Lust Knight

Chapter 575 Divide And Conquer

A banquet is undoubtedly an excellent way for Lucien to make all of his women and sisters happy. While some of them love to cook for him, organize celebrations, and receive praises for that, others love to relax by drinking something tasty and eating good food.

As many members of the group still do not have access to Purple World, the party naturally takes place at the Sea Devil. The girls mostly use the food, drink, ingredients, and luxurious furniture from the ship, but Kara and Aria also bring some fruits and vegetables from the Purple World's garden.

A few seconds after they start organizing the feast, the Sea Devil's atmosphere turns to be very happy and lively. All the girls are delighted to be together with Lucien again. And they put worries about the Leviathan, Tyrion, and the harmful side effects of Bloody Rose in the bottom of their minds; today is a day for fun and celebrations.

And while part of the girls cook and some others organize the ship for the party, especially the deck, Lucien stands in the center, watching their lovely wives from the big sofa with his laziest girls.

Oya is in tiger form, lying over the very comfortable rug in front of the sofa, while little Ko is on Lucien's lap, receiving his pets.

Sophia was clearly the first girl to hug Lucien when he sat down on the sofa to relax and now rests her body over his right arm.

Not only is she relaxing in one of her favorite places, but she is also benefiting a lot that Lucien and the other girls around her are also relaxing. That way, everyone there becomes stronger due to the influence of Sloth, who floats on her magic pillow above the group.

On Lucien's left is Amelia, who wouldn't let anyone take her place. She is also getting stronger quickly due to the high amount of demonic energy generated by the jealousy of the other girls.

Claire, Naomi, and Donna are also on the big sofa, while Eve is the only one of the siblings not there as she is taking a bath in the Sea Devil's main bathroom.

As Lucien and his sisters relax, Donna can't help but smile. "I'm so glad we're all together... Wrath said we probably only could stay like this after eight years or so, and it could be longer if we didn't have to go back in ten years to win the war against the Silver Legions in our homeworld."

"Greed told me the same." Claire comments. "In your case, that doesn't genuinely seem like a problem, but we can't really share without losing most of our potential."

"That's because there have never been hosts like you." Sloth explains in her usual slow tone. "Our hosts generally repel each other as we do ourselves, but you... this sinful aura generated when you are together is the greatest source of power I've ever seen, probably better even than the Bloody Rose."

Envy materializes her body, sitting on the arm of the big sofa, and speaks before Lust. "That's thanks to Lucien! He's the center of this sinful aura."

"Anyway, we're together now…" Amelia comments as she looks at Lucien with a loving expression.

"And getting stronger!" Donna comments with a happy expression. Just by being close to Lucien again, she already feels her strength growing much more than in the weeks she was away from him.

As soon as she finishes speaking, Naomi, who is beside her, looks at her with a strange expression, leaving Donna uncomfortable. "What's the problem? Did I say something wrong?"

"Hmm..." Naomi maintains a strange expression and then moves her face closer to Donna's body before sniffing her chest and making a disgusted expression. "Ah, now I remember, you were training with Wrath the whole time before we arrived here, weren't you?"

"Ehh... uhh..." Donna is confused and even more uncomfortable due to Naomi's expression and the question. "I think we have some sparring sessions, but what do you mean by that?"

Naomi provocatively smiles and moves slightly away from Donna. "Didn't you realize you're reeking of sweat like a wet dog?!?!"

"WHAT?!?!" Donna exclaims as she gets distraught. But she is also embarrassed and quickly denies that. "No, I don't reek of sweat!!"

"You can keep saying that…" Naomi moves further back, throwing herself over Amelia's lap to get to Lucien. "But stay away from me!"

Everyone can see that it is Naomi's move to steal space from the other girls beside Lucien, which makes Amelia angry. But no matter what situation someone is in, saying a woman stinks will make her very upset and sad.

"I… I don't stink!!!" Donna speaks again, but her tone is clearly shaken. Then she looks at her other sister. "Claire, Sophia, Amelia... am I smelling bad???"

Claire turns her face away, and Sophia appears to be sleeping comfortably over Lucien's arm. But Amelia doesn't mind being rude. "Do you need me to actually say it?"

"Really??!?" Donna is even more saddened and ashamed.

Lucien knows the girls are just provoking Donna, but he still doesn't like to see her feeling bad. He leans his body to her side and brings his face close to her shoulder.

"Hmm..." He didn't really need to get his nose close to her body to smell her due to his super senses, but he still does it. "Yeah, I smell your sweat... but it's unquestionably not bad."

"HUH?!?! It... it... is..." All of Donna's frustration and anger turn to embarrassment and joy due to Lucien's words. She just wants to jump into his arms and hug him, but she can't do anything due to shyness.

The other girls start laughing at her expressions, making her even more embarrassed, so she quickly gets up. "Anyway, I'm going to take a bath!!"

"Yep, you should do it." Naomi speaks in a playful tone.

"Shut up, you brat!!" Donna throws a pillow at Naomi before starting to walk towards the hallway. But before going in there, she turns and looks at Lucien with a charming smile.

"Thanks, brother…" She whispers so the other girls won't hear, but Lucien does due to his super hearing. Then she runs into the hallway.

Donna feels her heart beating faster and faster. She doesn't understand why any interaction with Lucien leaves her that way. [Maybe the time we were apart made me miss him a lot more than I thought...]

'You don't need to contain these feelings, you know.' Wrath's voice echoes in her mind.

'What feelings?!?' Donna quickly asks. 'He's just my brother, you know.'

'As long as you continue to accept his help to become stronger, I don't care how you call him.' Wrath comments. 'But as your partner, I can't be silent while you try to swim against the current... it's obvious that he wishes to have you as something more than just a sister.'

'Is this so obvious?' Donna quickly asks but then gets even more embarrassed and ends up talking out loud. "Forget it, and don't get involved in it!"

"Forget what??" She is surprised by Eve coming out from the captain's cabin wrapped in a robe.

"Big sis?!?" Donna is even more embarrassed at being caught red-handed having those thoughts about her little brother. "Ah… I was just telling Wrath not to bother me about training right now since I need a bath."

"I see..." Eve can feel that something is wrong, but she trusts Donna too much and smiles as she points into the captain's cabin. "Use this bathroom; the bathwater is still hot, and the pool is full of foam."

"Great!" Donna quickly enters the captain's cabin and closes the door, so she doesn't face Eve's piercing gaze anymore.

Eve keeps looking at the door with a thoughtful expression, then she mentally speaks to Pride. 'Did she look a little strange?'

'She looks guilty, I would say.' Pride answers. 'It's not hard to deduce what kind of thoughts she had to be that way.'

'Oh, come on! Not everything has to be about Luci.' Eve comments before turning around and heading to her bedroom.

Inside the captain's cabin, Donna runs towards the bathroom, but then she stops in front of Its door, turns, and looks at some towels folded over the big bed.

The captain's cabin was supposed to be Lucien and his wives' bedroom, so everyone agreed not to use that room while he was away. Though the girls commonly use Its bathroom because it is much bigger and better than the others.

Now that Lucien is back, the fast and efficient maid Kara brought fresh towels to his bedroom and placed them on the bed. Looking at those towels, Donna can't help but remember that she's out of towels in her storage ring.

"To borrow one wouldn't be a crime, right?" She thinks aloud as she walks to the bed.

'Surely he wouldn't mind.' Wrath comments in her mind.

Donna reaches the edge of the bed and takes the first towel from the pile; then, she looks to both sides before gazing at the towel as her face gets flushed.

After making sure no one is looking, she brings the towel up to her face and sniffs it deeply. Despite feeling a little of Lucien's scent in the towel, she also feels a much more pungent smell over it.

"DAMN!!!" She quickly throws the towel back on the bed as she turns red with anger. "That naughty maid!!!"

'Hahahaha…' Wrath starts to laugh in Donna's mind. 'This is what happens when you're slow, and the other women around him are fast.'

"Shut up!" Donna rubs her hand over her nose to get rid of Kara's scent and then takes a towel from the middle of the pile.

She smells it again and is now much more pleased to just feel Lucien's scent along with flowers' soft fragrance.

"Much better..." She sighs and then walks towards the bathroom as she sniffs that towel.

On the ship's deck, Lucien puts the cute little tigress on Amelia's lap after listening to the conversation between Donna and Eve.

"Hmm..." Sophia wakes up due to Lucien's movement. "Where are you going, my love?"

He points to his own belly. "I drank a lot of wine, and now some of it wants to come out."

No one wants to comment on Lucien's lame joke, so he starts walking towards the hallway. "I'll be back in a minute."

But Naomi can't resist making her own lame joke. "Do you want help with it, little brother?"

Lucien stops and looks at her with a teasing expression, making her look a little embarrassed. "Maybe next time, sister."

Naomi can't be sure if he's really serious about that, and she quickly regrets trying to tease him. As soon as she turns her face away, he enters the hallway.

In the hallway, Lucien finds Eve entering her bedroom. And he can't stop his eyes from being drawn to her legs not covered by her bathrobe.

Eve notices Lucien's look and gets both embarrassed and a little upset. "What are you looking at, naughty brother??"

"I thought I saw a rat on the floor..." Lucien walks past Eve with an honest expression. But then he smiles when she isn't seeing his face. "Near those beautiful and charming legs of yours."

"Hump!!" She tries to huff in anger but can't stop her lips from curling into a proud, pleased smile.

But then she notices him heading in the direction Donna has just gone, and a strange feeling grows into her soul. "Where are you going??"

"I have to use the toilet." He responds without stopping walking.

"Donna is in the captain's cabin, so use another one." Eve quickly speaks.

"Got it." Lucien responds and continues walking down the hallway.

Eve still suspects something and keeps looking at Lucien; then, she hears Pride's voice in her mind. 'You should be proud, no matter how many beautiful and perfect women appear around him, he never looks at anyone as he looks at you... well, except for one person, you know.'

'And that person is certainly you, right?' Eve sarcastically asks.

'Of course.' Pride responds in an entirely sure tone.

"..." Eve sighs and then enters her bedroom after seeing Lucien pass through the captain's cabin door. She feels a little bad for thinking he was planning something naughty toward Donna.

And well, Eve was right about that. As soon as Lucien hears her bedroom door closing, he returns and enters the captain's cabin before locking Its door.

'You were serious about taking them alone!' Lust comments in his mind.

'Yep, alone, she will have no reason to back down.' He responds.

'I wonder what ability you'll get when you put your tattoo on Wrath...' Lust says.

He smiles as he looks at the bathroom door. 'Hope you get that answer soon.'

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