Lust Knight

Chapter 574 Inevitable Attraction

[Pride playing naughty???] Lucien can't believe what he's seeing. She always acts so arrogantly or cold, so he can't just accept she's actually flirting with him.

[This has to be wrong!?] He starts to think of ways he could be wrong. [It could be Sophia kidding me?? Or is Pride just trying to ridicule me?? Maybe I'm delusional...]

Lucien definitely trusts his seduction skills, but Pride always seems completely immune to his charm. She is so confident and self-sufficient, which makes him desire her more and more.

His eyes cannot stop wandering from her face to her body. Her bright eyes look so mysterious but also so honest, making clear all her arrogant intentions.

Her perfect nose looks more uptight than any other due to her having her head consistently high as if looking down would ruin her arrogant posture.

Her small mouth and rosy lips look so soft and tasty, even though they spew out harsh and haughty words all the time.

Looking down a little further, Lucien has a hard time taking his eyes off Pride's perfect breasts. Not just with a more than satisfying size, those pale obsidian melons have the most exotic color and texture he's ever seen; her skin looks so resilient, but at the same time incredibly soft and fragrant.

Lucien never had all the Sins around him, and even though Greed is with Claire and Nea in the giant mystic turtle, her influence is still in the air. And the influence of each Sim seems to make the others' more intense.

He can't help but lose himself in thought as he imagines touching, stroking, squeezing, and kissing the most perfect breasts he's ever seen, something no other man has touched, seen, or even had the audacity to think about.

"Lucien???" But he is awakened from his dreams by Pride's still arrogant and cold voice. "Are you listening to me?!"

"Yes... yeah, I do." He shakes his head, trying to get rid of the influence of all the Sins and focus on what Pride wants to say.

But it's too late for him to hide anything from her. Pride noticed when his eyes wandered for a second from her lips to her breasts.

She would kill any other man just for looking at her body in that lustful way, but being appreciated by Lucien made her incredibly proud of herself to such an absurd point that Eve felt waves and waves of demonic energy being generated for them, even making her goes from the middle of the second directly to the third layer of the Sky Realm.

"What the fuck is going on here?!?" Gluttony can't help but think aloud, while the other Sins are equally shocked.

Pride takes a few seconds to understand what's going on, but she has no idea how to act. She just wanted to tease Lucien a little and ended up earning a lot more than she could imagine with just one look.

She should be happy and even reward Lucien. But she is still herself and having so much help from someone else makes her feel uncomfortable.

"Ahem!!" She looks at the other Sins and girls with a severe expression before continuing to talk to Lucien. "I just wanted to talk to you about the Phoenix, but if you can't control your emotions in front of this Queen, it's better-"

"The Phoenix??" Lucien interrupts Pride and quickly looks back. He fears that Maya would find out about their intentions if they talk about her openly, but he doesn't see her anywhere. "Where is she??"

Having received an incredible demonic energy boost with Lucien's help made Pride uncomfortable, but no feeling seems quite as bad as losing his attention to another woman.

"Don't worry..." Pride comments in a clearly upset tone. "The Phoenix left as soon as she realized your new pet was still leaking."

Lucien notices Valencia sitting in a puddle of her own love juices, looking at him with a horny and embarrassed expression. "Sorry, Master… I'm so glad we're together again."

"Maya said she was going to join Nea to plan how to rescue her daughter." Lust explains what Lucien lost when he was hypnotized by Pride. "She said she didn't want to participate in this madness."

"I see..." He sighs and looks at Pride again. "I thought we agreed to my plans."

"And that hasn't changed." She answers. "I just thought your little competition with Greed to seduce Nea was a stupid joke. But after seeing how she doesn't want our presence here and her influence over the Phoenix, I understand you need to get her affection before she hinders our plan."

"Is that all you wanted to talk about??" Lucien asks in a disappointed tone.

"Did you expect anything else???" Pride responds with another question as she really wanted to say more than her nature allows.

Lucien realizes that their conversation is going nowhere, so he fills another glass of wine. "Just leave it to me; I know what I have to do."

"Whatever." Pride comments before dematerializing her body, going back to Eve's soul. She would love to interact more with Lucien, but she doesn't know if that's good or bad yet.

"Of course..." Lucien smiles and takes a sip of wine before sitting on the edge of the table and looking at his girls.

He can't help but be overjoyed that his sisters and wives are all together. Well, actually one person is missing, and when he thinks of her, she jumps out of the water, landing in the center of the deck.

Claire shakes her long brown hair, splashing water all over the place while her clothes don't get wet due to it having waterproof enchanted material.

She huffs with an annoyed expression before walking over to Lucien, taking the wineglass from his hand and taking a sip. She looks pretty upset, but after feeling the taste and fragrance of his lips on the edge of the glass, her mood quickly gets better.

Lucien smiles and caresses Claire's shoulder. "What made you upset?"

Before she can respond, Naomi speaks first, in her usual teasing tone as always. "Did the Mermaids kick you out of their happy group??"

Naomi doesn't seem to have changed anything since her soul contract with Gluttony, but Claire has completely changed, so her siblings don't know what reaction to expect from her.

Instead of responding to Naomi's teasing with some hostile reply, she bows her head with a sad expression. "I think it was precisely that..."

"Huh???" Naomi has an idea of what the new Claire is like, and so, she gets shocked by that depressing answer.

But when Claire's expression makes everyone feel sorry for her and Lucien hugs her, Naomi understands that it might have been one of her sister's most brilliant moves, and she ended up helping in that.

"Oh, don't say something like that..." Lucien comforts Claire as he wraps her in his warm hug. Even if that is an act, it benefits all of them. "I'm sure the Mermaids love you, especially Saria."

"Maybe..." Claire has difficulty containing her smile due to how good it feels to be hugged by Lucien. But she's also upset about something else.

"But when Maya showed up and asked to speak to Nea, they… well, it was obvious they didn't want my presence there." She explains.

Lucien has an idea of how Claire feels. He never hid being a host of a Sin or even his devilish personality, but she, as well as others of their sisters, hid that to keep normal lives, or at least, much better than their old life.

He keeps hugging her and kissing her forehead. "Try to understand that it's not easy for others to trust us once they know what we are. Demons aren't the most trustworthy or generous race in the universe, you know."

Claire couldn't help but feel stronger, more loved, and much happier in Lucien's arms than anywhere else. Then she smiles. "I guess so... in the end, we can only really trust the family because only the family can love us unconditionally and completely accept us."

"Indeed..." Lucien nods and then turns Claire's body, making her look at their sisters and his wives. "See, your family got pretty bigger."

Claire smiles at her sisters, but her expression turns strange when she looks at Lucien's other wives. "Yet, I also see a lot of unfamiliar people..."

"It's alright," He comments as he hugs her from behind. "You'll have time to get to know them better, and you'll soon realize that they will love you, protect you, and do anything to help you; you can trust them because they're your family too."

"Family, huh?" The idea of having a big family doesn't seem bad, and Claire is open to new experiences, especially those involving Lucien. "I'll think about it, so please just hold me like this a little longer…brother."

"As you wish... sister." Lucien rests his head on Claire's shoulder and caresses the back of her neck with his nose, making her feel great.

The other girls can't help but be jealous, especially his other sisters. Then Amelia crosses her arms as she pouts. "Nice acting, sister..."

Naomi, beside her, nods. "I have to agree with you, little sister."

Though she doesn't want to admit it, Donna is also increasingly jealous of the women around Lucien. She doesn't want to stand by and watch things happen around her like a passive spectator.

Then she walks over to Claire, takes the wineglass from her hand, and drinks the rest of the wine in one gulp. That action surprises all her siblings, especially Eve.

But Donna doesn't let the inquisitive expressions of her sisters let her down. She smiles at Lucien. "So what are we going to do now, brother?"

Lucien stops hugging Claire with his two arms and uses one hand to hold Donna's hand. "We were apart for many months, and now we are together again... We have a lot of work to do, but I think this reunion deserves a celebration."

"Yeah, that sounds great!" Amelia uses her teleport ability to appear alongside Lucien after winking at Naomi with a provoking expression.

[You brat!!] Naomi mentally complains before running towards Lucien too. "I'm sure lots of good food and drink will raise our mood!"

"Indeed." Lucien nods and then looks at their wives, especially Madelyn, Aria, and Angela. "I don't want to brag, but some of my wives cook the best food ever."

Angela keeps a delighted expression while Madelyn warmly smiles, and Aria's face flushes; Mama harpy's wings even tremble with excitement due to Lucien's loving and proud look.

Astrid, Cassidy, Olivia, and Scarlett, on the other hand, are a little sad that even though they try so hard to make good food, they cannot win over the group of talented cooks, which is led by Aria and Kara.

When he hears about a feast, Valencia quickly crawls over to Lucien. "Master, Master!! There are many secret places in this ship... places that only I know of; and inside one of them, there's a Cold Storage Box full of the best food and drink my Black Sea Riders have found in this world!"

"Cold Storage Box?" Lucien thinks aloud.

"It's a kind of rare storage treasure." Lust materializes her body beside him to explain. "Although it doesn't have ample internal space and is usually something big like a box or chest, Cold Storage Boxes are scarce and valuable as they can keep most types of food preserved for thousands of years."

"That sounds amazing," Lucien comments and then smiles at Valencia. "Well done, Valencia; keep it up, and your reward will be even better."

"Thank you, Master! Thank you so much!!" Valencia is so grateful as not even the best food and drink in the universe can be better than her Master's special milk.

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