Lust Knight

Chapter 524 For The Naga Queen

"What the heck is going on here???" Tyrion thinks aloud as he enters the main hall of his special prison.

Tanu follows, floating behind him like a shadow that watches everything around him. She reports everything to Tyrion, but her abilities are far from Lust's, including the mental communication.

They see Lucien, Kamala, and Mira in the center of the hall with strange expressions.

Kamala looks concerned, Lucien has a confident smile on his face, and Mira looks strangely embarrassed in a way Tyrion has never seen her before.

"Tyrion…" Mira takes a step away from Lucien, fearing they could suspect something.

"What did you do??" Tyrion tries not to sound too angry as he looks around, unable to hide that he's looking for Lust.

Kamala and Mira think about saying something, but Lucien speaks first. "Are you talking about those dead guards out there?"

"What else would it be about?" Tyrion asks as he continues to look around. The most important thing to him has always been power, but after meeting Lust, another desire aroused in his heart.

She didn't like that at all, and to avoid his gaze, she went back to Lucien's soul just as he was entering that building. Someway she feels sorry for Tyrion and all the other men who feel anything for her because she will never let any man but Lucien touch her.

"I don't know, tell me you…" Lucien acts relaxed as he wraps his arm around Kamala's waist.

[Such daring!!] Tyrion gets angry at Lucien but keeps his thoughts to himself as he doesn't want to mess up his plans because of some dead guards.

He just makes a fake disappointed expression. "I thought we were getting along fine, but you killed good guards in this Kingdom..."

Lucien can't help but praise Tyrion for pretending it so well, but he can also do that. Then he makes an annoyed expression. "They deserved that because they were not loyal to your majesty."

"..." Tyrion doesn't understand what Lucien is doing. He already knows that he incited a rebellion in Mira's name, and now the entire Naga Kingdom is talking about that.

But Lucien keeps pretending to be very angry. "You won't believe it, but we were just walking around when Lust saw this place..."

When speaking Lust's name, Lucien notices a different sparkle in Tyrion's eyes, which makes him really furious, helping him to make his story feel really authentic.

"Lust wanted to see this place, so we come here…" Lucien looks at Mira with a sorry expression. "But those guards disrespected the Queen!"

He's actually outraged at that, which makes even Mira and Kamala believe him, but his next words shock them.

"How can those guards do that to you..." Lucien says not to Mira but to Tyrion. "I mean, disrespecting the Queen is the same as disrespecting the King; in fact, it's even worse because she's your beloved wife."

[What?!?!] Tyrion, Tanu, Mira, and Kamala think simultaneously as Lust laughs in Lucien's mind.

Lucien continues to act as an advocate of morals and hierarchy. "I couldn't see that and stay quiet... I should have gone to report you, my King, but I confess that I acted selfishly, and by wanting to get your affection, I punished those guards for such a disrespectful act."

Tyrion's expression is now one of shock, confusion, bewilderment, and even indignation as he doesn't know what to say. [Are you really saying you started a rebellion against me for my honor????]

Mira and Kamala don't even know what to think because those words, although absurd, should make sense. Well, at least if Tyrion really did treat Mira like his Queen.

But at the same time, how can he deny that? How could the King say he's okay with other people disrespecting the Queen? Although everyone knows Lucien's words are lies, Tyrion has to accept that as the truth so that nothing gets in the way of his plans.

"..." Kamala looks at Mira, she looks at Tyrion, and he looks at Lucien with a puzzled expression as he looks at the back of Kamala's tail curiously.

The atmosphere seems strangely tense, but then Tyrion starts laughing, falsely, of course. "Hahahaha... you've really already started acting like the Prince Consort of our Kingdom."

"..." Now, only Mira and Kamala continue with perplexed expressions as they wonder how Lucien and Tyrion can fake it that way.

Tyrion approaches Lucien while laughing and tries to tap him on the shoulder. But Lucien quickly avoids him, moving to the other side of Kamala.

He makes a strange expression but quickly goes back to falsely smiling. "I'm glad you punished those guards... Now, why don't we go back to the royal castle to have dinner as a happy family?"

"Sounds great." Lucien smiles and starts walking towards the exit of that building with Kamala. He really didn't want to stay in that place anymore so as not to make Tyrion suspicious about Layla.

Tyrion looks at his back with a thoughtful expression, then as he leaves down the hall, the Naga King signals to Tanu, who creates a sound block barrier around them and Mira. But that barrier cannot stop Lucien's super senses, of course.

"You…" Tyrion looks at Mira with a furious expression. "No matter what you're doing, everyone who supports you will suffer the same end!"

"..." Mira bow her head as she has been done over a thousand years. However, she feels especially bad when she does that as she remembers how Lucien made her lift her head in front of those guards.

Something changed inside her when she received Lucien's tattoo along with his energies. Now she is not only hopeful, but she also is not so afraid of Tyrion anymore. Also, she feels a sensation of pride growing in her heart.

Then she lifts her head and looks into Tyrion's eyes. "That's what we're going to see."

He gets even angrier and rushes towards her, trying to attack her face with a brutal slap. "You bitch-"


Mira doesn't even try to dodge as she knows she doesn't stand a chance, but Tanu quickly steps in front of Tyrion, causing him to stop.

"My King..." She holds up her hands as she speaks in a respectful tone. "Lust could be watching us..."

Tyrion sighs as he tries to contain his anger. He knows hurting Mira now would be bad for his plans, so he keeps that desire deep in his heart to use it again after he's stolen Lucien's power.

Mira feels better than ever. She knows that in other times she would have been on the floor and bleeding, but now she has someone to protect her.

And as soon as she thinks of Lucien, he appears again in the hallway, as if he never left.

"Mother-in-law, aren't you coming with us?" He smiles at her with a loving expression.

Tyrion has a hard time containing his anger over that situation. He also feels especially bad as he sees the way Lucien and Mira look at each other, which makes him scratch his head instinctively.

That weird feeling gets even worse when Mira smiles provocatively at him before walking over to Lucien. "Let's go."

Lucien also looks at Tyrion with a provocative expression before heading down the hall with Mira. He just walks at her side, not doing anything else and letting Tyrion's mind imagine something else.

After they exit the hall, Tanu remakes the sound block barrier, and Tyrion grits his teeth in anger. "After I steal that idiot boy's power, I will kill him and that bitch!"

"..." Tanu can't help but worry about how things are going. But also, part of her feels especially bad for how Lust and Mira steal looks from the men around them while she's just a shadow, ignored as she follows a greedy and dumb man.

"My King..." She speaks after looking around. "Maybe there was some special reason they came here..."

"Hmm..." He makes a thoughtful expression while also looking around. "Check if that everything is in order."

"Right now." She quickly goes to check on Tyron's special prisoners as he looks down the hall and feels his head itching even more.

Meanwhile, Lucien follows Mira's side. Making sure no one is seeing them now, he wraps his arm around her waist.

She can't help but smile as she feels even better. Then he smiles too and whispers in her ear. "From now on, always stay by my side, no matter what."

"Oh, so you're the jealous kind?" She asks in a teasing tone.

He gently bites the tip of her ear. "Yes, I am... do you have any problem with that?"

"Ah~~!" She can't contain her moan as she feels a new kind of pleasure, something she's never felt before.

Then she looks at him with a lewd expression, which, added to her flushed charming mature face, makes Lucien very horny. "No… I won't mind even if you keep me close to you always."

Lucien can't resist kissing Mira's sweet lips. But the kiss is quick as they soon leave the building and see Kamala waiting for them while hundreds of black guards try to push away the crowd of Nagas around that place.

After Lucien's actions against those guards, rumors of a rebellion began to spread throughout the Naga Kingdom, and now thousands of people are heading to that place to see if that is really true.

But as Lucien shouldn't piss off more Tyrion right now, he just wants to get back to the royal castle. But how can they get past that crowd of Nagas wanting to swear loyalty to the Queen?

And while they figure out how to proceed, Tyrion also leaves that building. His expression gets upset when he sees so many people wanting to support Mira, but he quickly hides his feelings for the sake of his plans.

He signals to a guard, and quickly someone brings a huge luxurious carriage to the front of the building. That carriage is not horse-drawn, of course, but rather big crystal blue sharks.

Lucien is impressed by those magical creatures that, despite being in the Immortal Realm, seem completely tamed.

Tyrion sees Lucien's expression and smiles proudly. "Fantastic creatures, aren't they? I tamed them myself."

"Yeah, they're awesome..." Lucien comments while actually finding those sharks fascinating. However, he can also imagine Oya devouring them as a tasty snack.

"Let's move on," Tyrion comments as he enters the carriage, followed by Lucien, Kamala, and Mira.

The carriage is made especially for Nagas, so Lucien doesn't go too comfortably in the seats made for people with big tails instead of legs. But the journey is pretty quick as the royal castle is just a few miles away from there.

While Tyrion can't stop thinking about the power he'll steal from Lucien, he, Mira, and Kamala only think about the fun they'll have after dinner.

And Tyrion's head itches more and more...

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