Lust Knight

Chapter 449: Devils lap pillow

Chapter 449: Devil's lap pillow

While Lucien walks to the edge of the battlefield, Alexa and Helena follow him with timid expressions. His sisters and the Sins also follow them while his wives and troops keep an eye on the angels, not that they were really going to do anything after Alexa's clear orders.

After approaching the improvised camp, Lucien walks over to the big tree where he talked to Helena below, making her face blush even more.

[Why here??? This is so embarrassing!!!] Helena looks at the place where she let Lucien hug her.

Anyone with a power level as high as Alexa's has potent senses, and she quickly notices the smell of Helena and Lucien on the bottom of that tree's trunk. Those scents are very mixed, making her imagine many possibilities.

"..." Alexa looks at her grandmother in the eyes while she is silent and makes a confused expression, leaving Helena even timider.

"Here is great!" Lucien exclaims as he sits in the same place he sat when he talked to Helena.

[Stupid devil!! I know what you are trying to do, and there is no chance that it will happen!!] Helena yells at Lucien in her mind as she just gazes at him with a fake upset expression.

When she suggested an alliance between him and Alexa, she knew that their relationship would probably evolve into something more than a partnership regardless of whether she currently has a partner.

And in fact, she wants it; she wants Alexa to have someone overprotective like Lucien taking care of her. But, Helena definitely doesn't want to get romantically involved with him and end up in a strange situation that she often sees happening with his wives.

"Ok, so..." Lucien teasingly smiles at Alexa as he taps his thigh.

"Lucien..." She speaks in a timid and hesitant tone. "Is that really necessary? I mean, I'm willing to listen to your proposals and everything else, but... it seems really inappropriate."

"Inappropriate?" He asks. "Why would it be inappropriate? I'm not going to eat you, and well, you don't have a husband, so that shouldn't be a problem either."

"Why are you sure I don't have a husband? Was that what Genevieve told you??" She asks.

He shakes his head. "She didn't tell me anything about your private life. But I concluded that because you proposed to lie on my lap. I mean, even if you were sure to knock me out, you wouldn't make such a proposal if you had a husband or partner because you are not the type of person who likes to humiliate others."

"Sigh." Alexa can't deny his reasoning and wonder if that was a compliment.

"Come on, don't be shy," Lucien speaks in a friendly tone.

[I can't believe I actually proposed this... but how would I know he is so strong in the Earth Realm... he must have cheated!!] Alexa starts to blame herself while still not understanding how Lucien could resist her brutal attacks.

Then she looks at her grandmother with a fake upset expression. "Did you really plan against your granddaughter?"

Helena rolls her eyes. "I just wanted you to talk to him. But you had to act so confidently... your arrogance is the one to blame for things ending up like this."

Alexa puts her hand on Helena's shoulder while doing a sorry look. "You're right, Grandma... even after everything I've been through, I still have a lot to learn."

"Yep." Helena smiles before looking at Lucien. "Both of us still have a lot to learn, and he is the person who can teach us that."

"This is what we're going to see..." Alexa sighs once more before sitting down next to Lucien.

Even after that brutal fight and having had a lot of blood and dirt over his body, Lucien's scent is still so damn pleasant, which awakens new feelings in Alexa's body.

"I can't believe I'm really doing something like this..." She comments before looking him in the eye. "You know that after that, all the men of my Crassus House and the Corvus House will want to kill you, right?"

"I'm already used to it." Lucien smiles. "Also, their jealousy only makes my family stronger."

Alexa is confused by Lucien's words, but she doesn't ask questions as she slowly starts to lay her head on his lap. She never thought of doing that with any man and now finds it unbelievable to do that with a guy she just met. After that, she will never underestimate an opponent again.

Lucien continues to smile while he is also enjoying Alexa's scent. Even her sweat is perfumed, and he accommodates her long white hair while she rests her head on his thighs.

He can't resist starting to caress her hair, which makes Alexa even more embarrassed. "Touching me was not part of the deal!"

"Alright, alright." He quickly moves his hands away from her hair. But her reactions and expressions are really fun.

While Alexa is silent, making a shy expression, Helena can't help but smile. She still fears that mysterious woman, but she can see that Lucien is getting stronger very quickly, and soon his family will be one of the most powerful groups in the universe. So, if he loves Alexa, he will take good care of her, preventing tragedies from continuing to fuck their family.

Before starting to speak, Lucien smiles at Helena and taps the empty space next to him, the same place she sat the first time they talked there.

Again, she feels that Lucien wants to play a dangerous game, and she fears how things can end. However, she really wants to do everything to make that alliance possible, so she sits next to him while pouting.

[You are so cute!!] So Lucien thinks while he feels like patting Helena's head. She looks like a little girl while Alexa is the one who looks like a mature woman, which is very confusing.

While grandmother and granddaughter are too shy to talk, Lucien begins. "Well, you must have a lot of questions, Alexa..."

"While I would be stupid to tell you all my secrets before we make an alliance pact, I am willing to explain how my treasures, or rather, my abilities work..."

While Alexa is very curious and surprisingly very comfortable on that devil's lap, she listens carefully to his words.

Lucien's sisters and the Sins gather around them as he explains to Alexa how his power works and also part of the story of how he and Helena met. He avoids telling important secrets of his family and also that Lust and her sisters are the Seven Great Sins.


One hour later.

"So that's why you said that your treasures don't work on men..." Alexa thinks aloud while being shocked and impressed.

"Yes..." Lucien nods while stroking Alexa's hair. As he was telling her shocking things, she stopped paying attention to his hands, and as her body feels very comfortable, she didn't even notice that he started caressing her head.

Her face blushes even more as she imagines Lucien strengthening his girls. "So you keep doing naughty things... and that is why all those women have such powerful auras even though they are in the Mortal Realm yet..."

He nods again. "Yes. That's why I can say that I can really help you, or rather, strengthen the women in your group."

"How many of them?" Alexa quickly asks. She cannot help but imagine the potential that he can help her troops to reach.

"Well, now I don't have any free time because I need to find my other sisters," Lucien explains. "But we can plan it, and in a not too distant future, I could strengthen as many women as you want. Thousands of them will not be a problem, but the fewer women and the longer, the better the results will be."

"Thousands of them???" Alexa is shocked. Then she makes a concerned expression. "But will they all have to... sleep with you?"

He nods. "Exactly. I need to cum inside them to it has maximum effect."

"..." Alexa gets more flushed than ever while listening to those words. It is evident that she is not used to that subject.

"But you're just a man..." She thinks out loud as he continues to stroke her hair. Thinking while feeling so comfortable is very good, and she doesn't notice the time passing.

Before Lucien says anything else, Helena speaks. "He is definitely not an ordinary man. I can guarantee that he can do everything he's telling and all the women who sleep with him will not only get stronger but also be very satisfied."

"GRANDMA!!" Alexa exclaims as she tries to get up, worried about things she is imagining.

But Lucien keeps Alexa's head on his lap while Helena starts desperately shaking her head. "NO! NO!! That is not what you are thinking!!!"

While Alexa is perplexed, but her body feels great, Helena quickly explains. "I only know it because I saw and heard things... I had to keep an eye on him and... well, I saw how all the women who did it with him had smiles on their faces for several hours and always wanted to do it more and more..."

"Didn't you and he really do it?" Alexa asks her grandmother.

Helena quickly shakes her head. "Of course not."

So Alexa makes a thoughtful expression while looking at Helena's dark wings. "But... what if his power can help you? I'm still trying to understand more about fallen angels, but I still don't know how to solve this problem."

"In fact, he is the only one who can help her." Sophia quickly comments.

"Really??" Alexa's eyes sparkle with expectation as she gazes at Sophia. Then she quickly looks at her grandmother again. "Do it, please... for me, Grandma!!"

Helena gets even more flushed as she looks away. "This... I don't want to talk about it right now! We must first set this alliance."

Alexa understands how it is not easy to accept giving the body to someone in that way, but what is at risk is the life of her beloved grandmother, so she sees no problems but only a solution.

"Grandma... I agreed to hear from him, but I still haven't accepted this alliance." Alexa comments in a threatening tone.

Helena looks into her eyes. "Even after knowing everything he can do for your group, do you still don't want his help???"

"On the contrary..." She makes an imploring expression. "I really want his help to strengthen our House. But even if my troops get much stronger, I still won't be able to do it alone..."

Alexa continues as she caresses Helena's leg. "My grandfather abandoned us, Atticus died, Ligea will not live for many more years, and you... I cannot lose you, Grandma!!"

Helena is really sorry for her granddaughter. Everything she went through, all the tragedies of her life since the destruction of Claudius' family, all that pain is still inside her heart, and she doesn't want to see Alexa suffering for that too.

But she also doesn't feel like she could open her heart to a man again. "This... it is complicated... I..."

"I will only accept this alliance if you let him help you!" Alexa speaks in a determined tone.

"..." Helena doesn't know what to do while Lucien likes Alexa more every second.

Meanwhile, Lucien's sisters and the Sins watch that strange family scene, knowing that no matter what they do or say, both grandmother and granddaughter will end up in his bed and will regret creating so many problems, wasting time that they could be doing something else…


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