Love The Psycho

Chapter 183: The Perfect Alibi 4

Chapter 183: The Perfect Alibi 4

The door bust opened and Aaron, Leo and Liyah rushed in.

They saw AI Alice standing in front of Julieta with an outstretched arm. At the sound of the door opening the two of them looked towards it. AI Alice had a calm and collected expression while Julieta had a flustered look which she covered up immediately.

''What are you still doing on the floor? Hold my hand, I will help you to stand up'' AI Alice said to Julieta.

''What happened here? Jules, are you alright?'' Liyah asked as she walked closer to them. Aaron Saint and Leo Martins exchanged looks.

''She slipped and almost hit her head on the floor. luckily, I was able to save her, right, Julieta?'' AI Alice said and looked at Julieta with a smile.

''Oh, she is right'' Julieta added.

''Why are you clumsy? Watch your steps well next time'' Liyah held Julieta up as she scolded her.

''You are right. Why am I so clumsy?''

''But, why is everyone inside here? Did something happen?'' AI Alice asked.

''Nothing happened. We were just worried about the two of you. Since, you are all fine, let's get back to work'' Aaron Saint said to them.

As they walked out, AI Alice studied their expressions. Apart from Liyah and Julieta whom she could read easily, it was not so with the men. She didn't know whether it was just that they really didn't suspect her right now or they were really good at pretending.

But either way, she wasn't the least pleased to be caged at one place. She didn't hate August Maijune, she just wanted to challenge her and see how far she could go to protect her people. She had a mind of her own. She wouldn't hurt anyone who didn't try to hurt her. That was the discreet modification her Miss made inside her that Su Chenli and the others didn't know. The only thing she couldn't stand was noisy areas and places where people's voices overlapped. It irked her.

She might have been made to look like August Maijune, but she didn't want to be used as a replacement, hence she would make her own decisions. As long as they allowed her to leave freely, then everyone was going to be safe.

The department store was now officially opened that day at noon and a lot of people came around to shop. People who loved customised designer wear were able to also place their order for their own dresses and blouses. In all, it was a successful opening that made all their sacrifices and toils worth it.


That night after getting home, Aaron Saint went into the study room to read the documents that the secretary of Professor Adia had sent to him. He only came out after learning the kind of things AI Alice had to go through and in all honesty, though she was just an AI, Aaron Saint still felt bad for her and pitied her.

Aaron Saint came out to the hall to get a cup of coffee and saw AI Alice sitting in the hall. The main lights were turned off, leaving the illumination of the light from the stairs. It casted upon her figure which looked lonely.

''Why are you not asleep yet?'' Aaron Saint asked as he walked passed her to the coffee making machine that stood on top of the kitchen table.

''I've thought about this the whole day and the only conclusion I could get was that, you are a person who can pretend very well, Aaron Saint'' AI Alice said as she looked at her nails.

''I am not following you. Care to explain?''

''You know who I am, yet you are still able to act like nothing is wrong. You know I am not your wife, August Maijune, right?'' AI Alice asked and looked at him.

''Have you eaten anything yet?'' Aaron Saint asked.

''You know I can't eat anything. Why? Do you find me pitiful?''

''Yes, I find you pitiful and lonely. First, I wanted to destroy you but after learning about you, I realised that, you didn't ask to be made that way. You had no choice or decision in the kind of person you were made into. But, I still can't forgive you for deceiving me. You can feel and you must have known how I felt, yet you ignored that and even tried to hurt Julieta this morning''

''I was frustrated. For the first time since I was made, I was frustrated and vented out on her. Vut, you can't destroy me, Aaron Saint. Because I am the only lead you have in finding your wife again. Professor Adia, you shouldn't trust her that much. She is only loyal to herself''

''What you mean is she could be deceiving me? But, she was the one who brought those documents about you. she said she could help me find my wife''

''I can help you, if you agree to my terms, Aaron Saint''

''Tell me'' Aaron Saint sat across her and sipped his coffee.

''I don't want to be destroyed. I just want to be able to live and be normal. I am not so dangerous as to hurt human beings. The people who made me this way should be blamed, why do I have to be the one paying for their sins?''

''Tell me everything you know about Suaw Island and Su Chenli''

''Suaw Island is like a country on its own. Su Chenli made Suaw Island what it is today but off course, that came at a cost. He is the grandfather of your wife.''

AI Alice told Aaron Saint everything he needed to know and through that he was able to find out the true intentions of Professor Adia which indeed weren't so pure.


Liyah stood up and walked closer to AI Alice and touched her face. She lifted her hands and felt them saying ''this is unbelievable. I could never have imagined that you were not August Maijune but AI Alice''

''I'm sorry for deceiving all of you. also, Alice, I am sorry for hurting you yesterday. I was just agitated'' AI Alice said to Julieta. They were in the hall of Aaron Saint's villa.

''Aaron has told me everything. If you keep your promise, we will also keep ours. Lately, there has been a more realistic development in the area of AI. I will make sure that you receive the best developers that can help you become more human. I learnt you love to handle arms and fight. I will let you join my team at the base''

''You will do that for me?'' AI Alice asked sceptically.

''Yes, if only you take us to Suaw Island and help us capture Su Chenli'' Aaron Saint added.

''No problems'' AI Alice said happily.

''Then, when will you leave?'' Liyah asked.

''Tomorrow. We still have to capture Professor Adia first. It seems she is deceiving us behind the scenes and still works for Su Chenli. The only thing I am afraid of is that, Su Chenli might have known about Mai's charade, but, I trust Mai. She will hold on until we get to her'' Aaron Saint said resolutely.

''Julieta, I will have to leave Liyah in your care. Since she is pregnant, is dangerous for her to be by herself'' Leo Martins said and the other turned and looked at them.

''Liyah is pregnant? Why didn't I know about this?'' Aaron Saint asked.

''I had my doubts but I went to the hospital and the doctor called to confirm it this morning. Because of what is going on, we didn't know how to share the news'' Liyah said.

''This is good news. At least, is something to celebrate. I'm happy for you two. Congratulations'' Aaron Saint hugged them.

''Congratulations big sis'' Julieta said and hugged Liyah.

''Thank you, everyone"


Suaw Island.

Mai was in the laboratory working on some specimen when Su Chenli entered along with a young man about the same age as her.

''August Maijune, here, I brought someone to help you. His name is Noel. He will work with you to come out with what we need'' Su Chenli said and introduced them to each other.

''Hi, I have heard a lot of good things about you. I hope we get along well''

''Nice to meet you'' Mai shook hands with him.

"Breakfast is ready, you should eat something before you continue with your work'' Su Chenli said to Mai and she nodded her head.


While eating her meal, Mai had her head lowered and her posture looked relaxed. Noel watched her interestingly while exchanging subtle glances with Su Chenli. Noel seemed mesmerised by every move she made and nodded his head, confirming his interest in her to Su Chenli. Noel was like a grandson to Su Chenli and since he had no successor, he had hopes that Noel could take over Suaw Island together with August Maijune. He wanted to join them together as a married couple.

After their meal, Su Chenli summoned Mai into his office where he handed her a piece of paper which Mai recognised as a divorce paper which needed her signature. She looked at the paper and asked Su Chenli.

''What is this?''

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