive facility, the artillery here never launched shelling again. The people in the defensive facility on the other side were terrified. They desperately sent back messages saying that Chen Feng was coming, and they controlled the fort against Chen. Feng's defense against entering.

Knowing that the friendly army inside has no hope of surviving, the defenders on this side launched a bombardment in an attempt to blast the defense into scum and want to bury Chen Feng. They did not realize that there was a dangerous enemy under them. Fast approach.

With the loud noise of "Boom!", all the people in this defense were shocked into the air, and the continuous shooting of the fort also stopped briefly. When they recovered, they found that another one appeared inside them. Taiwan mecha.

Isn't this mech just the "Candle Light Youying" of the Quran God Republic? It turned out that Chen Feng was not the only one who came to attack, and Hongshui Bin was also dispatched, but I didn't know how Hongshui Bin broke into his own defense.

After repeated encounters, the brains of Dieterjas defenders were brought to a standstill. They never thought that Hongbin was digging all the way from the bottom of the water, and they were still thinking that the three layers of armor on their outer side were not damaged. Could Hongbin flash? Did you come in?

Why would Hongshuibin waste time explaining to the defenders? As soon as he broke into the defense, he activated the beam cannon and quickly turned around, destroying all the threatening facilities that could be seen around, completely cutting off the enemy's ability to counterattack. .

All the internal counter-attack weapons in the defense were destroyed. The defenders could no longer stop Hong Bin. Hong Bin moved at high speed in the defense and destroyed the past. He found the facility to control the defense armor. After a slam attack, the defense was completely destroyed. Lost defense.

The next step was similar to Chen Feng's side. The defense facilities without armor protection were instantly flooded by sea water. Those who survived the war could not escape the fate of being submerged by sea water. Soon there were no living guards in this defense. military.

"It's done! Continue to charge!" Hong Hung Bin told Chen Feng that he had successfully completed the goal here, and then launched a charge towards the big city of Dietja. Now the enemy must know the news of his attack, and it depends on whether he can race against time. It broke.

Chen Feng was already ready. He sent a message and he continued to act. Unlike Hong Bin, he did not advance under the sea, but pulled up the "world-breaking" into the air, and used the night to tell Dieterja. Approaching quickly.

Dieterjas defenders have received news of Chen Feng and Hongshui Bins attack from two underwater defense facilities, but many of them are participating in the celebration, and there are not enough manpower in several places and fail to respond in time. The entire city's defense facilities saw a mecha quickly approaching itself on the sea, and the defensive firepower could not stop the opponent.

A shrill sirens sounded over Di Teja. The defenders knew that it would be difficult to stop Chen Feng and Hong Hung Bins joint attack. Now they have to warn the people in the city to take refuge and delay as long as possible. They need bases on both the north and south sides. Rescue.

The request for help had been sent out immediately before, but no one thought that the two underwater defense facilities would fall so quickly, so many defenders who rushed back from the celebrations had no time to return to their posts. "It's getting closer and closer to the city, but there is nothing I can do. The most is to guide the people around to take refuge in empty facilities.

Chen Feng is not a bloodthirsty person. He did not take action against the people who fled in a panic in the city of Dietja. Instead, he controlled the floating artillery to fly out and accurately destroy the fort marked in the intelligence, further weakening the city's defenses.

Chen Feng destroyed Di Te Jialis fort to the utmost extent. Hong Bin had already swam in front of him, and when most of the firepower was attracted by Chen Feng, he took the lead in rushing to Di Te Jias port and closed the surrounding areas that were just about to be closed. The armor slammed open.

"With me here, don't even think about rebuilding the defense line!" Hong Hung Bin was very excited. After breaking through the underwater defense facilities, he no longer had any psychological obstacles. He could exert the strongest power in every move and he did not give the opponent any chance. .

In the air, Chen Feng shot through the fort with extreme precision. On the land, there was Hong Bin on the land. The armor that was not close together in the future was torn apart, and Dieterja's defenders were also close to the edge of collapse. They had no way to resist the two people who were like gods.

The pilots stationed at Dietja were rushing to the hangar to try to drive the mechas, but too many of them did not abide by the military regulations to protect the city and ran to participate in the celebrations, resulting in a serious shortage of mechas in the first batch.

The first wave of Dieterjas first attack was less than 50 mechas, and they were close to and far away from Hung Hung Bin. The far one was easily solved by Chen Feng during the charge. Killing has little effect on protecting the city.

This is exactly what Commander Ma intended. He chose Dieterja as the target, and specially selected the time for the other party to hold the celebration. He knew that the people of Dieterjali had become paralyzed because of the calm for many years, and it really happened. Miraculous.

Hung Hsung Bin was on the harbour like a broken bamboo. After breaking all the mechas that came to intercept, he went to destroy the known mecha storage points. Many pilots had not arrived at the location before they got news that their mechas were damaged and unusable.

Pilots without mechas are just like swordsmen who have lost their weapons. They can't use flesh and blood to fight the invading enemy. They can only stop and stare, watching Chen Feng and Hong Bin step by step as Dieter. The best defenses were destroyed.

Hongshuibin smashed all the remaining mechas in Dietja, and Chen Feng also suppressed the defensive firepower of the city. The two people cooperated and made the city into the biggest chaos in history, from carnival to madness. howl.

A large number of people are running on the streets filled with artillery fire. Their helplessness is the same as the fish on the bottom of the sea. They have no power to protect themselves except for praying that there will be no fire from the sky. The voices of crying fathers and mothers are all over the city. .

Chen Feng and Hongshuibin suppressed Di Tejia very quickly. Before a large number of people hid in the underground air defense facilities, they had already destroyed all counter-attack forces. Two special planes controlled the city one by one. Hands.

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