Lust Knight

Chapter 534 Evolving Sins

The moon shines above the Blue Star's eastern sea, and it's even possible to see the Brown Star in the midst of those beautiful other stars.

The Sea Devil continues sailing at extremely high speed under Scarlett's command, while Lucien's wives don't spend a second without thinking about him.

The icy night wind should be a problem, but the Sea Devil's incredible barriers block everything, leaving the place stable and comfortable.

Sitting atop one of the sails, Envy looks out at the horizon with a thoughtful expression. Somehow, part of her feels that Lucien is thinking of her just as she has been thinking of him since they parted.

And that's really scary for her because she doesn't even think much about her own sisters. Of course that they've always been united and fought together for the same cause, but they're all somehow lone wolves who generally prefer to do things independently.

The only exception to that was their hosts, as Sins are forced to work with hosts to gain power. Yet, Envy is now more concerned about the host of another sin than anything else.

[Not just a host... but really... my husband?] She didn't think the husband-and-wife performance with Lucien would last long, but now she understands how a wife can get sick of longing by being away from her beloved husband for a long time.

[Do I really love him?] Envy can't answer that question because she doesn't understand anything about love.

But when she thinks about Lucien, she can't help but think about how he changed her life. She always did things the same way, with the same goals and methods, but after Lucien, everything changed.

Envy can generate energy in many ways, but there are two main ways: the first is to make her host take the things other people want, and the second is to make her host have things that other people desire.

None of these ways is really about her, but her host. Yet, Lucien not only gave Envy something for her to desire more than anything, even power, he also gave her something that makes all other women, and even many men, be envious of her so badly.

Envy has always been the evil voice behind her hosts, but never the center of attention like Pride usually is. But Lucien looked at her as a woman and took care of her needs.

When she thinks about him, Envy feels immense gratitude, something she didn't even know existed inside her. Not only does she feel like continuing to receive his affection, but also helping him, taking care of what is important to him so that she deserves to keep with him.

"What is on your mind?" Envy is pulled out of her deep thoughts by Sloth's slow, calm voice.

"..." She looks at her sister with a strange expression.

"What?" Sloth makes a fake wronged expression. "Can't one sister care about the other?"

Envy rolls her eyes. "That's not the problem, but you're not the kind of sister to take the initiative in anything."

"Can't I change?" Sloth asks with a teasing smile.

"Hahahaha..." Envy starts to laugh sarcastically. "After thousands of years? Do you really think cursed creatures like us can ever change?"

Sloth wouldn't believe that before either, but everything changed after meeting Lucien. "Look at you, dear sister... I've never seen you go so long without planning something, propagating discord between us, or trying to take something from someone..."

"..." Envy is silent as she cannot deny those words.

"Now..." Sloth continues. "You look like a puppy that got lost from your Master and doesn't know what to do."

"What about you?!?" Envy asks in an upset tone. "You always seem so far away from everything, isolated in your own world... but now, how the hell do you seem impatient?!?!"

Sloth keeps that calm and gentle smile on her face. "You're right, and I have no reason to lie... I can't be myself anymore..."

Her genuine answer shocks Envy, and she continues. "After I was with him, everything changed... relaxing in his arms after having sex so hard was the best I've ever done in my life, and now just relaxing anywhere except in his arms feels stupid, even torturous, I would say."

Envy sighs before looking at the horizon again. "So we're both screwed... we've never depended on anyone else like that, nor our hosts. Now we'll have to go through all the pain and frustration of having a husband..."

"But the rewards are the best." Sloth giggles.

"Hehehe..." Envy also giggles. "When we meet again, I won't let anyone take my place in his arms for at least a week."

Sloth makes a fake sorry expression. "Not even this good sister of yours?"

Envy's eyes sparkle while her instinctive personality makes her jealous. Yet, she smiles. "Well, he has two arms, doesn't he?"

"But only a cock..." She returns.

"He doesn't need more." Envy responds, and Sloth totally agrees.

Then they start laughing again as they look to the horizon and think about Lucien. But that conversation gets other people's attention.

"What are you talking about and laughing so hard???" Wrath materializes her body in midair, in front of Envy and Sloth.

"What the heck do you have to do with it?!?!" Envy asks while throwing one of her soul daggers at her sister.


Wrath easily avoids the dagger, which disappears into thin air. Then she provocatively smiles at her sisters. "You're not the same anymore… what's up with you??"

"Evolution, my dear ignorant sister..." Envy answers. "We're moving forward while you remain stuck in the past."

"What the fuck?!?" She exclaims.

Sloth sighs. "Envy is right, we've always done things the same way, and we've stayed the same... now it feels like things are really changing, and we're adapting to the new reality."

"Bullshit!" Wrath shakes her head. "Your pussies are hurting because you keep thinking about that stupid boy!!"


Envy quickly flies towards Wrath, who summons a short sword and tries to defend herself, but Envy is much faster and dodges her blows easily before putting both her soul daggers around her sister's neck.

"Who is a stupid boy? Are you talking about that perfect man who in a few days made me so much more powerful than you?" Envy whispers in Wrath's ear.

"Hahaha..." Wrath is happy with the demonic energy generation due to Envy's anger. "Okay… maybe he's not so bad, but how long do you think your husband and wife game will last?"

Envy smiles. "Forever? I've never seen anyone with greater potential to actually become a Primordial like him."

"Really?!" Wrath hadn't thought about that. "And you think he'll live up to there? Think of all the people who are probably manipulating us right now… I bet he'll never really be one of us."

"He is a demon more than anything else." Sloth comments.

"The best demon ever..." Envy's eyes sparkle. "Do you understand what that means?"

Wrath pushes Envy back while making a concerned expression. "What are you planning? That can't be good anyway."

She looks at Sloth. "How long have our people been led by Hell?"

"Hmm..." Sloth tries to seek that knowledge in her mind. "There's no way to be sure... for hundreds of thousands of years certainly."

"Exactly." Envy comments. "Whenever one Hell dies, another takes her place and keeps doing things the same way... maybe that was good before, but it's been a long time since our people have really improved."

Sloth's eyes also sparkle as she understands what Envy means. "That makes sense... I really respect Hell for what she does for our people, but maybe the time has come for radical changes for the good of the whole Demon Race."

"Hey, hey?!?!" Wrath enters between them. "Are you guys serious?!? This is betrayal and madness!!"

"Why?!" Shocking them, Pride also appears and asks sarcastically.

"Sister…" Wrath looks at her with a respectful expression. "Isn't that clear? Our people have always followed Hell and, and... well, he's just a young boy!"

Envy and Sloth are silent as they look at Pride, waiting for her response.

"Well…" Pride pauses before explaining. "Envy and Sloth are right about evolution. Our people only became a superior race because they evolved. Now, after so long on the same path, maybe it's time for Hell to retire and make room for a new leader... one who could lead us to be greater than any other superior race."

"Wait, wait, wait!!" Wrath seems to be freaking out. "Are you really talking about that kid?!? He's just an inexperienced boy..."

"Yeah, he's still young." Pride quickly speaks. "But I see how limitless his potential is, as well as the women who follow him. I see him taking responsibility for our people... and then there would be another throne on his side, and I would be there to secure the best for our race."

"Hahaha..." While Wrath doesn't understand what's going on, Envy starts laughing. "Of course, you imagine it that way. But the truth is, you could even be on a throne behind ours while I would be his first Queen."

"Humph!" Sloth makes a mocking sound. "Who would be better for our people beside him? I don't need to remind you how much the knowledge I have would be the most useful to Lucien. And I quite like the title of First Queen..."

"Damn, damn, damn!!!" Wrath exclaims. "You can't be serious!!"

"Hahahaha..." A fifth voice laughs; it is feminine and sounds pretty young.

Then a woman appears among the Sins. She is about 1.6 meters tall, with a small and delicate body that doesn't look like a child but a sexy tiny lady.

Small rounded black horns coming from her pink hair and the small bat-like wings on her back make it clear that she is also a demon.

Her eyes, which have a beautiful mixed color of blue and purple, sparkle as she looks at the other Sins. "Sisters… weren't you going to invite me to such an interesting conversation?"

"Gluttony..." Pride speaks. "I thought you wouldn't leave your host because of the Phoenix..."

The little demon sighs. "That was really unlucky… anyway, she's not looking right now, so I want to be a part of it!"

"What?!?!" Wrath asks. "Do you also want to be that boy's first Queen??!

"Hahaha..." Gluttony laugh. "Why would I want that??"

Envy, Sloth, and Pride can think of hundreds of reasons for that, but they don't say anything, of course.

"If you have nothing to say, better get back inside your host as we might need that advantage soon." Pride comments.

Gluttony pouts. "Alright, but I just wanted to say something..."

"Say it right away." Envy asks.

"Okay, okay..." She teasingly smiles. "You're here arguing over who this First Queen is going to be, but isn't this guy the host of Lust? While you're just arguing, she's securing her place…"

"Fuck!" Pride, Envy, and Sloth curse at the same time.

When Wrath imagines Lust being the supreme Queen of their whole race, she gets even more furious. "FUCKKK!!!"

"Fuck?" Gluttony asks sarcastically. "Yeah, that should be the best way to become his first Queen."

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