Lust Knight

Chapter 535 Faces Of Envy

Lucien walks towards the pillar of gray light inside his soul and looks at the two weapons inside it, his usual red katana and an all-black copy of it.

Lust doesn't understand what's going on, but Lucien does. He feels with all his body, mind, and soul that it was thanks to Envy that he opened that soul gate.

"The red one represents me, and everything others envy in me..." He comments. "And the black one is everything I envy in others... the two faces of Envy."

"Are you sure about that?" Lust asks.

"Completely." He answers. "This gate could be opened from the moment Envy accepted me; I just didn't know about it before."

Lust is perplexed as nothing makes sense. All they know about those soul gates is that Aylin opened them by accepting her selfish desire for pride, but Lucien opened one because of her and another because of Envy…

"But how is that possible?" She thinks aloud as she looks at him. "Maybe... it sounds crazy, but maybe you were connected to us long before the soul contract... which would also explain why you seem so compatible with all forms of demonic energy."

Lucien makes a dubious expression. "But… didn't you come from very far away and only arrive in my world nineteen years after my birth?"

"Yes." She quickly nods. "But your mom might be a demon... and if she did something... I don't know, maybe Hell is behind it; I'm not sure about anything, but I don't see how the Sins could open your soul gates another way."

He makes a thoughtful expression. "I think I know it..."

Before she asks, he continues. "Pleasure... lust is mostly about pleasure, but so are the other Sins. I mean, look at Envy, it's nice to be envied, and it's nice to get what you want from others..."

Lust agrees with Lucien's words. "There is pleasure involved in each of the Sins; maybe that's the link that makes you so compatible with them... it seems that the plan to conquer them all is really your destiny."

"A plan that was probably created by other people..." He makes a concerned expression. "Who knows what kind of purposes they have?"

Lust is also concerned about that; in fact, she shares all of Lucien's concerns. "Anyway, as long as we keep together, we can get through anything. And I don't think we can really ignore that connection… and neither do you want that, right?"

He smiles as he looks at the black katana. "When I met Envy, I hated her because I thought she just wanted to use Amelia as our dad does... But after a while with her, I realized that even she didn't know what she really wanted..."

"You and your sisters are forced to have these desires and end up making a mess. But I can take care of you; I can give you what you need just as you make me complete." He explains.

Then he sighs. "But now we're apart, and it's excruciating for me not to have Envy around... She and Sloth are very important to me, as are you; you are part of me."

Lust knows how much Lucien misses his wives and the Sins, but she still can't help but be jealous, which is ironic given the fact that they're talking about Envy.

Yet, she also feels bad about Lucien and all his girls. "I can't imagine how bad it must be for them to be away from you for so long… but I'm also grateful not to take that risk."

He smiles and kisses her lips. "Benefits of being the first wife?"

"Hehehe..." She giggles, glad he never judges her badly for her selfish desires.

Lucien looks again at the two katanas in the pillar of gray light and then reaches out his hand to catch the red one.

"Hm..." He makes a thoughtful expression as he swings the weapon in the air. "It looks like my usual red katana, but at the same time, it looks a lot more powerful."

With a simple thought, the red katana disappears, returning to Its place inside his soul. So he takes the black one.

That katana has a gray aura around it and is strangely cold. But Lucien feels a strong bond with it, the same as he feels with his red katana.

He also feels powerful energy within the black katana, something very similar to Envy's demonic energy. Then with a thought, the katana begins to change shape, becoming a black naginata, a copy of Aylin's soul weapon.

"Copy!" Lust exclaims in surprise. "It had to be copy… so it's really due to Envy."

Lucien had no doubts about that, but he's surprised he can control that energy so easily. He turns the black soul weapon back to a katana and then holds it with one hand before summons his red katana.

He stares at both the katanas and swings them in complete sync. He doesn't feel like he's making any effort to move them, but they're following his will on their own.

Then he brings both katanas close together and mixes them, creating a red and black katana with a gray and purple aura.

"Amazing..." Lust is increasingly surprised by that. "I bet Envy will be really jealous of you because of this power."

"Maybe she can do it too..." Lucien comments with a hopeful expression.

"I think it's improbable." She returns.

"Why?" He asks and quickly continues. "I mean, didn't you mention that Mira and Kamala could awaken soul gates because of how we share our energies?"

"Yeah..." Lust makes a sorry expression. "But we, the Sins, are not ordinary women; this is not our real body, so I don't think we could benefit from it."

He makes a thoughtful expression. "Maybe you're wrong... it's not something you really understand, so it doesn't hurt to try."

Lust totally agrees with Lucien. "Make sense... we should all try to find those soul gates now that we know about it."

"Speaking of soul gates..." He comments as he walks in the opposite direction of the second soul gate. "I wonder if the third one is also open."

"Why would it be ope-" Lust asks but immediately finds her answer when another giant gate appears in front of them. The green aura around it makes it clear what Lucien meant.

"Sloth?" She asks.

Lucien smiles as he remembers Sloth's gentle expression. "She accepted me, right? So I guess it's like you and Envy."

Lust smiles too. "Sloth is such an intelligent and kind woman; I knew she would accept you easily. Also, you seem the only one who can fulfill her secret wish..."

"Being a mother..." He thinks aloud. "That is the noblest wish in my opinion, and I will do my best to help her with that."

"I'm sure you will." She smiles with a lewd expression.

Lucien smiles too and then walks to the front of the big purple gate with a green aura. The closer to it, the more relaxed he feels and also starts to remember all the times he felt like just stopping... stop doing anything.

After he was separated from his mother, Lucien began working so hard, first to get back to her, then to avenge her, and then to rescue her.

His mind was always full of thoughts about her, and he couldn't relax. He only agreed to give his soul to a demon to gain the power to save his mother, but after meeting Lust, he discovered how good pleasure could be.

And even though his mind is still full of thoughts about protecting his family, his body can now get relaxed when he's with his girls.

And that kind of pleasure has never been more incredible than with Sloth and Sophia. After having sex so hard with them, just lying in bed with them and relaxing is heavenly pleasurable.

Just thinking about how relaxing it is to have Sloth and Sophia in his arms and just relax makes Lucien feel his body ache with longing.

After imagining Sloth's calm, gentle face once more, Lucien reopens his eyes and finds his third soul gate open. Inside the new dark room, he sees his red katana again, this time inside a pillar of green light.

"Hmm..." Lust looks seem to be a little disappointed. "Why does it look the same?"

"It's not the same." Lucien smiles as he walks towards the pillar of green light.

She walks after him. "Do you already know how it works?"

"Yeah..." He responds while feeling almost instinctively how Sloth has affected his soul weapon.

Lust is really confused, but then the red katana leaves the pillar of light and flies excitedly around Lucien, shocking her.

People with soul weapons can materialize it and move it with the power of their minds, but that is very limited as the most basic level of telekinesis.

Neither the Sins can efficiently move their soul weapons with their minds into combat. And Lust has only seen one weapon move that way before, the Ghost Lady, a cursed sword that has a will of its own.

She thinks Lucien is making his soul weapon fly with the power of his mind, but the katana looks strangely lively. "What… what are you doing?"

"Nothing." He answers honestly, leaving Lust more confused.

Then he smiles at her. "I don't really know what's going on either, but I feel like my katana is connected to a part of my mind that I don't really control... it's not acting on my thoughts, but at the same time, it's following my will."

"Huh?!" Lust is perplexed. "That doesn't really make sense. How can it not follow your thoughts but act in accordance with your will?"

Lucien doesn't fully understand either; he just feels with his body, mind, and soul. "Well, I'm not telling it to fly around me, but I wanted to show you that it's not the same anymore, so the katana is doing it."

Lust sighs. "It had to be Sloth's thing... now you don't even have to think about it, and if an enemy appears, your soul weapon will fight alone..."

"Hahaha..." Lucien chuckles as his red katana continues to dance in the air around him. "It sounds really crazy."

But then he makes a thoughtful expression. "Hmm... what if..."

Lust is curious and looks closely at Lucien as he summons his black katana and holds it firmly in his hand.

He gets into combat stance and points the black katana at the red one. Then shocking Lust, even more, the red katana attacks him with extreme speed.


Lucien blocks the attack with his black katana, making a metallic sound echo.

"Hahaha..." He laughs again as the red katana pushes against him so hard. Then he forces his black katana forward and quickly dodges his red one's counterattack.

*Whoosh* *Clang* *Whoosh* *Clang* *Whoosh* *Clang*

Lucien begins an intense battle against his own soul weapon. But that's just a sparring session as he doesn't really want his own soul weapon to kill him, of course.

And Lust is watching that scene with a strange expression. "I don't think that's the real purpose of this ability... it just doesn't seem like Sloth's thing, you know..."

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