Love The Psycho

Chapter 184: This is how far we have come 1

Chapter 184: This is how far we have come 1

''Grandpa wish that you have no ties with that man again. As grandpa explained to you the first day you came here. That man had purposefully hidden the truth about your family from you. He is not a good man, so grandpa wished that you don't have anything doing with him anymore. I just need your signature on this paper, I will send it to him and complete the process on your behalf as your guardian''

''You said he was my husband, then, why can't I remember him?'' Mai asked pretentiously and looked at Su Chenli.

Right now, she was really suspicious of him. She was sure he tried hypnosis on her which failed but she wasn't sure if he knew it failed or not. If he was acting this way to find out if he was successful or not. Mai had a bad premonition, could Professor Adia have betrayed her?

''You really don't remember anything anymore?'' Su Chenli asked cautiously.

From the report Professor Adia gave, she seemed to remember a lot of things. So, who was lying to him? He looked at Mai who had maintained a clear eye contact with him. There was little to no expression on her face that could give her away.

Su Chenli sat back in his office alone after Mai went out. He stared into space, seemingly in thoughts before he finally picked the landline phone beside him. After a few beeps it connected and he asked right away ''are you sure August Maijune still remembers everything? She didn't look like she did''

''Professor Su, I am sure of it because she even asked me to contact her husband. I think that she is just pretending to now remember anything. I have a way of proving it to you. I will come and meet with her later in the day''

''If she really remembers, then, I have to do something about that. I can't have her giving me anymore surprises'' Su Chenli hung up and murmured to himself.


Mai and Noel wore their lab coats and worked on some specimens as they chatted. It was more like one was doing the talking while the other only hummed a reply once a while still, Mai's one word answers didn't deter Noel. He was determined to conquer the beauty beside him.

''You really took after your grandfather, very intelligent and also pretty''

''Can you pass the litmus papers over to me?'' Mai asked while concentrating on her work.

''Here'' Noel said passing the litmus papers to her and she took them without looking at him. He soon felt ignored and decided to go back to his work since, he couldn't get her to speak.


AI Alice sat in front of a computer typing away. As she did, a series of words and numbers appeared on the screen. Aaron Saint and Leo Martins stood behind her, watching her curiously as she hacked into the internal system of Suaw Island. Ever since, they made the pact, AI Alice had promised to also do her part.

Soon, an encrypted landscape that is not part of the world map appeared on the screen. It was of a small island located at the deepest part of the forest connecting D-City and B-Town. This was the place Suaw Island was situated.

''This is the place, we can set off tonight and arrive latest by midnight'' AI Alice said to Aaron Saint.

''I will inform the team'' Leo Martins added.

''Su Chenli is a dangerous man. If Professor Adia really betrayed August Maijune as I predicted, then, he must be watching her even more now. The island has a lot of landmarks; I will defuse all the bombs using the central control system that my Miss installed in me first thing when we arrive. That will make it less dangerous for your men''

''I just hope Mai will be able to hold on until then?'' Aaron Saint said worriedly.

''She will be able to. Have faith in her'' Leo Martins consoled him.


Mai stood up from the chair and rubbed her tired eyes. She stretched her body and turned, seeing Su Chenli at the door.

''Is late, supper is ready'' Su Chenli said to her.

''Thank you'' Mai said and closed the book on the table and walked towards him.

''I made the kitchen to prepare a very nutritious meal for you. You have been working hard lately, grandpa feels sorry''

''This is for grandma. No need to feel sorry'' Mai said and went out.

At the dining table, Mai saw Noel and Professor Adia chatting happily. They stopped when she got to the table.

''August Maijune, how are you?'' Professor Adia asked.

''I'm doing well'' Mai said and pulled out a chair to sit.

''Noel was just telling me about the latest research you founded. If it goes well, a lot of people will be able to live longer thanks to you'' Professor Adia said and smiled. Mai curved her lips in a half smile and picked her cutlery. She started eating the food in front of her while been away of the eyes of the three people on her. It was like, they were expecting something from her.

Mai tested the food and found it weird. She frowned and realised something was added to it. Was she been drugged by her own grandfather? Mai thought and continued to eat the food. She ate half of it and placed the cutlery down. Her body started feeling hot and she felt her temperature rising.

Mai tried to stand up and vaguely saw Noel approaching her. She looked at Su Chenli and saw a triumphant smile on his lips.

''August Maijune, are you alright?'' Noel asked and tried to touch her. Mai flung his hand away and pushed him. She turned to Su Chenli and asked.

''What do you want to achieve by doing this?''

''Your total submission. I know the hypnosis failed and you have been pretending to not remember anything''

''I told you, right? If you dare betray me, I will kill you'' Mai said and looked at Professor Adia before she ran back into the laboratory and locked the door.

Su Chenli and Professor Adia went to the locked door and tactilely nodded their heads. Su Chenli removed a key from his pocket and gave it to Noel who was standing beside them.

''Noel, don't disappoint grandpa. This is for your good and the good of August Maijune. If you succeed tonight, she will be yours'' Su Chenli said to him.

''I will try my best'' Noel said and opened the door. Professor Adia and Su Chenli went back to his study room with a bottle of wine to celebrate their success.

In the laboratory, Mai looked at the laboratory which had been cleaned out.

Indeed, this was a plan that was hatched a long time. Only she didn't know her so called grandfather was capable of drugging his own granddaughter just to make her docile. Now that she remembered, she was ovulating and if Noel succeeded then it meant she was surely going to get pregnant. Now that Mai was thinking about it, everything was clearer to her. She wasn't exactly the one his grandfather wanted, it was a baby from her that he was interested in. With the baby, she could be tied down forever. Having no place to go again.

Mai smiled bitterly and looked at the storage room. She ran into it the moment she heard Noel's voice drawing nearer.

Meanwhile outside the forest surrounding Suaw Island. AI Alice had finished defusing all the landmarks bombs and now stood next to Aaron Saint wearing a bulletproof vest. The soldiers matched forward subtly and started taking down the guards one after another.

AI Alice turned to Aaron Saint ''I know where August Maijune might be. Follow me''

''Let's go''


''Mai, is no use fighting it. We will get to be with each other sooner or later. Come out and free yourself from the pain'' Noel said as he removed his shirt. ''Grandpa is doing this for your own good. If you bear me a child, imagine our brains combined, the child will be a prodigy that will take after you and me''

Noel heard subtle sniffing in the storage room and smiled. He touched his erected manhood and became even charged as the scent of the female hormones that emitted from Mai as a result of the drug swooped past his nose.

Inside the storage room, Mai picked a syringe from the boxes and started searching for a tranquillizer. She ravaged through the pile of injection bottles and found a sleeping pile injection. Taking it with shaken hands and incoherent vision, she stabbed the syringe into the bottle and pulled out all the injection into the syringe. Her body was burning up and she was on the verge of breaking down. She had come across all types of aphrodisiacs but this particular one was different. She was sure she had never seen or heard of it before. Her heightened nose made it hard to ignore the scent of the man behind the door. Mai felt for the first time, fighting against rationality was hell especially when her body just wanted to have a feel of any man at the moment.

Mai saw the doorknob turning and went behind the door. She lifted the syringe ready to stab into Noel when he heard the slumping of a body and a voice.

''August Maijune, is alright. You can come out'' AI Alice said after knocking out Noel. AI Alice opened the door and saw Mai. A moment of confusion envelope both of them before AI Alice took the syringe from Mai's shaking hands.

''You are safe now'' she said to Mai.

''AI Alice?'' Mai said as she felt down and AI Alice held her.

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