Lust Knight

Chapter 450: A bright future

Chapter 450: A bright future

Alexa's request shocks Helena. Her concern is understandable because her situation is really bad, but imposing that as a condition for the alliance with Lucien leaves her with no option.

Helena thinks about explaining how her heart is broken, and she doesn't want to be romantically involved with Lucien, risking suffering more in the future. However, the determined expression of her granddaughter makes it clear that she will not give up on that idea.

[I don't need to fall in love with him... it should just be a few nights...] She thinks while looking into Alexa's eyes, who is still lying on Lucien's lap, which makes that situation more embarrassing.

"Grandma?" Alexa asks while Lucien also makes a curious expression.

"I... I..." Helena starts to stutter as her face blushes even more. "I accept. I'll let him help me... But I need some time to prepare myself."

Alexa's eyes shine with happiness and expectation. "Really??? It's okay if you need some time, but don't take too long, please. I'm very concerned about your health."

Helena feels like smiling because of the love Alexa shows for her even after they were separated for so many years. But she is still very shy due to that whole situation with Lucien, and he keeps smiling warmly at her while stroking her granddaughter's head.

"So do we have an alliance?" Lucien asks both granddaughter and grandmother.

"Does only her word will be enough???" Pride asks in a sarcastic tone.

Although Pride's attitude is hostile due to Alexa being an angel, Lucien cannot deny that their alliance cannot be formed with words alone. He really thinks that Alexa is an honorable and honest woman, but just his intuition is not enough to protect his family.

While he thinks about a solution, Alexa looks at Pride with a serious expression. She can see that all those women trust Lucien as their leader, but they still decide things as a group, and Pride has a significant influence on them, especially him.

"I am willing to make a Commitment Seal," Alexa speaks in a determined tone.

"A Commitment Seal?" Lucien can't help but be confused, even though he has an idea of what it is about.

Lust quickly materializes her body beside him and explains. "It is like the Black Mark, the Life Mark, and the Soul Mark. However, unlike the previous ones, the Commitment Seal is not made to guarantee the loyalty of diverse people to one, but a powerful enchantment that affects two people equally."

Lucien makes a thoughtful expression. "So this can guarantee that Alexa nor I will break our alliance, right?"

"Exactly." Lust nods. "However, similar to the Soul Mark, the Commitment Seal can only be done by Immortal Realm mages with great experience and requires a lot of magic resources."

Before Lucien can ask about that, Alexa speaks, still resting her head on his lap. "My grandma's cure is my main concern now, so these resources will not be a problem. Also, I have two experienced Immortal Realm mages with me."

Lucien smiles and looks at Pride. "What about it? Is it enough?"

"It's not bad..." Pride comments, still in an arrogant tone. But at least, she seems to agree.

Alexa also smiles because things seem to be going very well for her. Then she looks at Lucien. "But you will have to promise to do everything you can to help my grandmother."

"Even if you didn't ask me, I would still try my best to heal her. She just has to let me do that..." He responds.

"I hope so." Alexa comments. She can't help but imagine him using his peculiar abilities on Helena, and that makes her very embarrassed. But part of her doesn't feel that that is any bad.

Her grandfather abandoned their family when her parents died, and Atticus, the man who really deserved Helena's love, died, so Alexa sees no problem with Lucien becoming her new grandfather.

[He is young but very talented and strong... he also looks kind because all these women look at him with loving expressions... and he is so fucking handsome...] While thinking about that, Alexa doesn't notice her face getting even more flushed while her whole body also heats up.

But Helena notices that and somehow can imagine what her granddaughter is thinking, what makes her blush too. [This situation is so bloody embarrassing!!!]

"So..." To stop thinking about Lucien, Alexa tries to think about other things. "We still have the question of the cursed sword... I really need it."

"I see," Lucien comments as he takes the Ghost Lady out of his scabbard and puts it on the grass in front of them. The blade immediately starts to vibrate, making it clear that she wants to go back to him.

Alexa looks at the Ghost Lady with an amazed expression. [Even swords don't want to get away from him?!? Is his body made of sugar or something like that???]

"I could give you the sword, but..." Lucien starts to speak while looking at the Ghost Lady with a thoughtful expression. He doesn't use her as his soul weapons, but for some reason, he thinks she can become an excellent weapon if he learns to control her chaotic energies.

"Yet, you want it, right?" Alexa asks. "Okay, I understand that it is bizarre that you are... controlling it? But you have no idea how I need this sword. It is fundamental to my plans."

He makes a curious expression. "What do you exactly know about this sword?"

She explains. "Nothing more than legends and rumors, but many sources say the same: alone the cursed blade sisters are like any other cursed weapon, but together... they have an overwhelming power."

A strange golden light runs through Lucien's eyes. "So you don't know much about it... These swords are part of the story of my wives' ancestors."

"What the fu..." Alexa again is shocked, so she looks him in the eye with an incredulous expression. "Really??"

"Yea..." Lucien begins to explain what he knows about Adeline and the Ghost Lady. He doesn't know much beyond the few things that were in Adeline's diary, but that is enough to make Alexa surprised and curious.

"So... the soul of a person who is possibly an ancestor of your wives is inside the sword..." Alexa can't help but be sorry for the women who supposedly turned the two cursed blade sisters. She understands family tragedies well and can easily recognize one.

Lucien nods. "I think so. Anyway, I need to find out more about it on the Brown and Blue Stars. Also, I need the sword for that."

"But..." Alexa makes a concerned expression. "I need that overwhelming power to kill the emperor and give my people a real chance to get free from the Gods."

"Kill the emperor??" Helena is shocked by her granddaughter's plan. "He's almost as powerful as a lower God, and trying to attack him is crazy!"

Alexa explains. "But there is no other way to get thousands of angels out of Qia. I have even found a new high world, inhabited by intelligent races and perfect too far from here where we can start over."

"An unknown world and a far away? Maybe..." Alexa's words catch Lucien's attention. He can't help thinking about taking his family to that world after gathering all his loved ones and solving their problems.

But at the same time, he knows that there are so many things that he doesn't know about his mother and the Sins. So he can't really make plans for such a distant future right now.

Alexa's eyes shine as she looks at Lucien. "If our alliance is really successful, our people could start a new life in that world. And that would be a world without discrimination and stupid old wars."

Lucien smiles as he sees that Alexa's intentions are noble and honest. "Maybe one day... But first, I will help you to free your people."

"Oh, come on; can't you say no to any woman??" Pride asks as she rolls her eyes.

He makes a stern expression. "Think about it, Pride. If we help half the angels to flee, the other half will get under intense pressure and go crazy. The Gods will lose their main servants and become weaker, which will be the perfect time for the Demons to attack and end this war."

Pride and the other Sins cannot disagree with Lucien. And while she just maintains an arrogant expression, not really appreciating using such methods to win, others really think it's a good plan.

"It can really work." Sloth comments. "We have tried to destroy the angels many times, but helping them to be free seems crazy, and for that reason, no one would expect it."

Envy's eyes sparkle with expectation. "And if we do that when we are very strong, Lucien can lead us in a great assault... alongside all his sisters... we will be invincible!"

"If we don't die because of the Bloody Rose until then..." Donna comments.

"THE BLOODY ROSE?!?!" Alexa is shocked again. That was one of the secrets that Lucien didn't tell her.

But after she tells them about her audacious plan, he doesn't mind telling her about and Bloody Rose. She is truly an open and trustworthy person.

"Fascinating..." She comments as soon as he finishes explaining that he and his sisters have parts of the Bloody Rose divided inside their bodies.

"Anyway, I still need the power of the cursed blades." She comments.

Lucien smiles. "Really? Even after everything that I told you, do you still think you need them?"

Before she responds, he continues. "I can give you and the women of your group much more power than that of the cursed swords. Also, I could personally help you kill that emperor."

"For real?" She asks as he continues to stroke her head. "Would you go to Qia, in the center of the Gods' territory, to fight by my side?"

It is unthinkable for a demon to enter Qia, a world of angels in the center of the domain of the Gods without a gigantic army, but Lucien does not doubt the unlimited potential of his girls.

"Yeah." He nods. "I just need time to strengthen my women and solve personal problems."

"How long? Fifty years? A hundred?" Alexa asks while she can't contain her excitement. She can't even believe that she didn't want to make an alliance with Lucien at first.

He smiles as he keeps stroking her hair. He knows that she does not realize that due to her excitement, but it is still enjoyable. "I hope it to be less than that."

"So..." Alexa makes a thoughtful expression. "I could stop looking for the second cursed blade and focus on helping you solve your problems."

He shakes his head. "No, you shouldn't get involved in that. Also, you can't draw any more attention from the Gods. You should keep bringing more angels to your side discreetly and prepare the most talented women among them for when I can finally strengthen them."

"Yes... This plan seems more reasonable." Alexa agrees.

"Now, we have to find a way to keep in touch meanwhile..." He comments while asking Lust for advice.

Without taking her head off his lap, Alexa looks in the direction of the Corvus House's angels. "Hmm... what about Genevieve? It seems that you have already seduced her, so she could be our messenger."

"Can she get in and out of Qia without drawing too much attention?" He asks.

Alexa quickly nods. "Yes. She is one of the strongest angels in my House, and as everyone in my world thinks that I am looking for those cursed blades to strengthen our people, it is normal for me to have some exploration groups out there. So she is perfect for the job."

"Great." Lucien smiles. He really likes Genevieve, especially the fact that she is currently very strong, so she can help him get stronger faster so that he can also strengthen all his girls faster.


More than half a mile away from there, Genevieve sneezes before looking in the direction of that big tree with a thoughtful expression.

[Are they talking about me??]


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