Lust Knight

Chapter 525 A Weird Dinner

All over the main city of the Naga Kingdom, people talk about the mysterious demon that protects the Queen and the revolution that seems quite possible now.

Even in the royal castle, the servants can't help but comment on that and look at Lucien and Mira with expectant expressions, which makes Tyrion increasingly upset.

The worst part is that he can't do anything, as that could hinder his plans to steal Lucien's power. Yet, he is also quite confident of ending that revolution right after killing Lucien and Mira.

So he acts as if nothing is happening as he heads to the dining room with the group. The fact that Mira walks alongside Lucien with Kamala also makes him upset, but not as much as not being able to see Lust.

And he ends up not resisting asking Lucien about that. "Lust won't be joining us for dinner?"

Lucien can't help but be upset that another man is making it clear that he wants to see his beloved wife. Like Lust inside his soul, he is outraged at that and frustrated that he can't kill Tyrion right now.

But he maintains a calm expression as he saves any resentment for when he is at a similar power level as Tyrion.

"As a Great Demon, she doesn't eat normal food." He explains.

"What does she eat then?" Tyrion asks, very curious about Lust.

Lucien smiles provocatively before pointing to his cock. "She has this regularly."

Due to his curiosity about Lust, Tyrion looks in that direction even before noticing that Lucien was pointing to his cock. The worst part is when he notices that big tent, showing just how big his thing is.

Even without knowing it, Lucien hits Tyrion right in the ego as he is like any other male Naga who is resentful of the fact that female Nagas can please men of other races, but they can't please other women due to their tiny tools.

[DAMN!!!] Tyrion also has a hard time trying not to imagine Lust moaning under Lucien's big cock.

After that shameful moment, the Naga King is silent until they reach the dining room, where a grand feast awaits them.

A large green crystal table takes up the entire center of the room while there are several chairs around it. The chairs are clearly made for the Naga people as their seats are cylindrical in shape, so their tails are comfortably stretched out.

There are also two normal chairs for Lucien and Lust, of course. And on the table, there are many different types of food, but most of it is seafood, naturally.

Seeing so much food, Lucien can't help but remember his meals with all his wives in the purple world. Those moments were very precious to him, and now he is frustrated to be away from his girls.

He doesn't know if he's more upset at the Leviathan for splitting them apart, at the woman who's probably his mother and is manipulating everyone around him, or at himself for not being strong enough to kill everyone who tries to split his family apart.

As those feelings grow more intense within his heart, his draconic aura surges, spreading through the room and making even Tyrion feel instinctive fear.

Kamala and Mira look at him with concerned expressions as they can clearly feel that he is not well. The connection between them also makes them feel sad.

'You can't blame yourself while you're trying your best to fix things.' Lust's voice sounds lovingly in Lucien's mind.

And he quickly responds. 'If I were trying my best, I'd be in the purple world right now, fucking Helena, Oya, Kamala, Mira, and you until I have enough power to kill Tyrion, the Leviathan, and take the Phoenix's magic core.'

'Things are not that simple.' Lust speaks. 'If Tyrion suspects we can do it, he might try something drastic right now, so just sits down and eats something. Then next, we go back to Kamala's palace and stay a long time in the purple world, getting stronger.'

Lucien can usually act calm when he needs to, but the frustrations in his heart get worse as he feels more manipulated by the woman who can be his mother.

And he is so grateful to have Lust always with him, supporting and advising him, so he sits at the table with Kamala and Mira for dinner.

Lucien sits at one end of the table, Kamala beside him, Tyrion at the other end, and Mira sit in the middle to avoid making it obvious the secret relationship she has with Lucien.

And ignoring the other free normal chair, Lust materializes her body in her favorite spot, Lucien's lap, naturally.

Tyrion can't contain his smile as he sees Lust and her infinite beauty again. But his mood quickly goes down as he watches her caress Lucien's face sensually.

'I thought you were disgusted by his gaze…' Lucien mentally comments.

'I don't like any other man looking at me...' She comments. 'But I'm proud to be your wife, and it's good that everyone sees this, so they know that no matter how much they desire me, I'll always be yours alone.'

Lucien's mood starts to improve due to Lust, and he caresses her thighs and kisses her neck as a reward for her, who always makes him feel better no matter how bad their situation is.

The lustful atmosphere that only Lucien and Lust can generate together quickly leaves Kamala and Mira embarrassed, while Tyrion becomes jealous.

To try to stop thinking about that, he quickly tries to talk about something that has to do with his plans. "So... Lucien, what are you and Kamala going to do next?"

"What do you mean?" Lucien asks as Kamala and Mira look at him with thoughtful expressions.

"Well, you must have plans, right?" Tyrion asks. "Or did you come into this world just to look for a new wife?"

"Father..." Kamala looks concerned and tries to change the subject. "Did you forget the Leviathan? We had to flee..."

He makes a dubious expression. "Your mother told a similar story many years ago, and I never believed it because I've traveled through every part of this world, even in the mysterious waters of the central region, and I have never seen such a creature."

"But the creature is real," Mira speaks in an apprehensive tone. "You should be worried about that."

"Hmm..." Tyrion can't really believe in such a legendary world-destroying creature. In fact, few people would believe that without actually seeing the creature. Also, he has reason to doubt anything Lucien, Kamala, and Mira say.

"We don't need to talk about it right now." Lucien comments. He needs time to get stronger before Tyrion tries to do anything. "I was thinking about spending some time here, getting to know the people and family of Kamala better before thinking about our next steps."

Kamala and Mira can instinctively understand Lucien's intent due to their connection.

"I want a great wedding ceremony." Kamala smiles but she doesn't really care about that.

"And you will have the best wedding ceremony ever!" Tyrion smiles because that's really good for him.

He needs to take Lucien away so he can make the trap in Kamala's palace, but they can't be suspicious of that, and he also needs time for Lucien to get used to that place to the point of not suspecting anything.

Tyrion's best opportunity would be for him to give Lucien and Kamala other instant teleport gems and send them on some mission, so when they teleport to her palace again, they would fall into the trap before realizing it's too late.

It's obvious that Tyrion is up to something, but at the same time, so is Lucien. That's the kind of situation where Envy could generate a lot of demonic energy.

Kamala starts talking about the things she wants in her wedding ceremony, and even Mira seems to be excited about that.

Then they finish dinner, and Lucien gets up. "It was so good that I need to take some to have a late-night snack..."

"Hahaha..." Tyrion laughs and then nods. "Our food is delicious, right? You can take as much as you like."

He thought Lucien would just take a plate or two of food but is shocked when he starts filling several large trays with all sorts of food from the table.

[What kind of appetite is that?] Tyrion is confused as Lucien has just eaten like any normal person but is picking up enough food to feed dozens of people.

But he has no way of knowing that Lucien has a hungry tigress at home, aside from the fact that he and the girls will be able to spend more than a full day in the purple world before anyone finds it suspicious.

Kamala also helps Lucien to pick food; as that was a large feast for just four people, most of the food is untouched.

After picking up enough food and drink for the royal party at the purple world, Lucien and Kamala say goodbye to Tyrion and Mira before heading back to her palace, which is just a few miles from the Royal Castle.

"..." The mood gets really strange when only Mira and Tyrion remain in the dining room.

"My King..." Then Tanu appears beside him like a shadow. She wants to report that she found nothing wrong in his special prison, but at the same time, she doesn't want to talk about that in front of Mira.

Tyrion looks at Mira with a stern expression, and she quickly gets up, thinking that it is a great opportunity to leave without being suspicious.

"Well, I'm going to sleep then..." She comments as she heads to her bedroom, which is not the same as Tyrion's.

"You should learn to sleep with your eyes open..." Tyrion can't help but threaten Mira as he watches her leave the room. But then he quickly refocuses on his plans with Tanu.

He doesn't even think there could be anything wrong as Tanu has spies watching Mira's every step, in and out of the castle.

They watch her go into her bedroom like every night, and the place has been made especially as a prison for her. Also, the bedroom's walls are created to block any energy, preventing her from noticing when Tyrion and Tanu are doing any sort of dark ritual.

That level of protection was meant to make Mira completely isolated and confined, but now it works positively for her because while Tyrion's spies and guards stay around the room, they also can't feel her presence inside.

Tyrion knows that Mira would never run away and abandon her daughter and people, so he never cared about that. But now, that prison prevents them from noticing a portal appearing inside the room.

Mira smiles as she looks at the portal and then hears Lucien's voice in her mind. 'Come to meet your new home.'

She doesn't think twice about entering the purple world portal and falling in Lucien's arms.

Meanwhile, Tyrion continues to plan his next steps. But he is confused when he feels that strange sensation in his head again.

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